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Activity 3 – Writing assignment

Sebastián Rodríguez Castellanos

Grupo 900003_62

Diana Roció Garzón
Macheta, Colombia
24 septiembre 2018

José Acevedo Y Gómez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Dear Adrian,

I write for telling you about my new life in this city, as i said in my last letter, I tried to find a job,
but all the good jobs are so complicated to find and the rest are so badly paid.

For this reason, I extended my range of seek and finally I find a new job in a farm so close to the
city, and yeah, now I’m a farmer.

I dedicate everyday to work here, let me tell you what is my routine:

I wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning to be ready at the 5:30 for go to the stable to milk the cows,
because this milk they pick at the 7 o'clock. After this, I feed the animals, in this activity I lasted
about two or three hours, it depends on where the animals are, because the cows, the horses, the
sheeps and the goats rotate of terrain every 3 days. At noon I must place the irrigation system in
each crop and with the tractor I must plow the land to plant new things according to the time,
finally in the afternoon, I keep the animals in the barn and can rest. Next to this letter I sent you
some photos of the place and the animal for you can Figure idea of that I do.

You know, that I like most about this new job is the interaction with the nature and the animals, I
don’t lie when I said that I was afraid in the begin, but this site knew how to welcome me. Other
thing is the food, I don't buy anything for my alimentation, all I find in the farm and my boss said I
can take I want for my food, is not it great?
Finally, I feel that in this place I find my peace and tranquility, things that I don’t find in another

If you wanna find a bad point or something I dislike, I said "I HATE WAKE UP EARLY", I believe this
is the unlike thing that I don't like.

I was sure if you and your daughter love this site too, the connection that you have whit the
animals are so high that you will have a lot of fun here.

One thing that I miss so much there are my family and my friends, visit me soon bro.

Love, your friend Charles.

The Family’s photo

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