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- persamaan kata

- word order
=> urutan kata. Berfungsi sbg metode penyusunan kata menjadi kalimat yang benar. S+P+O
- artikel, demonstrative, possessive pronoun

- agreement dan number

- tense
- passive voice
- referensi gramatika
- kata sambung (subordinating conjunction)
1. because :
2. as long as : you are allowed to live here as long as you pay the monthly fee
3. unless : kecuali kalau
: we will go unless it rains
Only if :
As soon as
Even though
Although : I have to attend the lectures although it’s going to rain

- preposisi
- modal
- kalimat conditional
- konstruksi derivative
- kalimat, frasa, ungkapan simpulan
- referensi makna

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