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Ceci est la première ébauche des poèmes choisis pour être traduits en langue

J’entrerai en contact avec un spécialiste de cette langue afin d’obtenir une

traduction fiable et de bonne qualité.



I offer here the first translation of Selected Poems. I’m sorry for my poor english writting. I’ill
try to do my best an other time.

Yours sincerely

Fresh oil

To my sleeper

I do not want tonight licentious enemy,

Breathe into your body the sweet fragrance of dreams
Or move my heart on your hardened breasts
Neither easy enjoyment where sometimes you plunge me.

I hope on this mouth to invent a love

Powerful and immortal you will make.
Restore this night until daybreak
In the gloomy room offered at our antics!

Whatever the hopes of our hands in distress,

The accelerated breath that warmed our eyes !
I ask that stronger swell and tenderness,

Happiness without silence to the ingenious mind.

Because of its pure crystal where genius descends
Dream real sighs had blown the child.

At Sandrine

Based on this breast that laziness offense,

And burns in my mind your next smoke.
My delight, kiss my shortcomings
Which is needed on my cheek hit and desecrated.

So for your liquor, drink fruit delicacies

And organize a dream where you will rest
Whatever, true beauty, dummy movements
Because the call of your flesh again prompt me.

Ah! Running on ancient flood of light!

A spark lights up and sings thy fury!
In the shade of the plane tree, I see you, you're proud! ...

Adorned with your jewelry, delicate fragrances,

You design stars to adorn my gleams,
Adorable beauty that I love, and that he rushed !

The sun, I advance

The sun, I walk by this burning serfdom

And the shadow accustomed to my face exposed
Take me there, close to you, to the shore.
But your beloved substance is already compromised! ...

What do I hear your complaining radius so brutal?

Is this the amazing mass of powerful metal?
To me both identified, the astonishment is sweet ...

Extend freshness in my long lulls!

The upturn so vivid look brand new
Consume the dark thoughts of my night! ...

I run on your memory recall in your hour

These dreamed drowsiness and these intoxicating voice,
The happy ceremony set its candor
That strong mirror, made my trembling lip! ...

In the shadow of yourself

In the shadow of yourself, you and you dive acrobatics

In the pure infinite tone dismal delight.
And will fight you to the wing? You, you tormented probes
Auroras forgotten by your propitious genius ! ...

Heavy virtues clusters whirling in the storm,

Your mind wandered in his thick French Riviera !
Under the tearing of the eternal carnage
A mage had deployed and fertilized!

You lift the rocks, exiled in your soul

An Ocean stirs till the mouth.
And in the dark features of the odious wing

As the strange vessel along its finery

Pure consent thou go and regained,
The invented masts, waves and dramas !

At Arthur Rimbaud

He will retain his breath

He will retain his breath as he winged even in the impact of its rainfall amounts
tirelessly. He probes floods, storms and winds, and under the green sea spread
the sounds of his new waters.

He will confuse the ocher skies, horizons of love, waves and cataclysms. Even
in topaz eyes, reborn awakening happy childhood.

Singing white gulf, the face of the virgin embrace the strong appeal of the
morning chime. To assault the night, rumors circulate bridal starry stars. And in
the shimmering of golden nebulae, autumn shine for his fatigue and his
promised languor.

The elusive multitude among the brown vapors, open mouth, already licking the
mountains of spring painted in the colors of purple lava dip their silk quilt in the
frozen lakes.

The diluted imprint of his step snowy and encrusted gown of tiny diamonds
surround the bronze shore and layers of dawn.

He will hold the key and the dream and the moment the man because he alone is
angel and resurrected poet.

He shone in the eyes

He shone in the eyes of this winged dreamer slow strokes like fresh morning
vapors rose in the pastel-ray dye.

In the underbrush where the sweet flower fragrance leaves a spring, his shoes
were cracked small dead branches. And when he had crossed the valley - the
valley of foam - its steps accompanied the distant echo.

