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General Education/Training Issue: Achieving Professional Relationships and Mutual

Respect in the Workplace

Team 1:

Cassandra Humphrey, Deanne Dominguez, Hiba Adnan, Maren Sibai

CSU Monterey Bay

IST 520

Dr. Fischer

February 2018
Task: Achieving Professional Relationships and Mutual Respect in the Workplace

Context: This organization has had many complaints of sexual harassment, disrespect and
inappropriate touching and talking in the workplace. Complaints range from women about men;
men about men, women about women, men about women. Complaints are heard about improper
advances, supervisor abuse of power (minor and major), language in the workplace, discussions
about professional appearance, and instances of minor and major assault.

A 4-point Likert Survey (Very Bad, Bad, Good, Great) shows an average of 2.0 out of 4.0. Our
goal is to create a favorable work climate. Our objectives are to move the average from 2.0 to 3+
and to achieve a 75% reduction in the number of reported instances of minor and major assault.

The training division must develop a program to inform supervisors and employees about
developing mutual respect, proper conduct and incident reporting.

Please submit a leadership-reviewed outline of measures the organization will take.

● Cognitivist Theories and Practices
● Schema Theory
o Learning new information is made easier by comparing it to existing information.
o “Symbol systems” like flow charts, graphs, and other visual representations of
information are thought to be helpful.
● Gagne
o Nine events that guide a learner from initial introduction to final assessment.
o Structured and well-planned approach.

● Declarative:
o From memory, employees will be able to list the necessary steps and measures to
be taken prior to submitting an official complaint with 100% accuracy.

o Given a set of misconducts (i.e. power abuse, sexual harassment, disrespect…etc.)

employees will be able to describe, as per the organization’s policy, the
consequences of each misconduct and state the appropriate action that should
have been taken with 95% accuracy.
● Procedural:
o Given a set of scenarios about variable workplace employees will be able to recognize
then classify conducts as “appropriate” or “inappropriate” with 100% accuracy.
o While in role-play employees, will correctly respond according to the organizations
internal procedure and regulations, to an unprofessional interaction with 100% accuracy.

● Materials Needed:
o Short videos for examples of behavior.
o Scenario cards outlining different issues for a sorting activity.
o Handout: Graphic organizer that outlines channels to report (HR, supervisor, etc.)
and when it's appropriate to talk it out vs. report.
● The lesson will be executed in-person with a facilitator. The Presentation cover’s Gagné’s first
three events:
o Gain Attention
▪ Announce the training to all employees.
▪ Hold the training.
o Inform of Objectives
▪ Facilitator explains why we’re meeting (inappropriate conduct, etc.).
▪ Facilitator goes over formal objectives.
o Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning
▪ Remind employees of company policies regarding professionalism,
behavior, etc.

● Practice/Production covers events 4 and 5:
o Presenting the stimulus
▪ Learners watch video scenarios and/or roleplays outlining common
organizational issues.
o Providing Learner Guidance
▪ Facilitator leads discussions on how to handle different scenarios.
▪ Everyone in the group should be encouraged to share their ideas.
▪ The facilitator eventually takes a step back to allow students to practice in
small groups.

● Production and posting is covered by events 6 through 8:
○ Eliciting Performance
■ Employees work in small groups without facilitator guidance to determine
how to address and respond to difference scenarios outlined on cards.
○ Providing Feedback
■ The facilitator goes around the room and speaks with each group to see
what solution they agreed on.

○ Assessing Performance
■ The facilitator determines if the groups were able to determine the correct
course of action for their given scenario.

 Knowledge communities are created through working in small groups.
 All employees, including supervisors, are included in the same training and are informed of
each department’s responsibilities for upholding conduct and policies.
o By becoming aware of employee responsibilities, it will be easier to recognize when
things are upheld properly or improperly.
o This type of accountability will encourage all members of the group to abide by company

Ensuring Retention:
 The last event is Enhance Retention/Transfer
o If employees are not able to adequately determine the proper procedures
independently in their small groups, the facilitator may introduce extra practice in
the form of other scenarios to analyze.
o Long-term retention will be encouraged by giving each employee a graphic
organizer that outlines how to recognize, address, and report workplace issues.
These will also be posted in public areas like bulletin boards.

Harasim, L. (2017). Learning Theory and Online Technologies, 2nd Edition. [Chegg]. Retrieved


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