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Talisay, Calape, Bohol

Name: Score:
Year and Section: Date:
Subject: SCIENCE Type of Activity: Activity/Exercises
Activity Title: Gay-Lussac’s Law
Learning Target: Investigate the relationship between temperature and pressure of
gases at constant volume.
References: Title: Science 10 Learner’s Materials
Page Numbers: 375 – 380
Q1. What happens to the drops of denatured alcohol after 2 minutes? after another 2 minutes ?
Those were converted into vapor.
Q2. Compare the pressure exerted by the denatured alcohol molecules before and after shaking?
The pressure of the shaken vapor is higher than that of the unshaken one.
Q3. How is the temperature of gas molecules affected by pressure or vice versa?
The relationship between pressure and temperature of gases at constant volume is
directly proportional. As the temperature increases, the pressure also increases. Both of
them also decreases at the same.

Q4. A certain light bulb containing argon has a pressure of 1.20 atm at 18°C. If it will be heated to
85°C at constant volume, what will be the resulting pressure? Is it enough to cause sudden
breakage of the bulb?
P2 = P1T2/T1
= (1.20 atm)(85°C+273.15)/(18°C+273.15)
= 1.48 atm
The pressure is increased, so the pressure also increases.

Q5. At 20°C a confined ammonia gas has a pressure of 2.50 atm. At what temperature would its
pressure be equal to 760 mmHg?
T2 = P2T1/P1
= (760 mmHg)(20°C +273.15)/(2.50 atm)
= 117 K
The pressure is decreased, so the temperature also decreases.
Q6. The helium tank has a pressure of 650 torr at 25°C. What will be the pressure if the
temperature is tripled?
P2 = P1T2/T1
= (650 torr)(75°C+273.15)/(25°C+273.15)
= 760 torr or 1atm or 760mmHg
The temperature is increased, so the pressure also increases.

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