Exile was trying to crazy transhumances, the fury got drunk futile affectations
and the day down more quiet yet on the clear horizon.

He bathed and surrounded his heart melancholy. His yoke condemned admirable
laments. His fiery glances by an evil spirit changed into hate any living thing.

He drunked of the sour and adulterated liquors and pierced with needles filled
with venom humanly desperate face.

He wanted

He wanted him sailing - inordinately foolish - through the countryside, enjoy the
last heat of a late autumn and walk in search of lost hopes.

He foresaw in all its dazzling candor and intensive excitations of the soul, a kind
of real yet transformed images according to the domestic laws of his mind,
according to raw thoughts drawn from his imagination.

Were these daydreams where reality rubs the indecisive, where excess is master
of its banned? A perfect action freedom in the mirror of her youth!

A stone thrown ricochets in the bleak water from a river arms and light
questions the present and it temporal.

These are flights of starlings flying wing, fearful of the cold. They are distant
mountains dancing over there. Then the woman, beautiful and sensual embraces
a conquest of hope.

The magic is to repeat.

It is midnight

It is midnight and witch loses spanned you despite yourself. Some are born
dissident matches trunk shadows. Bee leafy swirl beyond the midnight in the
great regrets of the mechanism. The gold carpet placed on the azure domes are
only initiating our branches unknown.

Light as the flight on fresh twirling fire, the angel plunges into the gas and silver
fabrics and scrims.

The clock rings twelve fingers of this year and similar to modulations coming
bells escape sounds like the Angelus or the metamorphosis of the evening.

Nothing will destroy

Nothing will destroy the terrors promised his forehead so clear. Neither wind
nor violence will give vent cold fevers pain of its complaints.

He lives alone, and immortal, hidden in his retreat in the woods. He sleeps a
peaceful sleep or contemplates night large fields nearby.

Flatter the wisdom of his heart! Embrace its deadly quiet ! It is these outlets that
speak to you, listen to him!

We played him for a pearl jewel? Whatever! Nobody admire the crown that
inhabits it. His divinely guarded secret will only be unveiled to the master of the

You should know

You should know that perceptions were only indistinct whispers - efforts, calls,
supplications - nothing! Gleams waves sometimes escaped on the temples as
slow lights attracted a mirror lit a promised deal with reality.

Waiting months, fires blown by a gentle breeze, and orchestras so misdirected as

in the squares of a former Thabor. O wildfires, O lament always, I will

remember ...

The relaxation

The relaxation dim the lofty thoughts ! Gold beat among the vines floods the
pages of transparency! That pride bewitched by a spell inhuman use of troubling
words in these decades of perdition ! O a transfusion of new blood like a sheaf
of joy fills my veins !

The narrow passage for two souls accesses deportation cellars. We need to be
well born in solitude - there is the last image of love! Lives of the soul,
ingratitude groans, pleasure is still blessed. Voluptuousness contemplates the
world. She wills, she comes and wonders in the depths of me.

Stupid to blacken the paper said the former. Happy omen of the child, said the
adult. Surge animal, said the sage.

At the bell ivory

At the bell ivory, draped as various melancholy, he sniffs the surrounding

extinct survivals. By the play of syllables, the great precipice provides heat for
his private depravities. His silver mask disintegrates little by little.

Thou the eternal and sickly anecdote, it provides infinite enjoyment. It promises
a sublime reality that the wild man must be born in his house. It destroys the
rarity of a distinct force ...

Immutable evening wanders under shameful clouds. A heart devoted to sensual

loneliness, temptations and made use of impure a memorable delight in garden

O mournful solitude

O mournful solitude and flat which invades be admirable torpor! Once you were
unknown to me ... Not a breath of weakness to breathe calm mortuary, the
languor and the endless flow of time.

As I weigh the happiness of one man, his survival deep in the unfathomable soul
... I speak calmly, and taste the luxury of repartee. I let vaguely like a
monotonous river in the course of its waters, serene madness to take the lost

Upstream, a pure and clear source as mountains cherish fondly. Downstream,

the majestic beauty, the vitality of thought.

