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Technology impact’s

Good Afternoon,

Certainly, all of you had already thought how your lives would be without your dear
gadgets like your tablets, laptops and mainly without your smartphones. I’m sure that most
of you thought that it would be a nightmare, after all nowadays its indisputable that these
technological devices are already a part of our western society. But, did you know that in
some countries of Africa there are more people with access to a mobile than potable water,
food or house?
It’s clear that the technological advances have many positive aspects in our lives and
they have allowed the development of many fields, like Communications, Education, Trans-
ports, Health and Security. Currently, with modern devices like smartphones that are con-
nected to the internet, we can video chat with everybody, we can also text with people who
are far away from us, purchase clothes or other commodities without leaving our house,
listen to our favourite song on YouTube, watch movies and research information on google.
Nonetheless, as you should know, there are two sides of every coin and sometimes
technology can bring us closer but also it can push us away by becoming a social obstacle
and making people feel the need to be connected almost 24 hours a day. Younger genera-
tions are so used to using technology every day that sometimes we don't know how to talk
to each other without a glass screen between us, and I say this from my own teenage expe-
rience. So, the Internet as a global network has its negative sides, like the increase of cyber
bullying, the creation of fake profiles on social media and cybercrimes and it’s important to
be aware of these dangers so we can protect ourselves and stay secure.
And that brings me to the end of my presentation. Regarding my own opinion, I really
like to be connected with my friends and be aware of modern technologies, but I also think
that there are many things better than a smartphone or a computer, as hanging out with my
friends, travelling and taking time to relax. Knowing this my question to you is how do you
fell about technology, do think that it has just positive aspects, negative aspects or both?

Thank you for listening,

Are there any questions?

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