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Second Semester “B”


March 2018 – August 2018

What suggest the term redundancy? 
a) Phonemically relevant features define the basic segments 
b) Phonemically features are not important to the study 
c)  Redundancy is not a term in the study of linguistic 
d) Phonemically is a math term 
Why: because it says in accord of “Synopsis of linguistic theory, lll” 
What is the business of a linguist? 
a) To speak English 
b) To speak Spanish 
c) To study languages 
d) To create a new language 
Why: it’s a Chomsky thought 
What is the meaning of the term “valid”? 
a) Agreement of methods used in speak language 
b) Not agree with something 
c)  Agree with something 
d) Agreement of methods used in making the grammar 
Why: It’s a Chomsky thought 
What did Allen say about “The distribution of statement”? 
a) Is necessitated by the phonetic assumption 
b) Is necessitated by Chomsky 
c)  Is necessitated by Firth 
d) Not is necessary to use 
Why: It’s based on Allen declaration 
What did Chomsky prefer to use in intralinguistic? 
a) Chomsky prefer to use langue 
b) Chomsky prefer to use parole 
c)  Chomsky prefer to use the head 
d) Chomsky didn’t know anything   
Why: because Chomsky prefer to use langue upon the parole 
For Firth, what is the term structure? 
a) Is a dogmatic 
b) Is a system 
c) Is a parodic 
d) Is a system derrivates to the paradigmatic 
Why: It’s a thought of J.R. Firth 
What are the levels of a schematic construction? 
a) Lexical, phonetic 
b) Phonological, grammatical 
c) Situacional, grammatical, phonetic, lexical 
d) Phonetic, phonological 
Why: Are the levels 
The situacional approach what situation as follows? 
a) Interior relations of the text itself 
b) Place and contrast 
c) Contrast and interior relations of the text itself 
d)  Interior  relations within the context of situation and interior relations of the 
text itself 
Why: Are the principal situations 
What are the components of the whole meaning? 
a) Phonetics, lexical, grammatical, situational 
b) Situational, lexical 
c) Phonetic, grammatical 
d) Lexical 
Why: Are the more important elements 
In synopsis of linguistics theory Firth listed? 
a) Relevant objects 
b) Participants, relevant objects, the effect of the verbal action 
c) Participant 
d) Effect of the verbal actional 
Why: This is a theory of Firth 
Where Bronislaw malinowski spent most of his life? 
a) ​England (It’s correct. He spent of his life in England )
b) ​France (It’s not correct. He spent of his life in England)
c) ​Germany (It’s not correct. He spent of his life in England)
d) ​Spain (It’s not correct. He spent of his life in England)
Who was the opinion
"Since societies are unique, and their languages ​and situations in which
they use language are equally unique, it would appear that translation
would be impossible"
a) ​E.J.A Henderson (It’s not correct. This opinion was the Malinowski’s)
b) ​W. Sidney (It’s not correct. This opinion was the Malinowski’s)
c) ​Malinowski’s (It’s correct. This opinion was the Malinowski’s)
d) ​Zelling Harrys (It’s not correct. This opinion was the Malinowski’s)

In studying the words in which b is initial we find that p or m could replace

it in most of them:
a) ​PLACE (It’s not correct because is using english b as a illustration, the
sound is found to accour)
b) ​INITIALLY ( It’s not correct because initial doesn’t studying the words in
which b is initial we find that p or m could replace it in most of them
c) ​PHONETIC (It’s not correct because phonetic doesn’t studying the words
in which b is initial we find that p or m could replace it in most of them
d) ​CONTRAST ( It’s correct because initial doesn’t studying the words in
which b is initial we find that p or m could replace it in most of them )

Using English b as a ilustration, the sound Is found to occur:

a) ​INITIALLY (It’s correct because is using English b as a ilustration, the
sound Is found to occur
b) ​NEVER AFTER A VOWEL ( It’s not correct because is never after a
c) ​AFTER ANY VOWEL ( It’s not correct because is before any vowel)
because is before a limited numbers of consonants)

Choose the correct answer:

a) ​The stops and Africatives are voiceless and have no allophones (​It’s not
correct becaucse ​The stops and fricative are voiceless and have no

b) ​The stops and Africative are voices and have allpohones allophones (​It’s
not correct becaucse ​The stops and fricative are voiceless and have no

c) ​The stops and fricative are voiceless and have no allopohones allophones
(​It’s correct becaucse ​The stops and fricative are voiceless and have no

d) ​The Africative and fricative are voices and have allopohones allophones (​It’s
not correct becaucse ​The stops and fricative are voiceless and have no
1. Sapir suggests that language is like: 
a. A prepared road or groove. Correct because Sapir suggested this in many 
b. A symbolic system of reference. Incorrect because this is the way how 
language can be analysed. 
c. A new principle of relativity. Incorrect because this is a Sapir-Whorf 
d. A phonetic group. Incorrect, this is a definition of word. 
2. To pass from one language to another is psychologically parallel to: 
a. Crossing a street. Incorrect, we don’t use much science to do this action. 
b. Passing from one geometrical system of reference to another. Correct 
because this is one of its basic properties. 
c. Skipping some pages of a book. Incorrect, this doesn’t concern with the 
d. Feeling a sense of sadness. Incorrect, this kind of psychology is from 
another genre. 
3. Who helped explode the myths about connection between language and 
a. Noam Chomsky. Incorrect, because he studied the cognitive science. 
b. Skinner. Incorrect, because he was a psychologist and he studied the 
c. Edward Sapir. Correct, because he was one of the scholars who helped to 
explore the myths about race and culture. 
d. Bloomfield. incorrect, because he studied the structuralism, morphology 
and syntax. 
​Who define culture as “what a society does and thinks”? 
4. Who thinks”? 
a. Sapir. Incorrect, it was Sapir and his pupil, Benjamin Lee Whorf. 
b. Sapir and Whorf. Correct, both thought that the aspects of different 
cultures are strongly conditioned by their particular languages. 
c. Benjamin Franklin. Incorrect, he was an United States president. 
d. Piaget. Incorrect, he studied about the development of knowledge. 
5. What appealed Whorf to pose the European and Hopi Indian problem ? 

