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22 NOVEMBER 2013

1. Description of binge eating and vomiting... which past history is

a. Elite athletism
b. Obesity
c. Schizophrenia

2. Commonest site of endometriosis?

a. Ovary
b. Utero-sacral ligaments
c. Round ligament

3. Farmer.. got injured... crush injury. TT vaccinated 7 years ago. Now?

a. ADT
b. TT+IG
c. IG
d. i.v. procain penicillin
e. TT

4. Pregnant lady. Previous pregnancy with post partum depression. What

for this pregnancy?
a. Start antidepression drug now
b. Start drug later on
c. Call her husband immideitately
d. Review her in later in pregnancy with her husband

5. Similar scenario as above.

A. Start antidepression drug now
b. Start drug later on
c. Review her in later in pregnancy

6. Mother came with child. You check his BMI and percentile chart
given. BMI was 26. And around 50th percentile was drawn in the
chart. Advise?
a. He is little bit overweight
b. He is obese
c. He is normal

7. Vision loss. Temporal side of right eye and nasal side of right eye.
a. Left optic arty
b. Right optic artery
c. Left cerebrum
d. Right cerebrum

8. Worst five year survival rate of cancer ??

A) Pancreas

B) Lungs

C) Breast

D) stomach

9. a diabetic foot pt is admitd in hosp for 1 wk..ulcer is abt not

healed after wound debridement but discharging..discharge is yellow
colord..wht wil u do nxt??
A. a.mri
B. oral amoxy/clauv. Acid
C. iv ticarcillin/clv acid

10 . picture of varicella zoster case. Came with complaints of 4 weeks.

a. Famicyclovir
b. Paracetamol
11. Mother came with her daughter. She is in neat and clean school uniform.
Her mother says she has changed. School performance worsened. All day
in her room. Talk with her father rudely. What question to her will be
important to reach diagnosis?
a. Suicidal thoughts?
b. Something related to diet?
c. Worried about school performance?
Sorry forgot the exact options. I chose suicidal one

12. Old recall of opv 3 dose done. Now you only have ipv. What to do?
a. No need of ipv
b. Contunie with ipv
c. Check serum whether it’s needed or not
d. And repeat whole schedule with ipv

13. A patient came 56 years age. His Fasting glucose were 7. Something.
You do 2 hours OGTT. It comes around 7.3 now?
a. No need to screen until he is 60
b. HB1ac annually
c. Fasting gluscose after 6 moths
Forgot the rest 2

14. 24 hours After operated for perforated peptic ulcer. patient suddenly
becomes agitated and violent. Reason?
I choose alcohol withdrawal

15. Patient with duodenal ulcer(diagnosis given). H. Urease positive.

a. Omeprazole
b. Ranitidine
c. Omeprazole, amplicillin and third antibiotic (triple therapy)
16. A lady came for her influenza vaccination. She told that her daughter is
pregnanant. So besides giving her influenza vaccine. What will you give.
a. H. Influenza
b. Penumococcal
c. DPT

Some other two

17. A woman who is a shop lifter. She has decreased self esteem. No friend
circle. Treatment?
a. Drama therapy
b. Behaviour therapy starting with D ( I choose this because case was
matching borderline personality disorder)
c. Controlled exposure and something.

18. That kid fall from cycle. Helmet broke into two parts. Nothing happned.
Mother worried. What ix?
a. CT
b. MRI

19. . 4 month old kid. A sizure came just for once. Now normal. Smiling.
Afebrile. Ix?
a. EEG
b. Lumber puncture

20. A patient on antidepression. wife complained that he now becomes

forgetful and aggressive sometimes. MMSE 22/30. You increased dose
from 40 mg to 100 mg. Now he is well. MMSE 28/30. What is it?
a. Major depression
b. Pyschotic depression
Some other optons

21. Old recall of patient came for abd. Surgery and he is on warfarin? What
to do?
a. Go for operation
b. Stop warfarin. Give vitk and operation
c. Stop warfarin. Give ffp and operation

22. A lady fell from horse. Pain in abdomen. CT given. (some abnormal can
be seen in liver)
a. Subcapsular hematoma
b. Intrahepatic hematoma
c. Spelic hematoma
23. Pic is given. There is small swelling in front of left ear. Painful. What to
be given?
a. Antibiotics
b. Irrigation
Sorry forgot the options

24. 70 y.o woman complains that she feel a sudden weakness in her right
hand and found it difficult to manage the steering wheel when she was
about to drive. She also said that her face felt funny during the episode.
Now she's fine. What will you do next?

a. Urgent admission
b. doppler of carotid arteries
c. Let her go home
d. Emergency surgery
E. Do EEG (i was confused b/w a and e but I choose E)

25. In an emergency where there is severe unstoppable bleeding requiring

blood transfusion, which will you transfuse?

a. fully cross-matched blood

b. type O Rh negative low hemolysin, whole blood

c. type O Rh positive whole blood

d. type O Rh negative low hemolysin, packed cells

26. CT head was given. small hematoma can be seen on the left side. Postion
was matching SDH and Epidyral Hematoma. Descrption was had fight in
the bar. Nothing happned that time. Now after some hours he is drowsy.
Disoriented and can’t respond properly. What’s diagnosis?

a. Extradural hematoma

b. subdural hematoma

Epidural was not in the option

27. Another CT. Complaint of right side weakness. Feeling heavy.
a. Cerebral haemorrhage
b. Cerebra tumour
c. Cerebral infarction

