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Exclusive breastfeeding is the giving of breast milk in to babies without any other liquid
or foods supplements since they are born until they are six months old. The benefit of exclusive
breastfeeding is to reduce the risk of illness in babies. The coverage of Exclusive breastfeeding
at the working area of ciwidey Health Center, in 2016 was about 80%. The aim of the research
was to analyze the influence of characteristics (age, education, and jobs) of mothers who
breastfed their babies on the giving of exclusive breastfeeding at the working area of Ciwidey
Health Center in 2016.
The type of the research was an descriptive with crossectional design. The population
was all mothers who breastfed their 6 to 12 month old babies at the working area of Ciwidey
Health Center. The data were analyzed by using descriptive in numeric (value and presentage).

The result of the research showed that the coverage of giving exclusive breastfeeding
at the working area of Ciwidey Health Center was 80%. The percentage correct value indicated
that the variables of characteristics respondens could explain the influence on giving exclusive

It is recommended that health workers at the working area of Ciwidey Health Center
should provide counseling regularly about the benefit and the way of giving exclusive
breastfeeding to babies and the pregnant mothers at the working area of Ciwidey Health Center
should actively visit health facilities so tht they can get information about the giving exclusive
breastfeeding and increase coverage of giving exclusive breastfeeding

Keywords: characteristics, knowledge, exclusive breastfeeding

ASI eksklusif adalah pemberian ASI (Air Susu Ibu) saja kepada bayi mulai ia lahir
sampai berumur 6 bulan, tanpa tambahan cairan lain dan tambahan makanan lain. ASI dapat
menurunkan risiko bayi mengidap berbagai penyakit. Di wilayah Desa Ciwidey pada tahun
2016 diketahui cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif sekitar 80%. Penelitian bertujuan untuk
menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik (umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan) terhadap pemberian ASI
eksklusif di Desa Ciwidey tahun 2016.

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan desain crossectional. Populasi
adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki bayi dana tau balita yang berada di Desa Ciwidey. Analisa
data dalam bentuk numerik diolah secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk jumlah (n) dan
presentase (%) yang ditampilkan dalam tabel.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Desa

Ciwidey sebesar 80%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa karakteristik responden
mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan ASI eksklusif.

Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ciwidey melakukan

penyuluhan secara berkala tentang manfaat, cara pemberian ASI eksklusif kepada bayi.
Diharapkan ibu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ciwidey yang sedang hamil lebih aktif datang ke
fasilitas kesehatan untuk menerima informasi tentang pemberian ASI eksklusif sehingga
cakupan pemberian ASI ekslusif di daerah ciwidey bisa meningkat.
Kata Kunci: Karekteristik, Pengetahuan, Sikap, ASI Eksklusif

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