a. The geometrical image. Correct, because it is an illustration of the 
differences we can find between two languages. 
b. The genetic science. Incorrect, because he based in geometrical and 
mathematical systems. 
c. The ancient Hopi customs. Incorrect, he used the Hopi Indians as a part of 
his problem. 
d. The Biotechnology. Incorrect, the studies are based on the human social 
·  Mathematical  Principles  of  Natural  Philosophy,  this  is  incorrect  because  this 
book was written by Isaac Newton 
·  ​Synchronic  structural  linguistics,  is  correct,  because  it  was  one  of  his 
principally work 
·  The  Catilinarias,  this  is  incorrect  because  this  book  was  written  by  Juan 
·  Secret  of  Childhood,  this  is  incorrect  because  this  book  was  written  by  Maria 
·  ​Linguistic  Society  is  correct  because  from  1881  until  1889  beginning  when  he 
was 24, he lectured on comparative grammar in place of Bréal 
·  Knowledge  Society  is  incorrect  because  this  is  a  term  and  occupies  a  place  in 
the current discussion in the social sciences as well as in European politics 
·  Industrial  Society  is  incorrect  because  it  is  a  sociological and historiographical 
· The Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, is incorrect because this is a scientific 
society whose purpose is the promotion of Mathematics 
· Germany is incorrect because it is a country 
· Croatia is incorrect because he wasn't born in this country 
· Brazil is incorrect because this country is part of Latin America 
· ​Geneva is correct because he was born in Switzerland and Geneva is part of this 
·  The  birth  of  the  child's  intelligence  is  incorrect  because  this  book  was  written 
by Jean Piaget 
·  ​Rules  of  the  Sociological  Method  is  correct  because  constitutes  one  of  the 
fundamental works of Durkheim 
· The Suicide is incorrect because it is one of the main theses that Durkheim 
· The Division of Labour in Society is incorrect because is the doctoral thesis that 
Durkheim read in 1893 
1.-Where Saussure was born? (Page 195) 
A) Hungary (It's incorrect because he wasn't born in this place) 
B) Switzerland (It's correct because he was born in this place on November 
C) Russia (It's incorrect because he wasn't born in this place) 
D) France (It's incorrect because his parents was French but they 
viewed in Switzerland) 
ANSWER: ​B ​(p. 195) 
2.-Where he did his elementary and secondary studies? (Page 195) 
A) Milan (It's incorrect because he didn't study in this place) 
B) Paris (It's incorrect because he studied the university in this place) 
C) Berna (It's incorrect because he didn't study in this place) 
D) Geneva  (It's correct because he studied the elementary and secondary in 
this place) 
ANSWER: ​D ​(p. 195) 
3.-What year Ferdinand de Saussure died? (Page 195) 
A) In 1913 (It's correct because he died in this year) 
B) In 1857 (It's incorrect because he was born in this year) 
C) In 1891 (It's incorrect because he lectured at the University of 
Geneva in this year) 
D) In 1879 (It's incorrect because he proved himself their equal in his 
memorable ¨ Mémoire sur Systeme primitif des voyelles dans langues 
indo-europeennes ¨) 
ANSWER: ​A ​(p. 195) 
4.-What was the name of the first contribution to linguistics? (Page 196) 
A) Synchronic versus Diachronic Study of Language   
(It's incorrect because this is the second contribution to linguistics) 
B) The Linguistic Sign   
(It's incorrect because this is the third contribution to linguistics) 
C) La Langue, La Parole, Le Langage   
(It's correct because this is the first contribution to linguistics) 
D) Associative and Syntagmatic Relations   
(It's incorrect because this is the fourth contribution to linguistics) 
ANSWER: ​C ​(p. 196) 
​What  is  the  name  of the third topic that includes La Language, La Parole, and 
5.  -  What
Langage?​ (Page
Le Langage?​ ​(Page 196) 
A) Linguistic forms 
(It's incorrect because this is the first topic) 
B) Relations among linguistic forms   
(It's incorrect because this is the second topic) 
C) Relations among meanings 
(It's incorrect because this is the fourth topic) 
D) Meanings of linguistics forms 
(It's correct because this is the third topic) 
ANSWER: ​D ​(p. 196) 
1) What is the method that assumes that both the resemblances and difference
among related languages are an indication of the structure of the parent
A)​​ ​The comparative method of Bloomfield
B)​​ The reconstructed method of Bloomfield
C)​​ The scientific method of Bloomfield
D) ​The splitting process of Bloomfield

According to Johannes Schmidt

Which represents the family tree image?
A) How splitting process related phonetics
B) How language phases develop
C) How language periods work
D) How changes occur in related languages

What is one of the clearest examples of linguistic change?

A) One of the clearest examples of linguistic change is phonetic change
B) One of the clearest examples of linguistic change is fluctuation in the
frequency change
C) One of the clearest examples of linguistic change is analogic change
D) One of the clearest examples of linguistic change is semantic change
What are the types of phonetic change?
A) Assimilation, progressive - compensatory, lengthening, simplification
B) Assimilation, progressive - assimilation, compensatory lengthening,
C) Assimilation, progressive - compensatory, compensatory lengthening
D) Assimilation, progressive - compensatory, compensatory lengthening,

What is more important that phonetic considerations?

A) Are the situations of meaning that contribute to the avoidance of expressions or
the explications of new term.

B) Are the factors of meaning that contribute to the avoidance of expressions or

the inventions of new term.

C) Are the changes of meaning that contribute to the avoidance of expressions or

the inventions of new term.

D) Are the factors of explication that contribute to the avoidance of expressions or