Calm waters, when silence reigns in me, as i would sleep forever ...

The Germ and The Seed

Royal prophecies

Royal prophecies that are hardly distinguishable,

Piling up in gloomy black blooms,
Of ecstasy muffled coils on beds,
When doubt fills the depths of the soul.

It is a beautiful cloud describing a fight

Which returns the air with his august Me,
Too amazing chewed and decried syllables
The oracle can hold in one breath.

But graceful or dismissed, vibrant memories

Stained deceit, envy sizes
All yoke is strong with these tricks.

Are these wars ? No, never. Traces of Ophelia

Made by these misunderstood games, suns of earth,
Or huge farandoles, enjoyments of hymns !

Ah ! Defeated, undermined by heavy forces

Drunk with weariness, and breathable nights
Juggling on the sentences of the malevolent God
It is the hope that declines towards cities found

On cities without life, yet monumental !

I will be having chills, white apotheoses

A vain hope for unfair light ?

The adult turns away weeping on his dream,

And he is subject to its crystal glory
The adult turns away weeping its survival.

On the former sigh

On the former sigh born indifferent glory

That lights the purest tiara boredom
From yesterday. (We pretend to die in my memory
A thick, ocher expensive gold in the extreme ...)

Blasted away, away disciples

I hear inexorably beat me ! ...
Extensive greenery bitterness multifaceted
He flees, dies aborted without a shadow of a stir ! ...

But tomorrow dragging its horrible burden,

For awakening purified shine his name!
Perhaps testament to the bottom altar of the evils ...

Oh sun of flesh contemplating a vain drama

Idol of yourself marked in unison,
Will you make substances a tear?


And in this place where sleep foul gondolas

The bleak and transparent water was because of sighs.
Oh and if repeated sobs moving viols,
Against a sky grays that seemed to darken.

Tender boats glided across the expanse. Our dreams

Deep as love bowed slowly,
And leaned even more by the breeze that lifts,
Shaking, lost hopes, rocked at the mercy of time.

And thou, o calm sister, you sang my weakness

When a flock of crows glared real sky.
To darken the suffering of an odious laziness
I live in your clear eyes the rays of the sun,

On the pale sun, gold, red and tired

Which seemed to die on the edge of your eye.
I found an abandoned flood of tears
Believer in the future of our summers happy.


Thanks! Here came the years

When dyeing your hair
I did fall next
The golden glow of your dress,

The finished horn, silver wave.

And defeated discoveries
Lined up against the vacant effort
Were offered very glories?

Nay! By brewed lead,

Royal colors of boredom,
For the heart, the thrown feet

Rampart in this cold,

It was ! Summer numb,
Sacred and impure helmet !

The demonic hero

The demonic hero

Finally born I cry
Enjoying the extravagance of a tomb
As a sign of eternal abode,

I know sometimes resigned seraph

Is shade of pink blades and shadows still.
At midnight deployed petal
Such spraying the languorous sigh,

Violates a bewildered flora or violin !

Releases the desired fragrance and destroyed :
In vase resigned fall flowers and jasmines
That her sob carried a morning !


Clinging to gold basins

A divine which I know the price,
Exhilerate itself in white flores
In the shadow of a darkened dishes.

And it gets flowering

Clear shoots rocked in the wind!
Rutile, o beautiful swoon,
For your disciple already waiting for you!

By the time loved you sleep yet

Here in my arms, to infinity! ...
And subtle thought to hatch

Go dissipates without swish ! ...

So pupil pure friend,
The young day still shaking !

Haunted and pensive

Haunted pensive and a naked hanging

Whose pride raves
If he lived crumble or exhausts
For many dreams, a legitimate remorse.

And appeared in such hair loss

Who in her age sometimes comes over me,
Acclaimed oneself wings,
O mirror once in it midnight.

