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First published by Random House New York, USA Grolier Danbury, USA Carisen Hamburg, Germany Satusiivet Helsinki, Finland Sandviks ‘Oslo, Norway De Kinderboeken Haarlem, Netherlands ‘Casterman. Paris, France Bogklubben Rasmus Copenhagen, Denmark Otto Maier Ravensburg, Germany Orizontes, Salonique, Greece Copyright: Hans Wilhelm Never Lonely Again Let me tell you litle eeeret, When | was about your age, Totten felt very lonely ‘Sometimes Uhad no fiends to play with and 1 thought that nobody Tel. Tatil remeraber that very well. Most srownups have forgotten how i foes tobe Tonely, because they always seem to be so Chestnut, the squirrel i our story, also felt lonely. But one day something happened that ‘opened his eves ourfrcmd, Waldo Never Lonely Again ‘Written and illustrated by Hans Wilhelm te

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