the inventions of new term.
1) The psychological term of “Behaviorism” was developed by: 
a) Leonard Bloomfield (Incorrect. Leonard became acquainted with its 
promise of making linguistics scientific) 
b) J. B. Watson * (Correct. It’s the Watsonian formulation) 
c) A. P. Weiss (Incorrect. He was a behavioral psychologist author) 
d) William McDougall (Incorrect. He was a professor) 
ANSWER: B (page. 240) 
2) Bloomfield pointed that the most difficult step in language study is: 
a) To view language as one form of bodily behavior * (Correct. It was his 
conviction by illustrating examples) 
b) To view language as a manifestation through writing (Incorrect. This is a 
use of language) 
c) To view language as literature and philology studies (Incorrect. These 
are studies of the use of language) 
d) To view language as a manifestation through speech (Incorrect. This is a 
use of language) 
ANSWER: A (page. 245) 
3) Bloomfield summarized that the variability of human conduct based 
on mentalism: 
a) Interferes by the material things (Incorrect. This refers to mechanism) 
b) Is due to the human body complexity (Incorrect. This is a theory of 
c) Is due to the interference of the non–physical factors * (Correct. 
Bloomfield states that this follows some other kind of causation) 
d) Is part of cause​–and–effect sequences (Incorrect. This is a pattern of 
succession in mechanism) 
ANSWER: C (page. 246) 
4) How did Bloomfield concluded the term “meaning”? 
a) The state of meanings is the weak point in language–study and will 
remain so until human knowledge advances very far beyond its present state. 
* (Correct. This is an understandable conclusion by Bloomfield) 
b) As the situation in which the speakers utters it and the response which it 
calls forth in the hearer. (Incorrect. This is a general point of view) 
c) As a speech formed accurately when this meaning has to do with some 
matter of which we posses scientific knowledge. (Incorrect. This is a general 
point of view) 
d) It’s a unifying and unified form of knowledge, so that the scientific 
treatment of language form and meaning would not betray the autonomy of 
linguistics. (Incorrect. This is Bloomfield’s point of view about science) 
ANSWER: A (page. 247) 
5) For the mentalist, language is: 
a) The characteristic of materials following its scientific meaning. 
(Incorrect. It’s the opposite) 
b) Body movements processed equally for everybody. (Incorrect. Not 
everybody has the same meaning in order to communicate with body 
c) The scientific definition of words (Incorrect. The mentalist defines 
meaning as a form of a characteristic mental event) 
d) The expression of ideas, feelings, or volitions. * (Correct. The speakers 
utter a word and the hearer evokes a word in its mind) 
ANSWER: D (page. 248) 
1. With which school did Firth work and have objections? 
A.  The Barcelona school. This  is  not  correct  because  he  was  an 
English language teacher and linguist. 
B.  The London school.*  This  is  correct  because  he  worked  in 
the London school. 
C.  The  Rome  school.  This  is  not  correct  because  he  did  not 
speak Italian and he did not do any study there. 
D.  The Australian school.  This  is  not  correct  because  he  did  not 
study  in  Australia,  nor  did  he  travel  to  another  continent  as  far  as 
2. To whom were Firth's objections directed? 
A.  Chinese  phonological  procedures.  This  is  not  correct because 
did not study the phonetics of the Chinese language. 
B.  Spanish  phonological  procedures.  This is not correct because 
he  did  not  speak  Spanish  nor  was  concerned  about  studying  and 
developing the Spanish language. 
C.  French phonological procedures.  This  is  not  correct 
because he did not object to the French language. 
D.  American  phonological  procedures.*  This is correct because he 
did not agree to the Bloomfieldian view. 
3. How is the Firth approach designed? 
A.  Disystemic.  This is not correct because that is not an approach and the 
word does not exist. 
B. Monosystemic.   This  is  not  correct  because  Firth  was  not  agree  to 
the single system of language of Bloomfield that is monosystemic. 
C. Polysystemic.*   This  is  correct  because  Firth  designed  this  approach  as 
opposed to the monosystemic approach that he did not agree with. 
D.  Systemic.  This is not correct because that is just a word that does not 
represent an approach. 
4. What problem introduces anomalies such as the concept of redundancy? 
A.  That  the  phonemic  is  based  on  a  single  language  system.*  This  is 
correct  because  having  only  one  language  system  means  having  to  be 
redundant by not having more support resources. 
B. That the phonemic is not based on a language system.  This  is  not 
correct because if there is no language system, there is nothing. 
C. That phonemic is based on multiple language systems.    This  is  not 
correct because it does not introduce anomalies of redundancy. 
D. That the phonemic is based on two or more language systems.  This  is  not 
correct  because  with  more  language  systems  you  have  more  variety  in  the 
5. What distinction was fundamental in Firth's approach? 
A. Distinction between meaning and context. This  is  not  correct  because Firth 
does not make any distinction between meaning and context. 
B. Distinction between system and meaning.  This  is  not  correct  because 
system and meaning does not have any relation between each other. 
C.  Distinction  between  system  and  structure.*  This  is  correct  because  Firth 
talk about this fundamental distinction for his own approach. 
D. Distinction between structure and syntax.  This  is  not  correct 
because Firth did not make a distinction between structure and syntax. 
¿How is phonological analysis called? 
A. Phonetics: No, because it is the studies the sounds of human speech 
B. Metamorphosis: No, because it is a biogical process by which an animal 
develops from its birth to maturity through major structural and 
C. Prosodic: Yes, because it contains, as one of its fundamental elements, 
features that are not recognized as autonomous in the phonemic approach 
D. Phonematic: No, because phonematic are generally represented in general 
phonetic term. 
¿How should be the study of language? 
A. Formal: Yes, because the linguistic unit and categories should be verifiable 
through compositional or distributional contrast. 
B. Informal: No, because it is a style of writing or conversational speech 
characterized by simple grammatical structure. 
C. Direct: No, because it means without intervention of factors 
D. Indirect: No because it means not follow steps or factors. 
¿What is a unit of language? 
A. Sentence: Yes, because is the basic datum of language. 
B. Sense: No, because it is a faculty bi which the body perceives an external 
C. Systematic: No, because it is a process 
D. Phonetics: No, because it is the studies the sounds of human speech 
¿What are phonematic units? 
A. Structural: No, because it is an syntagmatic relations 
B. Segmental abstractions: Yes, because it is has exponents in the phonic 
substance, just as grammatical units. 
C. Stops: No, because it is a manner of articulation  
D. Sentences prosody: No, because it is a intonation 
¿What is the meaning of unit for Firth? 
A. For Firth the unit are pieces and clauses: No, because the unit are 
abstractions from de text. 
B. He said that the unit is the text in a context of situation: Yes, because the unit 
is then dispersed into modes for the purpose of study 
C. It is a grammatical status of the structure: No, because the phonological 
categories are limited by the grammatical status of the structure. 
D. He said that the units are articles: No, because the unit is a text in a context 
of situation. 
Questions about “Phonetic Structure” 
1. What is morphology? 
A. Is  the  study  that  deals  with  "the  constructions  in  which  the  forms  of 
liaison  appear  between  the  constitution  of  orders  and  parts of words. / A. 
Because is the Bloomfield description. 
B. It's the inclusion of phases constructions. / B. This is syntax. 
C. Is  defined  as  a  recurrent  set  of  taxemes  of  modulation,  phonetic 
modification, selection, and order. /C. This is a syntactic construction. 
D. Is  when  forms  are  used  alone,  and  included  position./  D.This  is  the 
absolute position of the "types sentences" 
2​. What supplementary values arise from several sources?
A. The social standing of the speaker, his local provenience and the perception of
archaisms./ A. They are not all supplementary values.
B. Subject, verb and complement./ B. Not because they are the parts of a simple
C. Order, modulation or use of secondary phonemes and selection or differing
arrangements./ C. No, because they are the four basic ways in which linguistic
forms are arranged
D. The social standing of the speaker, his local provenience, the perception of
archaisms, technical terms, learned forms, foreign forms or foreign learned
forms and slang.​/ D.Yes, because the presence of connotations, supplementary
values, is the other important factor in the variability of meanings.  
3. What are the Taxemes of selection? 
A. Are  of  great  importance  in  all  languages,  and  syntax  consists  largely  of  a 
discussion of them.​/ ​A. this is the importance. 
B. The  taxeme  is  to  the  grammar  what  the  phoneme  is  to  the  lexicon. 
/B.Because  is  the smallest unit of form, which distinguishes meanings, but 
which has no meaning itself. 
C. Is  when  forms  are  used  alone,  and  included  position./  C.This  is  the 
absolute position of the "types sentences" 
D. It's the inclusion of phases constructions. / D. This is syntax. 
4.  According  to  Bloomfield,  what  are  the  four  basic ways in which linguistic 
forms are organized?  
A. The social standing of the speaker, his local provenience and the perception of
archaisms./ A. They are not all supplementary values.
B. Order, modulation or use of secondary phonemes, phonetic modification or
change o the primary phonemes and selection or differing arrangements of the
same constituents resulting​. /B.Yes, because they are the four basic forms in
which linguistic forms are organized, since in this way linguistics can be better
C. The social standing of the speaker, his local provenience, the perception of
archaisms, technical terms, learned forms, foreign forms or foreign learned
forms and slang./ D.No, because the presence of connotations, supplementary
values, is the other important factor in the variability of meanings.  
D. Subject, verb and complement./ D. Not because they are the parts of a simple
5. For English, what are the classification words? 
A. SECONDARY  WORDS:  Compound  words  and  derived  secondary 
words,PRIMARY WORDS: derived primary words and morpheme words.  
B. The social standing of the speaker, his local provenience, the perception of
archaisms, technical terms, learned forms, foreign forms or foreign learned
forms and slang./ B.No, because the presence of connotations, supplementary
values, is the other important factor in the variability of meanings.  
C. Subject, verb and complement./ C. Not because they are the parts of a simple
D. Order, modulation or use of secondary phonemes, phonetic modification or
change o the primary phonemes and selection or differing arrangements of the
same constituents resulting. /D.Yes, because they are the four basic forms in
which linguistic forms are organized, since in this way linguistics can be better
Questions about Noam Chomsky 
1. What nationality does the linguist-philosopher Noam Abraham Chomsky? 
A.  Noam  Abraham  Chomsky  is  American  A.  He  is  American,  because  He 
born in Philadelphia, United States. 
  B.  Noam  Abraham Chomsky is Irish  B.  He isn´t Irish, because He isn´t born 
in Philadelphia, Irland. 
C.  Noam  Abraham  Chomsky  is  Russian  C.  He isn´t Russian, because He isn´t 
born in Moscow, Russia. 
D.  Noam  Abraham  Chomsky  is  German  D.  He isn´t German, because He isn´t 
born in Berlin, Germany. 
Answer: A 
Bibliography:​ ​