Vagabond in the eye of memory

As set chiffon passage
Similarly flavored drama of mourning
Walked away never to thin landscape.

Stolen traces

Fly to traces of hope,

By suicide in touch,
Is coming decisive lament
Reflection of purple and burnt.

For his fatal day it kills !

The mind is vain belief
A love song bloodied,
The pure luxury of reason.

On the source dried up, it's time

To defeat the story, no one knows,
Furious denouement remains,

The viscous hanged emblem of death.

This crumbling end of which depends
The destiny of the body.

The Mash and The Froment

Spiritual freshness

Spiritual freshness that wander on the edge of the harvests, soaring light
extending upward crystalline skies ! Young man with strong shoulders, and will
set thy fruit on the purified land. Let recklessness and malice on your doorstep.
There curved and jolting roads wander. But the dread and fear united and
passionate make you languish.

I warn you, your pride should follow me. I darkened your secrets, I combined
inertia, the force of your twenty years! It is the duty today cursed, happiness
tomorrow! All voice issuing short-mystify the Temple of repentance. All traces
of the confreres are to forget. There is only one sensible woman who shows the
way forward ...

... Sweating already sweat through my veins ! And child murders that I have left
! Drag on his misfortune is due to the poor ! The wonderful satisfaction of the
challenge ! O the immense success that the time will appreciate !

... "The fruit that expertly matured, is not picked? Does it rot in the already rich
land in the land so fertile? It was a breath freshened juice to the breath thirsty ..."

Your ravenous loneliness grows in the arms of a selfish. Bitterness turns into
hate, and curse all the facilities acquired by the order of the destinies of the
forces in your mind!

Let your breath buried move funeral shock! O justice of tomorrow ! And this
inexperience, that too rapid departure would they reasons dismal failures?
Would the precipitation of an impetuous youth the principles of these constant

The eruption

The eruption so released and transformed its fruits. The fires prevail under the
lights whitish smoke and wide run on snowy skies. Further, the shocks of
thunders, éclair and lightning and fall on still incandescent lava. The bloody
streaks, endless herd, bite the earth washed, burn grass tanned.

It inflates the volcanoes of embers, depletes sulphurs she breathes. She fills the
trenches, lush gorges, as she climbs the summits, with chains of slaves and
immortal noises ! The vengeance of the gods, and as the devastating human
tragedy tears of our divine thoughts !

Heat torrents graze mouths. The impenetrable venom circulates in the finished
shadows. When the lies break out, raised air, gusts of words reflected the fears.

So have I seen

So have I seen heavy horse drag stunning salt cohorts. It was at the end of the
dream. Idle, fueled by fatigue morning, imagination enjoys, queen of the
location of the room. It leads the rest to the ports of the unknown. Still populated
funny romantic, crescents of happiness as successive steps. She recites his race
wins since sleep and condemns the early hours of sunrise ! When I distribute the
roles, by petty allusions, I know compose the sacred image and transform them
taste the rules of my own game.

Silence, distortions like cambers on plane figures and cyclical movements in

waters full of squalls : She likes with the impossible, laughs of his many
discoveries. Friend of the absolute, negative, woman or demonic Circeo who is
she ?

He lost the esplanades

He lost the esplanades entwined under the smiles of wars and chilly charms.
And burning kisses as florentine sighs liquefy pale signatures of tomorrow. He
had loved the purple fibers open the petals of carelessness, and blue spirits
breathed slowly. On mouths, hot breath with happiness satin brushed tender
silences and snow too. As depressed, drunken and free multifaceted slopes, and
they were duvets for scarce breezes. The steps were shaking on the colors, but
the wounds were telling the spacious air delights. Further transposed into curves,
a fine rain beating up towards the happy lightning.

One day the fluidity away little by little green spark heavy mergers. Perfect in its
roundness, she danced on the blue son of life and plunged into the intimacies
stingy silences. Against the golden wings, foliage based their froth and warm
fleeces. Silk buttons in the pleasures of sleep blew the hymns of coldness. Now
invited for the complaints and the child cries, it leaves one at a summer escape
in boreal heat.

