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Activity 10

To one who has faith no explanation is necessary. To one without faith no explanation is

In my own perception, telling explation once is enough. If someone throughly have faith they
will listen and understand on what you're trying to explain. And the one without faith, no matter how
many explanation they might tell he or she doesn't listen because of lacks of faith in their surroundings.
They cannot accept and understand your excuses.

Activity 11

ii. answer the following questions.

1. What is your personal definition of life? How do you appreciate life?

Life is what all we have, it can't be replaced or exchange with anything in this world. We
cannot touch or see the life but we can feel it deep in our soul. We only live once, we have to
protect our lives no matter what happened in this earth. For me, I think I'll appreciate life by
being contented on what I have. I just need to take care

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