2. Why is it considered one of the most outstanding figures of 

twentieth-century linguistics? 
A.  He wrote a lot about other scientists  ​A.  Because I fight for world peace and 
the scientists of the twentieth century. 
B. Because is this American ​B. For being a good man throughout his life. 
C.  Because  is  he  an  academic  and  linguistic  scientist  ​C.  Because  he is highly 
recognized  in the scientific and academic community for his important works 
in linguistic theory and cognitive science. 
  D.  Because  He  was  a  teacher  in  Harvard.  ​D. F
​ or  working  hand  in  hand  with 

poor people and writing about them, making them known to the world. 
Answer: C 
Bibliography:​ ​ 
3. What does Noam Chomsky say about The objects of linguistic study? 
A.  Because  children  do  not  understand  any  language  ​A. C
​ hildren  understand 

everything  and  learn  everything  they  see  but  always  in  a  way  appropriate  to 
their age. 
B.  Because  are  languages  ​learned  in  an  adequate  intonation  of  the  speaker  ​B.
The  speaker  must  consider  the  appropriate  conditions  to  reach  the  child  so 
that  he  learns  the  language  and  in  turn  the  child  creates  an  internal 
representation of how to do things and learn them.  
C.  Because  do  children  not  learn  to  speak  any language  ​C. B
​ ecause they don´t 

have an adequate didactic, which the speaker should teach him.  

D.  Because  prayers  have  nothing  to  do  with  learning  a  language  ​D. F
​ alse, the 

sentences  have  a  lot  to  do  when  learning  a  language,  according  to  Chomsky 
children learn with the formation of correct and incorrect sentences. 
Answer: B 
Bibliography: ​(Book that gave us, about Noam Chomsky) 
4. Which are the linguistic Universities for Noam Chomsky? 
A.  ​The  types  of  linguistics  does  Chomsky  distinguish  they  are..  A.  Chomsky 
only  distinguishes  two  types  of  linguistics  universals:  Substantive  and 
B.  ​Because does Chomsky only distinguish one type of linguistics  B.  Chomsky 
recognizes  or  distinguishes  two  types  of  universal  linguistics and he explains 
C.  ​Because  Chomsky  doesn´t  distinguish  syntax  C.  The  theory of Syntax that 
among  substantive  universals  are  those  that concern the vocabulary required 
to describe a language. 
D.  ​According  to  Chomsky,  are  there  more  than  two  types  of  linguistics  that  he 
distinguishes  D. C
​ homsky  tells  us  that  he  recognizes  two  types of universal 

linguists, not that they do not exist anymore if that were the case. 
Answer: B 
Bibliography: (Book that gave us, about Noam Chomsky) 
5. What is the Formalization of an Elementary Linguistic Theory? 
A. T
​ he  opion of Chomsky about syntax is..  A.  In Syntactic Structurcs Chomsky 

was  particularly  concerned  to  explicate  the  nature  of  syntax  and  in  show  how 
this level of analysis is dealt with various approaches to language.   
B. B
​ ecause  Chomsky  believe  that  grammar was more important than syntax.  B. 

Chomsky  said  ¨The  study of the principles and processes by which sentences are 

constructed  in  particular  languages  …  more  generally,  linguists  have  been 
concerned  with  the  problem  of  determining  the  fundamental  underlying 
properties of successful grammars¨.  
C. B
​ ecause  do  I  never  study  the  Chomsky  syntax.  C.  I study and talk about the 

syntax on many occasions.  

D. Because  the  sentences  have  nothing  to  do  with  the  syntax.  D.  On  the 

contrary he said that in many sentences he will see syntax. 

