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Marks Jn my old town there was @ git Who dropped seeds everywhere she went, While all the boys carved out their names Jn any patch of wet cement. ‘They'd laugh at her and tell ber She would never make a mark, If all she left behind her ‘Were some falling Jeaves and bari. Go I wonder if they've been back Since we grew and left that place, Or if thoy still all carry markers In their pockets just in ease. Because I'd love to see theix faces JET told them what I've seen, ‘That the strects where we once played Now drown beneath a sea of green. ‘And their names scratched on the sidewalls ‘Weren't as eternal as they'd planned, For in the place where they once wrote them ‘An endless forest proudly stands. ‘Would they tell that girl they're sony If they ever had the choice, For not knowing those worth hearing ‘Don't always have the loudest voice? ‘That in the future oll the things we do ‘Will still have an effect, ‘And that sometimes those who change the world ‘Are those you least expect veh 38 To To But Wsit will

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