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Chapter 9

the big bang

Danny felt like he was in basic training again, standing in an endless line

waiting for equipment issue. As he shuffled forward, his riot baton clunked

uncomfortably against his thigh. He was glad when the Department

approved the use of extendable batons and he could lose his nightstick. That

hunk of archaic lumber just sat and gathered dust in his locker except for riot

training...which had happened only twice in his twelve years on the force.

He chuckled to himself as he remembered the ‘invaluable’ lessons they

had learned there, plodding forward in a crooked line, banging their riot

batons on their shields, chanting "Back! Back!" while other officers hurled

tennis balls at them and screamed mock obscenities. If only the real rioters

were issued tennis balls, Danny’s back would be in much better shape.

By the time the equipment issue was over, Danny had three more

magazines and his riot shield. Along with the two magazines he had already,

that brought him to five. As he sat reloading the mag he had emptied earlier,

he started to think. He wondered if he had hit anyone in his mad dash to the

back of the wagon. It was starting to seem more and more like a real war.

The enemy was that direction. Point your gun there and fire. Maybe you hit

someone...maybe you didn’t. You never went back to check.

"Fuckin’ eh! It’s Rambo!"

Danny turned around and there stood Chad, tear gas gun propped on his

hip, a bandoleer full of CS grenades strapped across his chest.

"Hey big guy," Danny lisped, "would you be my battle buddy?"

"Your foxhole or mine?" Chad replied.

"Oh, you bitch!"

Everyone milled around the garage. They already seemed like they had no


"What do we do now?" Chad asked. "We can’t go for coffee, the Stop-n-

Brew burned to the ground. Suppose we’ll get any barking dog complaints


"Maybe," Danny carried on the joke, "if not barking dogs...definitely

burning dogs. Stick a fork in this one, he’s done."

"Pardon me, might you have any Grey Poupon?" Chad said, his nose high

in the air.

"You guys are sick!"

Nikki Caulder walked up, armed to the teeth, with a freshly pressed

uniform and a white bandage around her bicep.

"Hey, you look kinda sexy...wanna spank me?"

"If I don’t Chester will...with a baseball bat!"

The air grew solemn.

"How’s Chester doing?" Chad asked.

"The doc says he’ll do fine. Fortunately his head was harder than the rock.

He took sixteen stitches though."

"Tell him my family and I owe him more than we’ll ever be able to repay.

That goes for you and Willie too."

"Oh, and I didn’t take a rock in the back for you? You ungrateful

bastard!" Danny said, kicking the imaginary dirt on the floor.

"Ah you big dumb Mick, you know I love you!"

Chad gave Danny a big bear hug causing him to let out a pained wheeze. He

didn’t know his ribs were so sore...until now.

"Man, we’re in sad shape already and the battle hasn’t even started."

Danny wondered what the battle plan would be. Would they go out in two

man teams, three man, four? What kind of calls would they respond to?

Were there any phone lines left for calls to come in on?

"We’re going to get some coffee Danny," Nikki said, "You want to tag


"Nah, I’m on edge enough already. Caffeine is the last thing I need. You

two go ahead and meet me back here."

"Suit yourself sweetie." she replied as they both started weaving their way

through the crowd.

"Sweetie?" he thought to himself. "Hmmmmmm."

Now that he was alone, Danny started to think about everything that had

transpired in the past few hours.

It amazed him that things could go to shit so quickly. He had gone to

sleep and woke to find the world on fire. All the conditions were right for

disaster, like the planets coming into alignment. Shortage of police, strained

race relations, sweltering heat, low morale, a so called suspicious death and

Reverend Isaiah Flowers ready to take advantage of it all...the orchestrator

of the Big Bang. Instead of creating life though, all he created was death.

Captain Murphy walked to the center of the garage, his hands full of

papers. He handed the stack to a Sergeant who started to circulate them

around the room.

"Everybody, can I have your attention?" He cleared his throat. "We’ve

pieced together a plan of operation. We’re going out in four man teams.

There’s no time to work up assignment sheets so pick your own group. We

suggest teaming two sets of partners since you know your partners thought

process better than anyone else.

Transport of prisoners will be handled strictly by the wagons and by city

busses, no sedans. We need you people out there answering calls. The paper

the Sergeant is handing out now is a list of safe harbors. Any citizens

displaced by fire will be transported to these locations. These spots will also

serve as command posts for the dispensing of ammunition and any medical

care which may be required.

If our communications system goes down, and right now it’s tenuous at

best, these locations will also serve as our rallying points. Our biggest task

will be to support the Fire Department. Their people must be given

protection while fighting the numerous fires which have broken out


We’ll all be flying by the seat of our pants ladies and gentlemen. The

streets may be a free for all, but we have to remain professionals. I don’t

want it to turn into a shooting gallery out there. Try to pace yourselves.

We’re all one big shift tonight and it lasts twenty-four hours. We have to

hold the reigns until the National Guard takes them from us. Go with God

ladies and gentlemen, and for Christ’s sake come back alive!"


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