Watermarks and mirrors

Watermarks and mirrors reappear soaked troubled images, and chills older
shadows of the night. The gardens and miracles fall and die under the delectable
breaths. Spinners burn the sublime graces moments. In its whiteness, it exhausts
the thinking wounds.

The dream exhausts and hope bored. Upset rolling among the murders of his
shadows, she married the effect of voices heard or will she crumble under the
weight of its weaknesses? Numbers already raise passive statements and songs
ruled the defined gold.

Aside cosmic explanation

Aside cosmic explanation, the poet remains a misunderstood. His pen enchants
symphonies. The midnight force undertakes to take stock of the Beautiful. He
left without music in true poet. He folds in her body to other owls.

Vibrating vocal cords but heard his solitudes. Arms outstretched to the cellar
doors. A touch of the hand sources of youth.

Soda he clearances water bathed in turmoil? The theft of air suspended in the
black wing? Flat land covered in cooled lava. Flames seemed to descend ...

This time was time for the young man. Finished his amalgam of opportunities,
he returned to his None. Fragrant flowers, petals aggrieved, where do the leaves
flying? In Space lifted and stretched his genius. But choose he would have liked
me to drink the pond under the boisterous winds ! Lying on the land, to eat the
mud like a sun. On flights to read for any month. Then singing dreams, beds
sweats, bathed with shouts of ancient times.

Vagrants in hopes streaming freedoms. A colored wine replaced the games.

Animal, this feat took my wrists. With old is preached to fight to the surprise
discovery dirty!

And the fight against heart eyes against the sounds that roll wards and body in
their chaotic vastness. Balancing the beating of my happiness!

If a wind blowing dies between two jibs, how will it be some happiness?

A last look at the beloved stars. What answer will testify me pleasure or
dancing? Alas, my name is stitched on the white page.

A field

A limited field of vision as white walls barricade, and the thirsty poet mysteries
waiting impassive and resigned his death. He thought a superior intelligence,
worthy of its high condition. He had only laughs and giggles and whispers too.
Nine months and unfolded in stupidity and noise mist.

Closely invincible these forces are only the toy of my own imagination - at my
expense. I was not running the page as questionable surroundings, i was not
stealing rubbed wings night air.

Heavy mists and darkness of pus drowning women and bloody beings. Hardly
broken, only removed these defects, these human waste had to rub my person.

Rots horrible, flesh debris! Here the scabby faces pretended imbibe glory. Walk
on your body because it is rot yet!

Did they kill gold

Have they killed the gold of a verbal alchemy? The powerful instincts no longer
speak. They fall into the fires of absence. There remains a huge void where even
the questions no longer ring.

The fault is in myself. The voice was elsewhere. The silences prove that I was
wrong. Squandering the source of hope, you wanted to live an impossible
adventure. Your real weakness was the vanity in a sloppy job. Passive
insouciance is your fatal complaint.

But this renunciation to these painful mistakes, does he forget the moments of
happiness and greatness of a childish rebellion?

This is no longer an idea

It is no longer a simple idea and understanding in a short time which is well

expressed, but the same type of thinking that are explored with the necessary
attention. At least that we should consider the analysis with more discerning,
with an incisive and effective rigor as no one had dared to compel it.

Why try to find arguments, evidence while common sense that everyone has
enough to prove the contrary?

Some know that our views have fled to the cloudy mixture. Yet several paths
available to us. Both could be borrowed. They seemed easily practicable. One
shows impotence and return pronounced on himself with enjoyment felt in the
life of the patient. The other is dangerous, it is the seal of the fateful life. We can
not escape it.
A final outcome compared to this open door nothingness, each step being the
same, impossible to dissociate from the previous. A death that would be the
ideal point of stability as a neutral, perfect balance.

