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FIGURE DRAWING FOUNDATIONS PROPORTIONS THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO DRAWING CHARACTERS IN PROPORTION CONTENTS Welcome Introduction to Proportions What Are Proportions? How Are Proportions Measured? Proportions of the Heroic Figure Proportions Extended RBaakwN S CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Cover Art: Clayton Barton Interior Art: Clayton Barton Project Editor: Clayton Barton Designer: Clayton Barton Production Manager: Clayton Barton Published in 2017 by Barton Bros Studios Copyright © 2017 Barton Bros Studios All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage-and-retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher. TTR WT US WELCOME Hey there, it's Clayton. | just wanted to take a quick moment here to personally welcome you to “Figure Drawing Foundations | Proportions”. I'm really glad you picked up this book, because I've put a lot of time, care, and love into creating it for you. And | enjoyed every waking moment of it. In fact, it's almost surreal after working on it for so long to be passing it onto you now. The reason I decided to make Proportions the focus of my first Figure Drawing Fundamentals book is because | think that it's, something we've all struggled with - or are struggling with right now. Funnily enough, even I'm still guilty of drawing my characters ever so slightly out of proportion from time to time. \ believe Proportions are one of the most important, fundamental principles to get a handle on beyond all else! Why? Because when it comes to drawing Comics, it’s the underlying structure of a character that determines their ultimate success. If that underlying structure isn’t measured up correctly, no matter how many muscles, fancy costumes and decorative detail we pile on top to try and cover it up, those fundamental flaws are still going to show through, This is why Proportions can really hold us back from making real progress in our art work sometimes. It’s not until we're able to move past them that we can take our art work to the next level. All principles work in that way. But the great thing about learning principles, such as Proportions, is that once you manage to master them, they often solve a whole bunch of smaller problems down the track. Really, many of the surface flaws that pop up in our art work are usually symptoms of much bigger problems. So my hope for you in creating this book is that it will not And looking through this book that I've put together for only give you a highly concentrated, deep level of insight _ you, I've got to admit I'm almost envious. Because | into the complexities of Proportion - but that it will also would have given anything to have stumbled across serve as a guide for you to refer back to whenever you _ something like this when I was just starting out. need it, | sincerely hope you enjoy this book and that you find My goal here was to deliver ‘the’ guide to drawing your _—_ what's inside incredibly valuable. Most of all, | hope it Comic Book Characters in Proportions. And I really do be- actually helps you to draw your Comic Book Characters lieve that I've created that for you here. in Proportion! | think back to when | was just starting out, learning Enjoy, and keep on creating! about this stuff for the first time, gathering all the infor-_-Clayton mation and advice | could to improve my drawing skills. TTR WT US

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