Answer: A 
Bibliography: (Book that gave us, about Noam Chomsky) 
1. ¿Which are the considerable problems that Chomsky found? 
True.  ​Chomsky 
a) External  adequacy,  condition  of  generality  and  simplicity.  (​True.
​Pg. 357 Par. 1​1​) 
shows that these three problems are involved in the method Pg.
b) External development, condition of simplicity and generality. (​False​
c) External condition, simplicity of environment and diversity. (​False​
d) Internal development, condition of language and generality. (​False​
2. For Noam Chomsky, what exactly means “condition of generality”? 
a) It  means  how  a  language  is  constructed  and  how  a  particular  one  differs  to 
True.  ​Chomsky  proposed  that  a  language  could  be  structured at its 
another.  (​True.
own  environment  but  will  always  be  differing  by  other.  That  means  just  a 
​Pg.367 Par. 1​
bunch of languages are equal. Pg.367 1​) 
b) It  means  how  a  language  is  constructed  in  its  own  way  and  doesn’t  differ  to 
False.  ​Even  though,  community  of languages are different, people’s 
another.  (​False.
always  tried  to  communicate  each  other  creating  new  ways  to 
c) It  means  how  a  language  is  created  on  base  of  other  countries  and  cultures. 
False.  ​Although,  a  language  could  be inspired from others, it doesn’t mean it 
hasn’t its own way of communication.) 
d) It  means  how  a  language  differs  to  others  and  change  its  way  of 
False.  ​Chomsky  said  that  a  language  could  be  differed  by 
interpretation.  (​False.
others,  but  it  will  take  that  new  understanding  of  words  and  apply  it  and 
change it to its current communication structure.) 
3. For Noam Chomsky, what exactly means “external adequacy”? 
a) It  means  how  a  native  speaker  understands,  with  his  experience,  the  same 
True.  ​Prediction  of  sentences  that  the  native 
thing  with  different  meaning.  (​True.
​Pg. 357​
speaker of the language in question would accept. Pg. 357​) 
b) It means how a native speaker changes his way of understanding by replacing 
False.  ​A  native  speaker  will  adapt  his  communication 
it  for  other  meanings  (​False.
depending of the environment he’s living to.) 
c) It  means  how  a  native  speaker  tries  to  introduce  his  language  to  a  new 
False.  ​A  speaker  from  another  place  has  to get involved of the 
environment.  (​False.
communication in his new environment) 
d) It  means  how  a  native speaker fails of the new understanding he is getting to. 
False.  ​Even  though,  getting  acquainted  is  hard  at  the  beginning  isn’t 
4. For Noam Chomsky, what exactly means “simplicity”? 
False.  ​Although,  each 
a) Each  language  follows  its  own  rules  and  grammar  (​False.
language  has  its  own  understanding,  it  has  to  follow  the  same  rules  of 
b) Each  language  has  its  own  grammar  but  follows  the  same  rules.  (​True.
Languages  are  different,  but  all  of  them  have  simplicity.  Like:  verbs  and 
​Pg. 357) 
subjects. Pg. 357) 
True  and  False.  ​Each 
c) Each  language  has  its  own  syntax  and  pronunciation.  (​True
language is different but follows the same rules) 
True and false. ​Languages are always 
d) Each  language  changes thanks to time. (​True
changing but that isn’t the Chomsky’s meaning of simplicity) 
5. Which  aspects  are  involved  in  the  relation  between  our  linguistic  theory 
and grammar construction? 
a) Discovery  procedure,  decision  procedure  and  evaluation  procedure.  (​True.
All  human  beings  are  born  with  a  special  understanding  of  language,  but  the 
development  of  this  understanding  depends  on  the  environment,  our 
​Pg. 357 Par. 3​
experience and our decision. Pg. 3​) 
b) Evaluation  procedure,  decision  procedure  and  discovery  procedure.  (​False.
Even though, theses aspects are correct, the order isn’t)     
c) Getting  acquainted  procedure,  understanding  procedure  and 
acknowledgement procedure. (​False​
d) Tracking procedure, decision procedure and development procedure (​False) 
1. - what was the main characteristic of Franz Boas? 
a) ​Boas was self-taught in linguistics​. (He was self-taught because his main 
interest was geography in anthropological application and to get to know 
more about this topic he needed self-preparation.) 
b) Boas preferred to be taught everything. 
(He thought that for learn, the society in which we find influence a lot.He want 
to be self-taught in linguistics.) 
c) Boas did not like to learn. 
(The cultural tradition of the peoples where we come from influences the 
d) Boas thought that the study of linguistics was learned by experience. 
(He also appreciated that any description of a culture made in ignorance of the 
language and literature of the people would likely be misleading and superficial.) 
2. - Do we use the same sounds all over the world? 
a) The sounds we produce is unlimited in our language 
( the number of sounds which we may be produced is unlimited, in other places 
there are other types of sounds) 
b) ​The sounds we produce are limited in our own language 
( In our own language, we select only a limited number of all the possible 
c) All the sounds that come from the French 
(Each language has its own characteristics, although there may be similarity in 
d) Every language has an undefined group of sounds. 
( Every language has a definite and limited group of sounds, and that the 
number of these in any particular dialect is never excessively large.) 
3. - Does each language have its own grammatical system? 
a) ​Of all the possible phonetic sequences, each language uses only a few 
(Each language uses phonetic sequences to which they are most familiar) 
b) All languages use all the phonetic sequences that exist. 
(each language uses its own phonetic sequence to express ideas) 
c) The languages use phonetic sequences that are unknown or new 
(Each language must have its own phonetics so that it can be understood and 
d) The language has no grammatical system or phonetic sequence. 
( all languages must have their own grammatical system and their own 
phonetic sequence) 
4. - In the nouns, which expresses the gender category? 
a) Express singularity and clarity 
(for that they can appear in syntactic combinations must be expressed with 
singularity and plurality) 
b) ​Express singularity and plurality 
(Express singularity and plurality, in syntactic combinations in several cases.) 
c) Express opposition and plurality 
( gender categories have syntactic combinations that express singularity and 
d) Express ideas and opposition 
( So that the gender categories appear in syntactic combinations, they must be 
modified by forms that express singularity and plurality.) 
5. - What did Boas conclude from experiences with the Indian languages? 
a) Boas noted that our language has priority to other languages 
(Each language is important, therefore none of them has priority to another) 
b) Boas concluded that we can impose the form of our language upon other 
(Each language has its way of expressing its ideas, therefore they use different 
c) Boas concluded that we must impose our language on languages 
(Our language has a different way of expressing itself and therefore different 
phonetic groups) 
d) ​Boas concluded that we cannot impose the form of our language upon other 
(We must look to see what kinds of forms they use and how they express 
relations among ideas.) 

