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The main differences between are and are being, or is and is being, are volition and duration;
are being means roughly, "are currently choosing to be (and could easily choose to stop

So, "why are you being so unreasonable?" means roughly, "why are you choosing to be so
unreasonable right now"; and ?"he is being ill" would mean roughly "he's choosing to be ill
right now".

What's more, even if you really do mean that someone is (somehow) choosing to be ill, this is a
very odd thing to say, so you would want to be explicit; you wouldn't just suggest it by saying
"he is being ill".

Basicamente con is being, indicamos que una persona esta haciendo algo en un momento
determinado, al contrario de lo que suele hacer y muy IMPORTANTE por su propia voluntad.

Con is por ejemplo en el caso de que este enfermo aunque es una circunstancia temporal y
actual al no ser por su propia voluntad usaremos being.

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