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J: Hi, how long have you been waiting?

D: about 10 or 15 min. How frustrating this is. And it's hot

J: Oh seriously, the system is very bad. And I also feel quite heat here

D: Yes, stop tired? Was working?

J: No, I'm a student, I look tired because I walk about a kilometer to get to the station.

D: are you kidding? fence with reason! And what do you study?

J: I study Systems Engineering at the University of Cartagena, and guess what ..

D: oh! What...

J: After taking the transcaribe, I must walk near the same distance for get to the University

D: Really? Have not you thought about changing transportation?

J: Yes, I think I will take motorcycle onwards, because on transcaribe I'm always come late.

D: Yes, it's a good option. Except when it rains.

J: That's true, oh look at finally arrive. Do you take that route?

D: Mmm No, No It's my route.

I hope you're not late for your class.

J: Thank you .. Ehh .. I'm sorry, what's your name?

D: oh! My name is Dayan, and what is yours?

J: Nice name, my name is Julian, nice to meet you.

D: Thanks! Me too.

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