1.  Who  was  the  most  important  influence  on  Edward  Sapir´s  career  as 
linguist? (page 213, first paragraph) 
A)  Frank  Boas  (it´s  correct  because,  Boas was the main influence and a 
great fellow of Sapir) 
B)  Durkheim (it´s incorrect because, Durkheim didn’t have relation with 
C)  De  Saussure  (it´s  incorrect  because,  Boas was the great influence on 
D)  Einstein  (it´s  incorrect  because,  Einstein  didn’t  have  relation  with 
2. According to Sapir what is a word? (page 225, third line) 
A)  The  linguistic  expression  of  a  proposition.  (it´s  incorrect  because, 
that is a sentence) 
B)  Is  an  articulate  speech.  (it´s  incorrect  because,  that  is  language 
according to Boas) 
C)  A  phonetic  group  which  because  of  its  permanence  of  form, 
clearness  of  significance.  (it´s  incorrect  because,  that is the definition 
of a word but according to Boas) 
D)  One of the smallest completely satisfying bits of isolated meaning into 
which  the  sentence  resolves  itself.  (it´s  correct,  in  fact  that  is  a  word 
according to Sapir) 
3.  What  is  one  of  the  three  main  criteria  according  to  Sapir?  (page  232, 
second paragraph) 
A)  La  parole  (it´s  incorrect  because,  la  parole  is  a  French  word  that 
means speaking) 
B)  The  conceptual  type (it´s correct in fact, that is one of the three main 
C) The phonetics (it´s incorrect because, it is a branch of linguistics) 
D)  The  manner  of  articulation  (it´s  incorrect  because,  that  is  the 
configuration and interaction of the speech organs) 
4.  According to Saussure one of the consequences that the languages change 
so slowly is? (page 233, first paragraph) 
A)  That  we  are  unaware  of  the  alterations  (it´s  correct  because,  the 
changes  that  happen  are  minimum  that  we  cannot  denote  the 
alterations in the language) 
B)  That  we  can  denote  every  change  (it´s  incorrect  because,  we  are 
unaware of every change that happens in our language) 
C)  That  we  are  able  to  improve  our  pronunciation  (it´s  incorrect 
because, this doesn’t make sense) 
D)  The  increase  of  misconceptions  in  the  language  (it´s  incorrect,  as  in 
the previous option it doesn’t make sense) 
5.  As  Sapir  said  “the  most  obvious  connections  between  a  culture  and  its 
language is? (page 235, last paragraph) 
A)  The  phoneme  (it´s  incorrect  because,  phoneme  is  just  a  branch  of 
B)  The  vocabulary  (it's  correct  because,  if  you  are  able  to  understand 
the vocabulary of a language you could understand its culture) 
C)  The  cooperation  (it´s  incorrect,  cooperation  doesn’t  have  anything 
related with this topic) 
D)  Misconceptions  (it´s  incorrect  because,  that  would  produce  a  total 
confusion between a culture and its language) 
1.  What  are  the  main  morphologic  types  according  to  Bloomfield?  (page 
270, first paragraph) 
A)  Composition,  secondary  derivation  and  primary  derivation  (it´s 
correct​​, because we can read in the first line) 
B)  Primary  words  and  compound  words.  (it´s  incorrect,  because  the 
primary  words  are  among  types  of  morphologic,  but  aren't  type  of 
C)  Primary  derivation  and  secondary  derivation  (it´s  incorrect, because 
Bloomfield listed three morphologic types, not two.) 
D)  Relation  among  members  and  relation  of  the  whole  (it´s  incorrect, 
because these are the classifications of compound words) 

2.  What  is  the  substitutions  according  to  Bloomfield?  (page  272,  second 
A)  Substitutions  are  a  type  of  grammatically  meaningful  arrangement 
distinct  from  sentence  types  and  constructions.  (it´s  incorrect, 
because this definition is not mentioned by Bloomfield) 
B)  "Substitute  "  as  "a  linguistic  form  or  grammatical  feature  which, 
under  certain  conventional  circumstances, replaces any one of a class 
​correct,  ​because  is  the  definition  of 
of  linguistic  forms".  (it´s  correct,
substitutions by Bloomfield) 
C)  The  grammatical  peculiarity  of  substitutes  is  than  they  replace  only 
forms  of  certain  classes,  which  are  called  the  domain  of  the 
substitute.  (it´s  incorrect,  because  it  is  not  a  definition  of 
D)  Substitutes  are  generally  short  words,  atonic,  irregular  in  inflection, 
derivation,  and  in  their  syntactic  construction,  and  often  appear  as 
bound  forms.  (it´s  incorrect,  because  it  is  not  a  definition  of 

3.  What  applies  in  all  languages  according  to  Bloomfield?  (page  279,  third 
​correct,​   because  Bloomfield  assumed  that  the 
A)  The  phoneme  (it´s  correct​
phoneme principle is applicable to any language) 
B)  The  taxeme  (it´s  incorrect,  Bloomfield  does  not  assume  this 
according to the third paragraph on page 279) 
C)  The  glosseme  (it´s  incorrect  because,  it  is  not  used  in  all  the 
languages of the world) 
D)  The  syntactic  (it´s  incorrect  because,  it  is  not  used  in  all  the 
4. How are secondary derivatives? (page 271, second paragraph) 
A)  Secondary  derivatives  have  one  free  form,  a  phase  or  a  word  as  an 
​correct  because, to describe them, we set 
immediate  constituent.  (it´s  correct
up an underlying form.) 
B)  Secondary  derivatives have no free forms among their immediate (it´s 
incorrect, because that's the primary words) 
C)  Secondary  derivatives  have  the  most  varied  and  specific  meanings. 
(it´s incorrect, because that's the primary words) 
D)  Secondary  derivatives  have  the  most  numerous  class  in  a  language 
(it´s incorrect, because that's the primary words) 

5. What did Bloomfield say about languages? (page 273, second paragraph) 
A)  Bloomfield  considered  that  almost  all  languages  have  a  pronominal 
correct​,​   because  the  pronominals  are  found  in  the  most 
form.  (it´s  correct
varied substation types) 
B)  Bloomfield  considered  that  almost  all  languages  have  pronominals 
and nominals forms (it's incorrect, because Bloomfield didn't say it) 
C)  Bloomfield  considered  all  languages  are  the  same.  (it's  incorrect, 
because he didn't say it) 
D)  Bloomfield  considered  that  almost  all  languages  have  a  nominals 
form  (it´s  incorrect,  because  he  considered  that  almost  all  languages 
have a pronominal form) 
Bibliography:  ​(Book  that  gave  us,  about  Leonard  Bloomfield  pag.  270  to 
1. Which are types of linguistics universal that Chomsky distinguishes? 
A. Syntactic Structures   
B. Substantive and Formal 
C. Theory and Syntax 
D. Phrase-structure and transformational component  
2. The language of descriptive linguistics with reference to a particular natural 
language can be… 
A. Formalism 
B. Universal Grammar 
C. Metalanguage 
D. Inherent 
3. What is the meaning about surface structure? 
A. What the base produces.  
B. The base.  
C. Distinction the phrase structure.  
D. Transformations and the phonological representation. 
4. Choose the correct component of such a grammar 
A. syntactic component 
B. morphemic 
C. deep structure  
D. surface structure 
5. Choose the incorrect rule of the next rules presented in Chomsky’s 
A. Insure the correct production of new sentences by conjunctions 
B. Assign rules to guarantee the production of sentences with the correct 
C. Guarantee the formation of passive sentences from active ones without 
allowing ungrammatical sentences to result  
D. An infinity number of observation  
Ferdinand de Saussure  
A) SOCIAL FACT Correct. (Because Is general throughout a 

community and exercises) 
B) PRODUCT  Incorrect. (it is inherited entire from the 
other speakers who teach it to us and is not our product.) 
C) DEPENDENT Incorrect.( Because is independent of historical 
D) INTERNAL CONSTRAINT Incorrect.( Because is external 
Answer: A 

A) GENEVA Incorrect (because there he did his secondary studies) 
B) SWEDEN Correct (because his parents were French refugees) 
C) FRANCE  Incorrect (because his parents because his parents were 
from there) 
D) GERMANY  Incorrect ( because there he studied and had as influence 
the neogrammatics) 
Answer: B 

A) LA LANGUE Incorrect (because is the set of passively acquired habits we 
have, been, taught by our speech community 
B) LA PAROLE “speaking” Correct (because it is the sum of what people say 
and makes use of language grammatically) 
C) LE LANGAGE Incorrect (because has both the generality and the 
requirement of constraint , as found in grammatical rules 

