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| TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA + OD i< = | TCVN 11996-3:2017 1SO 61850-3:2013 Xuét ban lan 4 MANG VA HE THONG TRUYEN THONG TRONG TU DONG HOA HE THONG BIEN - PHAN 3: YEU CAU CHUNG Communication networks and systems for power utilly automtion - Part 3: Genearal requirements HA NOI- 2017 TCVN 11996-3:2017 Myc lye Trang Loindi dau 4 4 Pham vi dp dung 7 2 Tailigu vign dan ... 7 3° Thuat ngtr, inh nghfa va vidt tat... 10 4° Bibu kign mdi trudng. 24 5 Théng sé dac trung... 26 6 Thidtké va két cdu... 27 7 Thir nghiem... 75 8 Ghinhan, dan nhain va dong 80 8 Quy tdc van chuyén, bao quan, lap dat, van hanh va bao tri 81 10 Tai ligu san phdm. at TCVN 11996-3:2017 Loi noi dau TCVN 11996-3:2017 hoan toan tong évong voi IEC 61850-3:2013; TCVN 11996-3:2017 do Ban kj thuat tiéu chudn quéc gia TCVN/TC/E12 Lu6i dign th6ng minh bién soan, Téng cyc Tigu chudn Bo twong Chat lugng dé nghi, BS Khoa hgc va Cang nghé céng bd. BO TCVN 11996 (IEC 61850), Mang va hé théng treyén thong trong ty dong héa hé théng dién gdm cdc phan sau: 1) TCVN 11996-1:2017 (IEC/TR 61850-1:2013), Mang va hé thong truyén théng trong ty déng hée hé théng dién — Phan 1: Gi6i thigu va tng quan 2) TCVN 11996-3:2017 (IEC 61850-3:2013), Mang va hé théng truyén thong trong ty déng héa hé théng din — Phan 3: Yéu cdu chung 3) TCVN 11996-4:2017 (IEC 61850-4:2011), Mang va hé théng truyén thong trong ty dong héa hé théng dién - Phan 4: Quén ly hé théng va dv én Bé tiéu chudn IEC 61850 con ob cdc phan sau: 1) IEC TS 61850-2, Communication networks and systems in substations - Part 2: Glossary 2) IEC 61850-5, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 5: Communication requirements for junctions and device models 3) IEC 61850-6, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Part 6: Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs 4) IEC 61850-7-1, Communication networks and systems for power utllty automation - Part 7-1: Basic communication structure - Principles and models 5) IEC 61850-7-2, Communication networks and systems for power utility automation - Pert 7-2: Basio information and communication structure - Abstract communication service interface (ACS!)

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