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Ms, Glynis Morgan Human Resources Officar Stratford School Dear Ms. Morgan, | am writing this letter in response to the adverisemert you posted fon your website regarding a job vacancy for te position of school Physician. I have read the requirments for the position which | fit weal | took up my pre-medicine studies at the Landon University and took my mecical degree from a prestigieus medical schod. | have already passed the nocossary certifications to be a doctor and 1 would lke 1 Start my career in @ school setting, | believe that this Is the right Career" path for me since 1 am'passiorate about’ working ‘wit Children also hope this would be a way oF giving Service | have endosed my applicathn form and curiculum vitae for your review. lanoe conpact meat G20 faa S130 for inquvies “Thark you. 1 hope for your positive resporse. Sincerely, Dr: Noel Breakwel "cor inion toad thera frie conan gic mame rect Sire oo iano eee eu a wane aon cect eens a a poe pe, ‘Yousretueby tnt a pce ne ewig work smal acorns wih Cie bldg pos ving ted {darn date ct Spee did ‘dvs ree by farcet ander dese name) a thts an enon oe ‘mooie Cee ‘cee oo ciansances tl you ude any wor orm sy oem ch a he ‘owls ofthe werk ported or comets made storie tacts ined ‘5 eer gate an (ain sous eng GST. “Tiaisp a na iin eto aie 1 ‘Seen centr mis cen ene egy forme ‘mesic rt ane 4+ lasllaion oftenprary consnctin swe: 1 Mabie and mala of ongray cornices 1 Steet aa suey inl naiest projet ech ark a ue 1 Rough cata ontario vid om 1 Femauienomawore 1 Sitters: deena ‘ote atfeontratr mae) alse nie woe nt owe wees ‘ital ties peer! i nd minum sion mae fe il ee ‘te Appeons orpsymee othe work hl be hme awl be resem he mer (nero a esunded CCDC? cat doest RB uz smith, 208 eth Croat Fremont CA 94537 bated: 2 january 28, 20% Subject: Letter of intent Emsoyement Dear Ms Smith ‘The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your candidature has bbeen selected for the position of the Website Developer in our ‘ampany.Tecnnacrat Pvt Lie, We are excited to have yous a= 9 pare ff our teom. As You Iron. the Interview was conducted acres many Candidates and there were many rounds allocated. The selection Drocedure took some time because ft was hard for us to choose the best amongst somany deserving canciates Ce ee ee Tein Ist Mant 202 However tn expected date omg dec by the company is labo to. change upon the. request of the employee. rhe benefits and solortes ofered to you shall be discussed ‘nour nese meting ta, be eld’ on. zthenriary, 200%. Our Scetpanys ui ond Regulations wl ke mace ae? you ah the Peching, Pense retert wah aiecniny sly vs canal oneintn ‘your acceptance forts can Locking forward to have yeu on board as part of our team! Sincerely Yours

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