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Let Us Chase the Squirrel

2 œ œ œ œ œ œ
Voice &4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
Let us chase the squir - rel, up the hick - 'ry, down the hick - 'ry

œ œ œ œ œ œ

& œ œ œ œ ˙
Let us chase the squir - rel, up the hick - 'ry tree.

Verse 2:
If you cannot catch me,
Up the hick'ry, down the hick'ry
If you cannot catch me,
Learn to climb a tree.

Game: Children stand in a circle holding hands with arms raised to make arches.
One child (the hunter) and another child (the squirrel) start on opposite sides outside the circle. As
the song is sung, the hunter must try to catch the squirrel. If the hunter catches the squirrel, he or
she remains the hunter and the squirrel picks a new squirrel. If the squirrel evades the hunter, the
squirrel may remain for another turn and the hunter picks a new hunter
Game: Partners form trees by joining hands and make an arch. All other students are
squirrels. Some squirrels get to begin in trees, others are homeless. During the song, the homeless
squirrels run around the trees. At the end of the song, all say "scat." All squirrels try to find a new
Game: During the song, two children form an arch with their hands. All other students form a line
and walk under the arch. On the last word, "tree," the arch lowers and traps a child. That child is
out. Once two children are out, they can form a new arch. The game continues.

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