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Name: Ju Young Park

DAP Part 2: Carbohydrates and Fiber in Your Diet

To get started, run the following MyDietAnalysis reports:

☐Calorie and Fat Sources Report – This should be 1 report that includes both days of your 2-day diet log. You may
use the same 2-day diet log as you did in Part 1 of this project, or you may record a new 2-day diet log for this
specific part of the project.
☐Actual Intakes -vs- Recommended Intakes Report - This should be 1 report that includes both days of your 2-
day diet log.
☐Single Nutrient Report for Dietary Fiber – Select “Dietary Fiber” from the dropdown menu. Run 1 report that
includes both days in your 2-day diet log.

Complete, save (PDF is preferable), and submit to Canvas all 3 of the reports listed above.

Objective: To become aware of the carbohydrates in your diet and how your intake compares to the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans.

Excerpt from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans


● Choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often.

● Consume at least half of all grains as whole grains. Increase whole grain intake by replacing refined grains with
whole grains.
● Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars or caloric sweeteners such as high fructose
corn syrup. Limit calories from added sugars to less than 10% of your total daily calories.

1. List the percent of your daily calories consumed from carbohydrates.

Report to use: Calorie and Fat Sources Report.

The recommended percent of daily calories consumed from carbohydrates is 45-65%

Your percent of daily calories consumed from carbohydrates is 62%

2. List the g/day that you consumed of dietary fiber. How does your intake compare to the recommended
Adequate Intake (AI)? Report to use: Actual Intakes -vs- Recommended Intakes Report.

The recommended AI of fiber for women is 25 g/day and for men is 38 g/day.

Your daily intake of fiber is 20.1g/day

How does your intake compare to the AI? The recommended AI of fiber of men is 38/day. My fiber
consumption only accounts for 52% of recommended AI.

3. Dietary fiber is mostly found in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. List the 3 major sources of
fiber in your diet. Also list the grams of fiber in each of these sources.
Report to use: Single Nutrient Report for Dietary Fiber.

Source 1:Strawberries Grams of fiber: 12.7

Source 2:sandwich Grams of fiber: 10

Source 3:fried rice Grams of fiber: 5

4. The Dietary Guidelines advises choosing a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains, to encourage
adequate fiber intake and other nutrients. Specifically, you are encouraged to consume at least 50% of your total
grain servings as whole grain. Whole grains (100% whole wheat, corn, brown rice, oats, rye, etc.) are generally
defined as grains that are not highly processed, not refined, and have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. A
serving is 1 slice bread, ½ cup cooked rice or pasta, 1 cup dry cereal, or one small muffin, etc.

Identify 2 whole grain and 2 refined grain foods that you consumed. List the grams of fiber in each of these foods.
If you did not consume 2 of each, list what you did consume. If you ate none, indicate “none.”

List up to 2 whole grain foods Fiber (g) List up to 2 refined grain foods Fiber (g)

Bread, Whole wheat 3.36 Sandwich bread/wheat 10

none 0 Bread, raisin, enriched 1.11
*Identify foods that you think have whole grains in them. You can get help with this by going to

List 2 additional whole grain foods you enjoy and could add to your diet to improve your fiber intake.

Whole wheat and Brown rice is great addition to my diet, both whole grains are high in fiber and
soft in texture.

5. List 3 dietary sources of added sugars from your 2-day diet logs and indicate the portion size for each of these
foods that you consumed. Consider less obvious sources of added sugar, like cereals, granola bars, beverages,
yogurts, candy, and snack foods. NOTE: The “Added Sugars” information in MyDietAnalysis is not reliable, as
manufacturers are not yet required to list sources of added sugar in their products. (They will be required to
do so by 2020!) If you are having trouble spotting sources of added sugar, look at the ingredients for these
foods. Honey, cane juice/syrup, corn syrup, sucrose, and various other “syrups” are forms of sugar. (A useful
resource to learn more about added sugars is

Food Item Portion size consumed

1. Can of Fanta (orange soda) 1 can (44g of sugar)
2. none 0
3. none 0

6. Reflect on the carbohydrate and fiber in your diet. Type a 200-300 word response to parts a, b, and c in the
space below. Make sure you respond fully to ALL three parts of this question for full credit.

a. Comment on the total carbohydrates, total fiber and whole grains you consumed in relation to the
b. Discuss how improving the quality of carbohydrates in your diet and meeting the fiber and whole grain
recommendations would benefit your health in the short term and long-term.
c. Discuss the sources of added sugars that you are willing to reduce or eliminate from your diet and list a
replacement food or beverage you would eat instead.

a.My carbohydrate consumption was 62%, which is in adequate intake range but relatively
higher than other nutrition. Most of my carbohydrates are from food made of refined grains.
Only whole grain source in my diet was from wheat bread, containing relatively more fiber
than refined grain bread. Average amount of fiber intake per day was 20 gram, the adequate
intake amount given by mydietanalysis was 18.5 to 25 grams.
b.Whole grain Is not only rich in fiber, but also contains protein, B vitamins, antioxidants, and
trace minerals. These nutrients from whole grains will reduce blood cholesterol levels and may
lower risk of heart disease, adequate amount of intake of fiber is impotent for healthy bowel
function and reduce constipation. Vitamin B also helps burn protein, fat, carbs in to energy
which helps with weight loss
c. Unlike slow absorbing whole gain,fast absorbing added sugar increase blood sugar level
more rapidly. Due to this negative heath effect of rapid sugar level surge, reducing the amount
of added sugar is important. Only added sugar in my diet was a can of soda. This amount in
acceptable range but if I were to replace, water or tea would be a better source of fluid.

Submit all of the following to Canvas for grading:

This document, completed.

Actual Intakes –vs– Recommended Intakes Report

Calorie and Fat Sources Report

Single Nutrient Report for Dietary Fiber

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