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Consulate General of France in New York

934 5th Ave, New York, NY 10021

To: Consul Anne-Claire Legendre

RE: France Position on Western Sahara

The Sahrawi Association in the United States of America (SAUSA) follows

with great concern the French negative position vis-vis the issue of Western Sahara.
The French alignment with the kingdom of Morocco and the unwavering support to
its policy concerning the issue of Western Sahara has only prolonged the suffering
of the Saharawi people and hindered the UN endeavors to find a peaceful and just
solution which would allow the Saharawi people the right to self-determination in
consistent with the UN charter and international law.

It is our deep regret that, in every Security Council Meeting, France supports the
Moroccan position of refusing to extend the mandate of the United Nations Mission
(MINURSO) to monitor and report on the violation of human rights in the occupied
territories of Western Sahara. Furthermore, Morocco refuses to implement a
referendum on self-determination as the primary objective of the 1991 ceasefire.

The French position allows the kingdom of Morocco; a state which the UN, the
OAU-AU and the EU continue to consider as a force of occupation- to pursue its
colonization of Western Sahara. Morocco does so by promoting one of the most
extensive settlement projects by relocation of the populations from Morocco into the
occupied territory of Western Sahara, by illegally imprisoning and torturing human
right activists in a flagrant breach of international law, and by the continuation of
plundering the natural resources of the territory.

We believe that this position does not reflect the French principles and values upon
which the French Republic was established. Strong values such Liberté, égalité and
fraternité constitute the core of the French revolution that inspired the entire world.
Unfortunately, these values are not reflected in the French external policy towards
Western Sahara.
On behalf of the Saharawi people, SAUSA call upon the French government to
correct its position in favor of the application of the international law with regards
to Western Sahara and play a leading role in a peaceful resolution of the conflict
alongside international institutions. Keep in mind that only through cooperation and
respect of international law the Maghreb Arab shall live in stability and security.


Mohamed Ali Arkoukou

SAUSA President

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