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A breach of security will occur when policies and laws related to information security breached

and abused. Everything that shows integrity, confidentiality and availability of information is
considered as a Security Incident. It is because safety violation begins occurring through
security incident, unless it confirmed not a security breach. Violations can occur when the
information accessed by unauthorized users, disclose information that is not relevant, change
and delete information is inaccurate and ignores the protection of information resources.

There are a few types of information security breaches, fraudulent account created, hacking,
password compromised, and theft by insider. These will eliminate the confidentiality, integrity
and resource availability of information. The information security breaches are identified in many
forms including of unsecured website, mailing error, data lost, and information stolen by hacker.
Many breaches occur in a variety of procedures involving the industry sector, government,
university, and other community.

In California, the study found that only a small of part involves any harmful use of data. Why is
information security breach described does not involve misuse of all data. These data may be
lost, stolen or obtained accidentally and destroyed without ever accessed. In addition
description abuse not all successful because the financial industry can detect illegal access to
account, even businesses that misuse of personal information will not be successful involve
financial or physical. So many violations of safety information misused by people and the
common ways that personal information stolen by wrong people.

The things that we should consider in information security are threats that potential to cause
harm and possibility of deliberate unauthorized to access and manipulate information, and
render a system unusable or unreliable. Then vulnerability which is the weakness that can be
exploited is flows in the software, hardware and an operating system to see the penetration of
information disclosed intentionally. The risk that potential for harm, is the exposure or
inadvertent violations of the integrity of information about damage hardware or software design
error. The threats are known as viruses, worms, spyware and Trojans

The virus threat is a program that infects files, computer system or network system that damage
data file and destroy files. It can be spread via floppy disk, portable media or via email message.
(opening the email attachment and visit the malicious webpage). Worm is a virus that spreads
from computer to computer without human interaction to take valuable memory and cause the
computer to stop operating. It also helps the attacker to access your computer remotely. Trojan
is a program that potentially damaging computer and hides the viruses. Trojans can be found in
the free software or in the attachment email message. Spyware is computer software that
collects information without our permission. It can detect your personal email address, other
personal information and Internet usage.

To prevent security from computer viruses, worms and Trojans, we should install anti-virus
software and always update. Make sure that the configuration of anti-virus works every time
when we open the computer. In addition, we must be careful when click the file and link file.
Then we must provide back up important data files that still exist although the virus attacks.

Therefore, we need to understand what security threats with the right knowledge, resources,
integrate security in behavior through clear policies. Then spread the technical control and
constantly update. Respond quickly if a breach of information security. Therefore, confidentiality
of information we will secure and protected from illegal invasion.

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