This is the revealing of luck for that foiled the experience of imprisonment. A
magnetic force that affects thoughts, exchange and rekindled distorted as by
enchantment. All the mind wants another because he is aware of his loss: it is a
poison that spreads in us, a spider that wraps its prey.
Consciousness illuminates the possessed to give it the right to resist, but how to
fight against his destiny? We would like to compare the fate launched an
infernal machine that the driver would be unable to stop at a huge needy animal
species that would advance crushed mouth, not weighed down by the imprint of

Faith is the only guide as the Holy Book holds the key to the truth. Only the
divine intake can raise the sails alone proved the Annunciation. He alone will
save you from the miseries and pitfalls of your detestable life.

But the divine laughter bursts in my ears and shook my being, as irony of my
pitiful effort!

It will take you

You'll need this week age the exhilarating fruits and long down the mountains of
dreams. They symbolize waste and dirt, putrefaction horrible, unbearable odor
that only you alas, you dare breathe. In despair of loneliness, meaning despite an
abhorrent disgust seeking vain happiness, deliverance and cleaner air regretted.
These roll penalties tear an already black body with pus.

Captivating images that poverty growing at a feverish pace with horror that it
inspires. One of them murdered the blond pages living in the expectation of a
day. It destroys hope, this unique contemplation you're trying to keep in you. I
know the burning gold tasks espoused in the darkness of nothingness. I know the
blaze superb sheets whose existence is already compromised.

The other as drawn by four horses rushes down the peaks and slopes of
misfortune with divine agility. She, adorned with sumptuous jewels majestically
holding in his right hand the reins of posterity. Couriers drool from the foam
from their nostrils, arch and spewing flames that are lost in the infinite. She only
knows master.

It is this slender body with harmonious proportions, bright smile that gives her
the dignity of the strong woman of the future.

This is at least the parts that overlap, one after another with speed, with
incredible rapidity. They freeze the intestines that break under the action of cold,
exploding under the conquering glances of women.

But released prisoner or under the yoke of the incorruptible confusion, bends
over me. The same elements of the loss are attacking sweats insomnia. Tremors

and kindness, dramas and pleasures and refinements of fighting in a tumult of
vice and lust.

Commitment of two gigantic colossi that crash and fall, are thunder and
lightning, immortal and invincible. Sentences for these demons of vengeance
phenomenal to find the tranquility and peace desired.

Ruthless enemies and yet in harmony with myself. My soul creates the fighting,
mass graves and artifices. It generates clouds of nightmares, she stuffs the
envelope swelling suffered cataclysms, the venerated disasters.

I like to compare this with the strange mural epic slump that destroys everything
in its path, which multiplies the dangers of a life devoted to the strange and

When slowly extinguished the flickering lights of the silver candlesticks, the
rooms still burn afterglow fleeing : Gold, palm and pleasures! Everything is
interwoven in filthy enclosures, everything breathes the discrete fragrances
juxtapose in phosphorescent festive exhibited ghosts. Since the door lets out the
divine flights per gaping holes they mystify pure reason and contribute to hate
savage acts.

For lack of critical logic, haggard and limited their movements thoughtless
restrict testing. They fail in fruit disorders and unexplained solutions. The
weight of fatigues delays a desired exodus since they bend the protests with
excremental whips. Let me explain: Today, thoughts reactions were joined by
the unknown but gasoline revealed. Porous rose unreal complexities of magmas
of land worked. We saw rising impulses, the result this changing and uncertain

Now the conditions are different. I kneaded releases, and substances flood of
white characters indefinable works ...

A not always feel as mate words incapable of expressing a logic operation. They
are subtle associations of workmanship, incoherent and yet harmonious. They
determine the absolute doubt that everyone must possess in itself. It is the
uncertainty for the incomprehensible world. Is convince the man of her inability
to move yourself.