Correct (because it shows that the consequences of the linearity of language are 
incalculable for linguistics. 
B) MUTABILITY AND IMMUTABILITY Incorrect (because these are 
properties signs) 
C) CONCEPTUAL AND MATERIAL  Incorrect ( because these are linguistic 
D) ARBITRARY AND LINEAR Incorrect ( because these are central 
properties of signs) 

5) ​According to Ferdinand de Saussure the linguistic values be studied from two 
points of view: 
A) Linguistic signification, value and content Correct(because these are trio of 
terms to deal with meaning in a careful reading of the text) 
B) ARBITRARY AND LINEAR  Incorrect ( because these are central 
properties of signs) 
C) CONCEPTUAL AND MATERIAL Incorrect(because because these are 
central properties of signs) 
Answer: A 


1.  -  Which  of  the  following  events  made  Sapir  under-took  a  description  of  an 
American Indian Language? (Page 213, Paragraph 2) 
A)    After  meeting  Boas  in  Kansas  in  1911.  (It’s  in  correct  because  Sapir  met 
Boas in New York in 1904). 
B)  After  meeting  Durkheim  in  Paris  in  1908.  (It’s  incorrect  because  Sapir  never 
met Durkheim in Paris in 1908 or anywhere else). 
C)  After  meeting  Boas  in  New  York  1904.  (It’s  correct because at that time Sapir 
was pursuing his master’s degree in New York and Boas happened to be there). 
D)  After  finishing his master’s degree in Germanic studies in 1905. (It’s incorrect 
because  Sapir  said  that  he  had  everything  to  learn  after  meeting  Boas,  even 
though  he  apparently  studied  a  career  that  gives  you  full  comprehension  of  all 
forms of language and also, he didn’t get his master’s degree in 1905). 
2.  -  What  was  the  first  American  Indian  Language  that  Sapir  started  to  analyze? 
(Page 220, Edward Sapir, First Paragraph) 
A)  Takelma  (It’s  correct  because  Takelma  is  an  American  Indian  Language. 
Talkema  is  a  Language  from  the  northern  state  of  Oregon  and  is  just  what Sapir 
wanted to begin his analysis of American Indian Languages). 
B)  Xincan (It’s incorrect because it’s not an American Indian Language, Xincan is 
a Language from Central America, specifically from Guatemala). 
C)  Culle  (It’s  incorrect  because  it’s  not  an American Indian Language, Culler is a 
South American Language, specifically from Peru). 
D)  Taruma  (It’s  incorrect  because  it’s not an American Indian Language, Taruma 
is a South American Language as well as Culle but Taruma is from Brazil). 
3. - Which of Sapir’s conclusions is correct? (Page 222, Paragraph 1) 
A)  Any  description  of  a  language  should  concentrate  on  what  and  not  on  what 
the  language  may  say.  (It’s  incorrect  because  this  is a conclusion made by Franz 
B)  Language  is  only  articulate  speech.  (It’s  incorrect  because  as  well  as  the 
last one, this is a conclusion made by Franz Boas). 
C)  Meaning must be considered the lowest latent potential in the formal analysis. 
(It’s  incorrect,  even  though  it’s  a  conclusion  made  by  Edward  Sapir,  it’s  not 
“lowest latent potential” it’s “highest latent potential”). 
D)  Language  form  can  and  should  be  studied  for  its  own  sake.  (It’s  correct 
because this is a conclusion made by Edward Sapir). 
4.  -  Sapir  developed  an  “algebraic  formulation”  to  show  the  relations  among  the 
members  of  common  expressions.  This  system  employs  4  kinds  of  symbols. 
Choose the two correct answers. (Page 223, Paragraph 1) 
A)  Capital  letters  (It’s  correct  because  capital  letters  like  “A”  are  used  to  make 
the mathematical or algebraic formula according to Sapir’s formulation). 
B)  Exclamation  symbols  (It’s  incorrect  because  exclamation  symbols  can’t  be 
part  of  a  mathematical  or  algebraic problems, they are just used for grammatical 
C)  Lower  case  letters  (It’s  correct  because  lower  case letters like “a” are used to 
make the formula according to Sapir’s formulation). 
D)  Syntax  (It’s  incorrect  because  syntax  is  not a symbol, is a brand of linguistics 
that studies t​he structure and formation of sentences​). 
5. - Sapir discussed six main types of grammatical processes in Language, choose 
the correct one. (Page 228, Paragraph 1) 
A)  Triplication  (It’s  incorrect  because the correct word for one of the ​main types 
of grammatical processes is reduplication). 
B)  Word  order  (It’s  correct  because  this  is  one  of  the  six  main  types  or 
grammatical processes in Language that were). 
C)  Conjugation  o  f  verbs  (It’s  incorrect  because  the  conjugation  of  verbs  is 
not part of the six​ ​main types of grammatical processes). 
D)  Syllables  (It’s  incorrect,  even  though  syllables  are  part  of  grammar,  it’s  not 
mentioned in Sapir’s main types of grammatical processes). 
1.- Who was one of the first scholars to devote serious attention to problems of
meaning change?
A) ​ Bloomfield (its incorrect because he made the most widely accepted scheme in the
English-speaking academic world)
B)​​ ​Hermann Paul (its correct because he held that semantic change const principally in
expansion and obsolescence)
C) ​ Willem Adelaar (is incorrect because he is a teacher of indigenous languages and
cultures of America)
D) ​ John L. Austin ( its incorrect because he is owed the concept of a speech act)

2.- An example of the lower language affecting the upper is found in:

A)​​ ​Chilean Spanish ( Its correct, because Chilean Spanish is different from the rest of

Latin America and Spain)

B)​​ Pidgin English ( Its incorrect, because this is an example of jargon)

C) ​ Arabic (Its incorrect, because this is an example of lingua franca)

D) ​ Italian (Its incorrect, because this is an example of lingua franca)

3.- In terms of linguistics, Bloomfield said, semantic change is:

A.​​Merely the result of a change in the use of it and other, semantically speech-forms.

(it's right, bloomfield said this)

B.​​ A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages (it's

wrong, Buck,1994, said this)

C.​​ Semantic change deals with change in meaning, understood to be a change in the
concepts associated with a Word. (it's wrong, Campbell,1998, said this)

D.​​ A regularly occurring context that “supports an inference-driven contextual

enrichment” of one meaning to another a “bridging context” (it's wrong, Evans and

Wilkins, 2000, said this)

4.- What is the work of Bloomfield that caused much influence?

A)​​ Deutsches Wörterbuch ( It's wrong, this is a work by Jacob Grimm)

B)​​ Syntactic theory From the structures to the address (It's wrong, this is a work by

Violeta Demonte)

C) ​ Language (that's right, this is a work by Bloomfield)

D)​​ Language in the Inner City: Studies in Black English Vernacular (It's wrong, this is

a work by William Labov)

5.- What are the goals of the schools, with respect to linguistics?

