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NUTRITION 100 Exam #1 Study Guide

Use the textbook and PowerPoint slides to complete the study guide. Exam #1 will consist of 50 multiple choice
questions. The exam will be taken at Pollock Testing Center.

What is Nutrition? Tools for Healthy Eating (Chapter 1 and 2)

1. Define nutrition:
2. List the six categories of nutrients. Which ones are energy-yielding?
3. Define macronutrient and micronutrient
4. Define calories.
5. List the caloric values for carbohydrate, fat and protein.
6. Define essential and non-essential nutrients.
7. What are the two government agencies that regulate nutrition information?
8. List the strategies to determine if nutrition information found on the Internet is reliable.
9. Define dietary reference intakes.
10. Define the five values that the DRI’s encompass:
a. EAR, RDA, AI, UL, and AMDR.
11. What are the AMDR’s for carbohydrate, fat, and protein?
12. What are the Dietary Guidelines? (review the DG’s in your powerpoint slides)
13. List and define the features of
14. List the food groups in MyPlate.
15. Review and be able to interpret the information presented on a Nutrition Facts Panel
16. Define daily values. What nutrients must a daily value be listed for?
a. What does it mean if a food provides 20% or more of the daily value for a nutrient?
b. What does it mean if a food provides 10-19% of the daily value for a nutrient?
c. What does it mean if a food provides 5% or less of the daily value for a nutrient?
17. Define a nutrient claim.
18. Define a health claim.
19. Define a structure-function claim.
20. Be able to identify a nutrient claim, health claim and structure-function claim.
21. Review the FDA’s proposed changes to the Nutrition Facts Panel.

Healthy Choices, Meal Planning and Portion Sizes (PowerPoint from week 3)
1. Review key messages and statistics
2. Understand portion distortion
3. Review standard portion sizes for foods.
4. Tips for right-sizing portions
5. Strategies for eating healthy while eating out
6. 10 keys to cooking smart
7. Tips for healthy eating on a budget

Digestion and Absorption (Chapter 3)

1. Define digestion.
2. Define absorption.
3. List actions that would be considered mechanical digestion.
4. Define peristalsis
5. Define chemical digestion.
6. Define hunger, thirst and appetite.
7. Where does digestion begin?
8. What are the functions of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
9. Where does the most digestion occur?
10. Know the absorbable components of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
11. Review the anatomy of the small intestine
12. What is the role of the large intestine in digestion?
13. What do the bacteria in the large intestine do?
14. What is the role of the liver in digestion?
15. Define bile.
16. What is the role of the gallbladder in digestion?
17. What is the role of the pancreas in digestion?
18. Review the major organs and their functions within the GI tract (review table 6.1 on pg 6-8 of your text)
19. List the two systems that transport nutrients to the body after absorption.
20. Define the excretory system.
21. Define heartburn. List ways to treat this condition.
22. Define a peptic ulcer. List ways to treat this condition.
23. Define constipation. List ways to treat this condition.
24. Define diarrhea. List ways to treat this condition.

Carbohydrates and Diabetes (Chapter 4)

1. Carbohydrates provide _____ calories per gram.

2. AMDR for carbohydrate _____ to _____%
3. Carbohydrate terms/definitions and list specific names of each:
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Polysaccharides
d. Know which monosaccharides pair up to form each disaccharide
4. What are the recommended intakes for fiber (males and females)?
5. Identify food sources of fiber and strategies to increase fiber in the diet.
6. Know how to identify a true 100% whole grain bread
7. Be able to identify a healthy breakfast cereal and breakfast bar.
8. What are added sugars? What are naturally occurring sugars? (list some food sources of each)
9. What is a whole grain?
10. What are the roles of insulin & glucagon in regulating blood glucose levels?
11. What is glycogen?
12. Define diabetes.
13. What is type 1 diabetes?
14. What is type 2 diabetes? (What is the primary cause of type 2?)
15. What are long-term health consequences of uncontrolled diabetes?
16. List strategies to manage both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
17. List strategies to reduce risk of developing diabetes.
18. Review The Weight of the Nation segment and concepts. Bonus short: Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.

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