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POOR MAN'S JaMES BOND Yoj, q 89 VIZT CONG BOOBYTRAPS GUIDE TO SELECTED VIET CONG EQUIPMENT AND EXPLOSIVE DEVICES May 1966 Headquarters, Department of the Army Washington, D.C. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLET 381-11 PDF by Mr White 21 March 2002 enjoy and share FOREWORD ‘The purpose of this handbock is to provide United Statics military personnel with a com- pict source of orientation and recognition date on improvised equipment and explosive devices in use by the Viet Cong in the Republic of Viemam. ‘The Viet Cong forces have acquired wide experience in constructing grenades, mines, fuzes, explosive charges, and other deadly weapons and detices by using commonly evailable materials. These devices, eunningly placed and camouflaged, have caused mary casualties. The authority for retention of war trophies by any individual ia governed by directives of the senior U.S. Headquarters in the area concerned, as well as by pertinent regulations. Item of war materiel coming into the possession of U.S. forees will be reported through intelligence channels, Evidenee of errore or omissions in this handbook should be forwarded to the US. Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Munitions Building, Washington, D.C., 20815, POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 90 VIRT CONG BOOBYTRAPS PaMPHLst HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No, 381-11 Wasmivcrow, D.C, 27 May 1966 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY HANDLING GUIDANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE DEVICES. GRENADES: Stick Hand Grenade... Defensive Hand Grenade. Offensive Hand Grenade. 3 Milk Can Hand Grenade. 1S Shaped Charge Hand Grenade. W MINES: Shell Case Mine... 19 21 B 25 27 9 a1 33 35 37 39 a Truncated Cone Water Mine 8 DEMOLITIONS: ‘Small Truncated Cone-Shaped Charge. 4s Large Truncated ConeShaped Charge. “ Turtle Charge. ” Cylindrical Charge. sl Pole Charge. 53 i Drum Charge. 55 Bangalore Torpedo. 57 FUZES AND FIRING DEVICES: ‘Chemical Fure. 59 Pressure-Electric Firing Device. a ‘Wristwatch Firing Device 8 Mousetrap Firing Devico. 6 ‘MISCELLANEOUS ITEM: Angled Arrow Trap.. or POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND Vol. 4 OL VIET CONG BOOBYTRAFS 6 a 3 Spike Board Pit. 5 Tilting Lid Spike n Pivated Spike Board... ~ Venus Flytrap (Pit) —. 8 Venus Flytrap (Can). B Sideways Closing Trap. 8 Trap Bridge. a7 Suspended Spikes. 29 Spike Log (Mace) 1 Cal. 22 Fountain Pen 93, Explosive Fountain Pen. 95, Sodium Incendiary Device. 7 EMERGENCY HANDLING GUIDANCE FOR EXPLOSIVE DEVICES (Extracted from FM 5-31, September 1965) 1. GENERAL ‘Through knowledge of the mechanical details and techniques in the use of standard U.S. mines, grenades, snd boobvtrapping equipment, a soldier ia ordinarily prepared to some extent for dealing with similar equipment of the enemy. Honever, familiarity with conventional warfare eaplosive devices is uf little ar no use in guerrilla warfare, Most enemy boobytrape found te- cently in guerrille-infested areas were canningly and ingenionsly improvised and bochytraps can carely be neutralized, even by the most experienced specialists, 2, TECHNICIANS a. Although engineer and infantry specialists are responsible for boobytzap detection end re- moval, men in all military orgenizations assigual to combat zone missions must be trained to assist them. 5. It possible, trained engineer, infantry, or explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) units will search out and neutralize all boobytraps in front of friendly troops—vr preyiare safe passage lanes. Simple boobytraps will be disarmed during attack; those more complicated will be marked by warning signs and reparted far removal ¢ Tactical units should bypasa boobytrapped arcas, capecially villages and other inhabited places, to be cleared hy specialists later. They will neutralize boobytraps only when necessary for continued movement or operation. 3. DETECTION Detection of boobytraps requires the most careful obvervation. Soldiers must discipline them. selves to be constantly on guard against the powsibility of accidentally exploding a boobytrap, especially when moving over an area previously held by the enemy. All soldiers, oven those not assigned primary responsibility for locating bucbyttaps, must be alert for any sign of them. ‘They must always look carefully for concealed boobytraps even when performing normal ac- tivities. 4, QUTDOOR SEARCH TECHNIQUES As boobytraps are so deadly and so cunningly conceived and hidden, searchers should be suspicious of — @ All movabie and apparently valuable and useful property. 4. All disturbed ground and litter from explosive containers.

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