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Portfolio Week 6: Multiple Intelligences

My Collage:

Howard Gardner created the Multiple Intelligence theory in order to explain, that
intelligence is not just a general ability, yet it can be put into different modalities. This theory of
Multiple Intelligence is key for teachers to know about their students and how they learn. The
different modalities are different ways students learn knowledge. Some students may excel in
one type of intelligence or multiple and the same with having one or more as a weakness as
well. There are a total of 9 different types of intelligences. The nine include: Verbal-Linguistic,
Mathematical-Logical, Musical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal,
Naturalist, Existential. Within my collage here are the reasonings for my pictures chosen. For
Verbal Intelligence, I chose the boy reading the book because it shows how he is learning
through reading, words, and storytelling. For Mathematical, I chose the head with the math
symbols to show how learning through math is beneficial to some. For Musical, I chose the
students playing the instruments which is how to learn through playing notes, reading music,
etc. In terms of Visual, I chose the picture where the girl can put the word table with a picture in
her head which shows she is a visual learner. Bodily/Kinesthetic is the gymnast because
gymnastics deals with a lot of learning through using the body. Intrapersonal is the man thinking
because this is intelligence within yourself, and while interpersonal is the group of students
discussing because that deals with group collaboration. For Naturalistic, the picture with the tree
shows how he can spot differences in nature. Finally, Existential is seeing the big picture which
is the students staring at the whole globe.

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