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Statistical analysis ‘Overall effect sizes were represented in odds ratios (OR)'” and 95% confidence invade (CD,'* Meta-analysis used the random-effects model, wit assessed by chi- square and I? tests.'° ore and sensitivity analyses were conducted according to the publication years, follow-up pe- tiods, sample sizes, study quality scores, efficacy criteria, and treatments. Meta-regression”” was performed to determine possible relationships between the overall effects and such factors as sample sizes, follow-up periods, M scores, and publication years. Funnel plot,”' the Egger test,”” and the Begg test were used to assess publication bias. The trim- ‘Records identified thraagh search: WanFang Dita 1258 ‘China National Knowledge Infastructure 667 ‘Cochrane Library PubMed Medline ‘China Master Theses Full-text Database ‘ScienceDirect ‘China Doctor Dissertations Fulltext Database 02328) Heentification zsarvaad Records after duplicates and review articles removed. (n=2207) Eligible full-text records (78) a Records included ett) Records excluded: Duplicates n Records excluded: Non included beta-blocker 013 Now: RCT 418 Non symptomatic dita 31 Noo- IHD or non-angina a4 Follow-up period less than 4 weeks 8 (2129) FIG.1. Results of the database search and study selection process. IHD, ischemic heart disease; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

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