Just schedules and eyes fixed on the History! Illusions with instruments of any
effectiveness. You brandish reports, structured analysis and conclusions,
assessments on the human becoming. Your machines are complex brains that
restore your gray rough amalgam. Millions of data for insignificant results! You
are still in the scientific sorcery, pleasing you program banalities, debilitated
childish dreams.

From there, your resources disintegrate, your profound experiences account for
only uncertain winds. Even tiny truths were open to various interpretations, you
will never get the right sought appreciation.

I thought that expresses the intolerable lies that no one had dared track, the
splendid cheating that you do not see that in others lurking in yourself despite
your good will and your misleading appearances.

You propagate believing you handle with skill a soulless machine, desk without
feelings, a kind of divine force you contemplate as irrefutable Messiah.

Scientists, you idolize a memory, that thoughtless functions. You immerse
yourself in the figure of the numberuniverse without hope of conquests on the
movement of intended and its revolutions.

The Unfinished Manuscript

Divine vision

As a belief, a love force.

Being of Light who orders.
The flow of love and light swirl
Immutable in all its serenity.
Lives and seems reborn every moment
Being lights of his thoughts.

The waves of life blown to my face.

Wind inexhaustible joy that is accelerating.
Perfect eternity, divine sovereignty.

The strong reasoning as lightning :

The images of my childhood spin, are read.
Stages of my childhood. liberator trial.

God : "Go back where you come in you."

The passage in the narrow tunnel. Return.
The great weakness to return to his body.

It is with sharpness

With clarity I saw, and all the troubles of my thoughts were only insignificant
pretexts for immersive experiences. Indeed, the slightest observation for a
vicious operation became object of fixation.

The night was favorable to perform these experiments, even when sleeps
difficult to come fix the short mind and panic of the past events of the day.

What were these compounds or these shenanigans indecipherable flashes that

barely understood or interpreted faded from memory quickly replaced by other
equally ephemeral flashes?

These were sentences or fragments of sentences that came crashing to the place
of my forehead accompanied by various sounds.

I'm Bliss

I'm Bliss, and I announce to you great changes for tomorrow. First you have
defeated all the acrobatics, the pitching of the brain, and true they existed.

Your search was therefore within man. This is the idea, the only path for a
feasible venture. The rest is petty. It is a thyself to develop and cherish. The
child of the impossible and the writings and discoveries will form a mold.

The banal and others and love : enough! Me ! I alone against one hundred
thousand fronts in deserts, cities. (I'll be a stranger). Against all glossy and
fruitful - the stench of our distances !

Enough greetings and wan smiles neighborhoods ! (I'll be a lonely), and my

great pleasure to be emotion. We will taste the glory days without a man for no
reason. I will be free to believe in God, and I will speak to Him.


Yes, the gates of heaven

Yes, the doors drenched strange angels heaven

Where mixes abandonment, thinks a dream that changes.

In the imperceptible movement of nights

This anxiety is morose boredom of your fears,
And sterile terror, powerful and infinite
Rises to the dawn impregnated constraints.

O vain sighs blown by my pride!

O the grim light of last rites!
Forbidden root throws the sheet she picks,
Absence of white sap distributed in time.

But delusions still tears me from my sleep.

I want the impetuous alchemy effort
And I pure gold reborn to low wonders.
My soul is consumed and reason falls asleep!

And expanded space rumor rhymes

Offer subject stupid, dull din,
The master of my places without pity for my heart,
Yet grateful of any debate!

Lulled into paleness

Lulled into paleness your hands are tired,

Or drunk in gold sound objects, they dance
Then die, drop in the distant echoes.

Slowly toward the dark flesh of shame,

Yours still rolls on the moist or dry skin
Accompanies a mouth fed her kisses.

The lover at length weakened sins

Dream under her pain bridal thoughts
Sleeping ... then stands in fawn desires
For flesh never rested and is reborn!

Ecstasies of love, you unknown forces,

Exist in the breast beating, alas ! defeated
Which still offers to see death
More precious, more delicious than it life.