A)​​ Impart the grammar

B)​​ Impart the speech

C)​​ Impart literacy

D) ​ Impart writing

Ferdinand de Saussure 
1. Ferdinand de Saussure took basic ideas from a sociologist to make 
language a science. Who was that sociologist? 
a) ​ ​Charles Bally​ (It’s not correct. He helped the publication of his book)    
b) ​Émile Durkheims´s ​ ​ (​It's correct. His ideas helped the development of his 
c) ​ ​Levi-Strauss (​It´s not correct. He contributed to his work. 
d) ​ ​Jacques Lacan​ (​ He elaborated theories of his work.) 
2. Where he began his university studies? 
a) ​ ​Leipzig  (It’s correct. That university is located in Germany)  
b) ​Switzerland (It's not correct. That was his birthplace.) 
c) ​Geneva (It's not correct. He did his elementary and secondary studies there.) 
d) ​ Morges  (It’s not correct. He died there.) 
3. Which work established him as a leading authority? 
a) ​Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues 
indo-européennes (It´s correct. He wrote it when he was 22 years old). 
b) ​General Linguistics Course (​ It's not correct. His colleagues wrote it after 
his death.) 
​ e l'emploi du génitif absolu en sanskrit (​ It's not correct. That was his 
c) D
doctoral thesis) 
d) ​Recueil des publications scientifiques​. (It's not correct. This book contained 
his articles. 
l​ a langue​
4. How did de Saussure refine the notion of la
a) ​Concrete and integral ( It’s not correct. That was the goal of linguistic 
b) ​Linguistic sign ( It's not correct. That was a study.)  
c) ​Deposit of signs ​ (​It's correct. So he defined it.)  
d) ​Science (It’s not correct. He did not study that.)  
5. What word did he prefer to describe the expressions in language? 
a) ​“Symbol” (It’s not correct. He suggested it as a measure of motivation.) 
b) ​“Morpheme” (It's not correct. He used it to stand inflectional and 
derivational affixes.) 
c) ​“Concepts” (It's not correct. He did not use that term.) 
d) ​“Sign”  (It´s correct. He preferred this term.) 
Noam Chomsky 
1. In the work of which authors the transformational grammar is based: 
a) Sapir. (Incorrect) 
b) Katz and Postal. (Incorrect) 
c) Saussure. (Incorrect) 
d) Chomsky, Katz and Postal. (Correct) 
Answer:  D,  because  it  is based on their works An Integrated Theory of Linguistic 
Descriptions  by  Katz  and  Postal  and  Aspects  of  the  Theory  of  Syntax  by 
Chomsky. (Page: 356) 
2. According to Chomsky what characteristics of the speaker can be studied? 
a) Process and use. (Incorrect) 
b) Competence and performance. (Correct) 
c) Knowledge and production. (Incorrect) 
d) Production and use. (Incorrect) 
Answer:  B,  because  we  can  study  the  knowledge  that  the  speaker  has  about the 
language,  that  is,  the  competence  and  the  way  in  which  he  or  she  uses  it  in  the 
different situations, that is, performance. (Page: 358) 
3.  The  syntactic,  phonological  and  semantic  components  are the most important 
components of: 
a) Generative grammar. (Correct) 
b) Transformational grammar. (Incorrect) 
c) A new model of grammar. (Incorrect) 
d) Traditional grammar. (Incorrect) 
Answer:  A,  because  according  to  Chomsky  these  components  are  the  most 
important  because  they  have  the  information  and  rules  necessary  to  produce, 
understand and interpret sentences. (Page: 382) 
4. “The study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed 
in particular languages”, is the definition of: 
a) Phonology. (Incorrect) 
b) Phoneme.(Incorrect) 
c) Morphology. (Incorrect) 
d) Syntax. (Correct) 
Answer:  D,  because  Chomsky  wanted  to  explain  the  nature of syntax and how it 
used to analyze the elements that conform the language. (Page: 360) 
5. How many parts does the semantic component have? 
a) Tree. (Incorrect) 
b) Four. (Incorrect) 
c) Two. (Correct) 
d) Seven. (Incorrect) 
Answer:  C,  because  it  consists  of  a  dictionary  that  contains  the  meanings  of  the 
lexical  elements  of  the  language  and  a  set  of  rules  that  helps  us  to  interpret  the 
language. (Page: 390) 


NAME: Alexander Cevallos
1.What believe Chomsky about the structure surface and deep ?
A. Chomsky believes that the distinction between deep structure and surface structure
enables us to appreciate just the lasting contribution of traditional.​ (TRUE)
( It's correct, because Chomsky thinks that this distinction only allows us to focus on
these two types of structures and not on a universal grammar. Pg. 380)
B. Chomsky thinks that the structural linguist is based in universal grammar. (FALSE)
C. Chomsky believes distinction between deep structure and surface structure not
enables to see the universal grammar. (FALSE)
D. Chomsky considers that the relation between deep structure and surface structure
isn’t based in an contribution of traditional. (FALSE)
2. How does Chomsky consider that the derivation story should indicate?
A. How to give compound forms produced by rewriting. (FALSE)
B. Should be indicated a phonetic-structure grammar (FALSE)
C.The derivational history would have to be indicated as that point in a derivation where
the rewrite rule applies.​ (TRUE)
(It's correct, because Chomsky established a grammatical transformational model,
which guarantees the production of sentences by conjunctions. Pg. 368)
D. The derivational history wouldn't specify which combinations are possible and which
are not can be formulate (FALSE)

3. What does Chomsky say about the condition of generality?

A. Chomsky says the language differs to others and change its way of interpretation and
meaning. (FALSE)
B. Chomsky says that should be so constructed as to be helpful in deciding what makes
a language a language and how to particular language differs from another.​ (TRUE)
(It's correct, because Chomsky proposed that a language could be structured at its own
environment but will always be differing by other. Pg.36)
C. Chomsky says how a language is constructed in its own way and doesn’t differ to
another. (FALSE)
D. Chomsky says the language is created on base of other speaker’s community.

4. What did Chomsky try to show is his new grammar model?

A. A grammatical category into a more implicit representation. (FALSE)
B. To checked that the grammar cannot incorporate others rules. (FALSE)
C. To demonstrate that the grammar which contains a transformational component will
not be best than description in terms of phrase structure (FALSE)
D. To insure the correct production of new sentences by conjunctions and assign rules
to guarantee the production of sentences with the correct concord.​ (TRUE)
(It's correct, because Chomsky presented a model with a new conception of the structure
of linguistics based on the correct production and concordance of sentences Pg. 372)
5. What type of grammar are Chomsky's works based on?
A. The transformational grammar.​ (TRUE)
(It's correct, because it is based on their works An Integrated Theory of Linguistic
Descriptions by Katz and Postal and Aspects of the Theory of Syntax by Chomsky.
(Page: 356)
B. Functional grammar. (FALSE)
C. The grammatical synchronic. (FALSE)
D. The theoretical grammar. (FALSE)

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