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Public Speaking

Nama : Anton Restiana

NIM : 2109120194
Kelas : 3H

Argumentative Speech Outline

Using Cell Phone While Driving is Danger

In today's world, cell phone makes our lives easier by offering convenient and efficient
communication solutions such as mobile communication, text messaging, accessing internet, etc.
Almost everyone has appeared to carry one of these devices. But with technology growing rapidly
cell phone isn’t becoming only useful but becoming more dangerous and putting people’s life at
risk. And one of the most dangerous sides of the cell phone is using it while driving. The research is
beginning to show that driving while simply talking on a cell phone had caused a lot of accident in
the following year.

Cell phone is the major distraction to drivers. Drivers who used cell phone, for example texting,
they’ve been most likely looking over the phone than the road and can take away a life in a blink of
eyes. The National Traffic Safety Institute stated in its report that, “In 2009, 5,474 people were
killed and another 448,000 were injured in the U.S. because of texting and not looking over the road
that distracted driving.”

In the same way, it is dangerous to drive while talking to someone on phone because such
conversation distracts the driver's concentration on driving. It will not only endanger the driver, but
also a danger to others. According to the statistics, it has proven that “In 2011, 31 people are killed
every day, and 11,388 are killed every year by the drivers who used cell phones while driving, in the
U.S.” This represents that using cell phone while driving is a risk which will cause not just killing
themselves but killing other people.

In conclusion, using cell phone while driving causes distraction and horrible accidents which even
lead to death. So if you want to be safe and to enjoy your life with less death, avoid using cell phone
while driving.

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