28. A women. She is just got divorced from her marriage. Physical violence
was there from her husband. He was alcoholic. In the past also she was
bullied in the school. She was also sexually abused as a child. Now
sometimes she becomes anxious and loss her apetite when she is stressed.
I chose post traumatic stress disorder

29. 23 years of age. Came for colorectal cancer screening. His father died at
35 years and paternal uncle at 48 years. What will you do?
a. Say him no as at this age cancer is uncommon
b. Do it now
c. Do it at 40 years

30. Women Condyloma lata on lt libia majora. Cryotherapy done but again it
recurs. What now?
a. Excision of labia majora
b. Chemo
c. Some other option was there which I choose

31. Submandibular swelling is there. Not painful. Increased in size. FNAC

done. Nothing came out.
a. Chemo
b. Radio
c. Excision

32. Pic given with right red eye. Pt has seasonal hay fever and also
complaining of lower back pain. Diagnosis?
a. Conjunctivitis
b. Uveitis
c. Iritis
d. Keratitis
33. Egfr=30. Symptoms suggesting pulmonary embolism. Ix?
a. Pulmonary angiogram
b. CT pulmonary angiogram
c. V/q scan

34. Mother came with girl. She doesn’t like to change her routine of playing
some game. Language is normal
a. Asperger’s
b. Autism

35. Handbook question. A child aged 5 years was presented with nocturnal
enuresis. No dry night. But during day he is normal. Ix?
I choose urine culture
a. urine culture and examination
b. Ct addomen
c. Some other options

36. Pt. Tested for army. Urine results Protein absent. Blood ++. And some
test reveals that 90% red cells are from glomeruli. Diagnosis?
a. Renal calculi
Forgot the other options
37. Couple with 2 years of amenorrhea. Woman’s ovulation occurring
normally. Husband’s semen results were grossly abnormal. 20% motility
90% abnormal and sperm count was something 1,00,000 (don’t know
exact figure) by what they have the maximum chance of pregnancy?
a. IVF with sperm donor
b. Intrauterine sperm implantation
c. Intracytoplasmic sperm implantation (I choose this)

38. A man come with low back pain after strenuous work 1 day ago. No
other symptoms. Tenderness only there. But no more symptoms like
referred pain or swelling. t/t?
a. PCM
b. X ray
c. MRI
39. Woman with complain of constant urge to move leg. Can’t sleep at
night. Has to wake up and move around for sometime. Mother also has
same symptoms. (I think ekbom syndrome) T/t?
3 drugs were given. And some 2 other options. I choose one drug.
( Dopamine agonist)
40. A person got epileptic attack 6 weeks ago.. You said him not to drive for
6 months but he started driving 2 weeks ago. He is saying that it is very
important for him to drive on his plumbing job. What will you do?
a. Let him drive but do follow up regularly
b. Call his employer and tell him about his condition
c. Tell him that you are going to notify liscensing authority
41. Patient has some condition. He is not going on work. His employer calls
you and asks about his condition and he said he has permission from
patient. What will you do?
a. Continue conversation
b. Write written report
c. Call patient and discuss with him something like that
d. Ask nurse to deal with him
e. There was some option of talking to some board

42. Nurse complained about your collegue doctor who is aggressive, making
some clinical errors and so and so. He came to you and ask for diazepam.
What will you do?
a. Prescribe him diazepam
b. Tell him to meet his GP
c. Contact medical board
d. Some clinical supervisor at hospital

43. You decided to study some infection via case control study. What is imp
for good study?
a. sample represents various class of people
b. Statistically significant sample (I chose this)
c. Some other options
44. Kid is lethargic. Lab report of kid given.. ALP around 1250 hb little bit
low.. billrubin 24 in stead of 20.. and some other

What is most significant from all these?

45. 3 ECGs were there... couldn’t recognise.. I chose holter monitoring in


46. Pt. Come to ED. Alcoholic rt now.. and previous history of alcohol as
well. What will you help to come to diagnosis?
a. Autobigographic memory
b. Orientation ( I choose this one)
c. Some other options

47. Belley dancer. Typical case of anorexia nervosa. BMI 16. What will you
a. FSH & LH
b. Refer to adolescent health unit
c. Some other investigations

48. Kid came with mother. Kid is obese. Whole family is obese. What will u
a. Focus on diet instead of exercise
b. Whole family weight reduction
c. Enter him into weight reduction program

49. A 15 y.o boy from the rurals living on the streets came for face suture for
laceration after a street fight. He says he is bisexual and would have
intercourse with anyone. What would you do after stitching?

A. notify child at risk infectious department

b. Tell him that you are going to inform his parents

C . tell him to do safe sex and and such lifestyle is not going to give him

d. this option I chose, it was something like that you make sure he is in safe
sex or something like that. (was confused b/w c and d.. but choose “D”
because C is user based, he follows or not)

e. tell him he is underage to practise sexual intercourse

49 . 37 weeks pregnant. Transverse lie. Everything normal. What will u do?

a. CS

b. induction of labour

50. Pregnant women. Had intercourse. And now complains of fluid discharge.
Straw coloured fuid.

a. rupture of membrane

b. intercourse fluid

c. Chlamydia

As of now, I have remembered these much. I will upload more. Good luck to
all. And only one tip. DO RECALLS properly. Especially last 3-4 months. And
last month’s recall very very well. I will write more in my second upload.

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