A desire

A desire to change life shook my soul suddenly.

"My heart, my heart deceased dream you not to forgetfulness and laziness ? Do
not you want to drown the grief that haunts you and take you away, away,
away? Regain other lands where your body worked by vermin found refuge ?
You need languor, softness intoxicating hales, fragrant musk and dreams of the

Yes, I think I see a forest of masts bathed in blue purity Azur. And I can already
hear the wailing of Negro slaves, drunk with freedom, comforted by a few
bottles of rum!

As all this is beautiful and taking my heart! The swell sweetly cradles your body
and chase boredom! "

Maybe the dream and forgetting me away from the sad reality that my soul had


Anointed took possession of pure beauty. He coveted her figure like a shadow
history. The dream eclipse. The reality appears. As lavish suns between your
thighs very sweet! The light love rays shine on the door of enjoyment. But I
bathe for your body in the dampness of your vagina!

The young man of his armed eighteen becomes victorious prince. I marry you
and take you like madness accompanies the finest !

Our masses smoldering love died fainted on the bed tired.

The freshened past. Yesterday failure :

What am I now a shadow form, a spectrum of hallucinations or fantasies ?

One day

One day I was sitting in the shade of his shadow and it was the oak. It drove me
with ropes tightened around his neck. I fell asleep in the grass and heather. It
gave me witches and demons. I cried with my whole body. I was invited to the
celebrations of the drink, not rushed me and my shame in love.

I defeated the number, agile child among adults. I passed four o'clock struck.
What carnage in the frail head ideas! Maybe I'm a silly ? All this is only a

Fort inexperience, I fight against the Dead and I roll my nights perverse in the
intoxication of women. The smell does not distance hatred. O incestuous head,
divine sickness, woman without milk, without childhood flesh, is to you that I

Vaginas queens

Vaginas of queens, enjoyment venues martyred by the power of men.

Generations of poets spit fire. Exile closer to the woman. She’s a stuffed witch
alchemical recipes inspired great.

Liquor out of all reason. The wines flow over colorful silk sheets. Beyond the
red ropes and elegant canopies, beautiful layers aroused frolic of love.

Large open bays absorb golden rays, streams of the Divine Seal and happiness
warm rains.

The images by the rainbow sky sweat of orgasm drops, shadow silhouettes, very
curious effects.

It's sunrise. The fields opposite the castle, the poor are active and sow for our
favorite sports.


Riviera ! It's me ... I just caves of Hell,

And I hear the waves crashing sound rocks
I see the galleys in white lights
Reborn in the shadows of a more beautiful world.

My precious hands reaching monarchs

Begged to wait febrile their noble coming.
I was praying ; but never the ships arrive,
On the shores of Troy, is never galley view.

I know many dreams in the military ardor

Appear dark chasms of my queen of nothingness
And avenge my fate to the winner badge.

But the gods satisfied my futile suffering

At my exalted smile condemn torture.
Helen dies waiting, tears and injustices.

Disaster study

Study sinister or vile of your master delirious

Do not you know, madness, what hours of elevation
Waiting patiently winged angel sighs
In the tiny intricacies of your stubbornness?

I know the stubborn man sometimes be mine

Spoiling all his genius to a humiliating vow
Self-conquest to finally finish
And win the fight in grueling fate.

I lose my years playing the lyre.

The poem is poor, are completing stupidity!
Sometimes I cry shame, sometimes I make others smile,
But I continue writing that thought stirs !

Praise fire

Come closer

Come closer my cruel because you know I love you,

And I want your body to soothe my kisses
Rougher and drier than the cruel tiger !
The lovers tired vice is tolerated !

So in the suffering of the secret layer,

I'll burn your inflamed bites breasts
To see if the suction indiscreet my teeth
In your heart too will revive him off !

My nails are like the gleaming blades ! ...

In your unholy flesh, I shall sink them.
Your blood runs on your loins, brilliant jerks
And red, my sensual and untamed tiger !


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