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ISU the overarching goals in the university's 2017-22 strategic plan:

 Maintain access and enhance the student experience, including student success
 Expand research to address the state and the world's grand challenges
 Support economic development and outreach to improve the quality of life for Iowans
 Ensure a welcoming, safe and inclusive campus

I'm writing a proposal to get a second 5.0 octave marimba for our studio. This is an
annual major equipment request that anyone in the college can apply for, so I need to
appeal to both musicians and non-musicians. I have covered:
-why the 5 octave range is important
-why height adjustability is vital (in terms of player comfort, sound quality, and reduced
risk of injury)
-why durable frames (as opposed to what we currently have) are necessary
-the negative effect that out-of-date equipment can have on recruiting
If anyone has any suggested bullet points, I would welcome your input.

maybe mention the benefits of having program graduates who are more 'competitive' for
having played contemporary rep featuring marimba 5.0.

Perhaps the ratio of students to 5 octave instruments would be of some import. If you have 20+
students, you could argue that sharing two pianos between that many students would be
unacceptable in the rest of the department.

Argue for technology money. We recently purchased new timpani using funds marked for new
couple this purchase with a pickup system or recording so that this instrument would be
designated for "tech" use but of course could be used as needed

Or, for the price of one 5-octave concert marimba, propose 3 of these and really be seeking
tech funds -

Escalating price may be worth mentioning. As rosewood becomes increasingly scarce, prices
will escalate.

This size marimba is standard in other schools and even in many high schools. Needed to play
the bass lines in percussion ensemble arrangements.

Need one 5.0 for your teaching studio and at least one 5.0 for the practice rooms. How can they
practice when you are using it for teaching and/or it is being used in ensemble performances. It
is the standard size marimba for solo marimba performances (recitals, grad school auditions,
some wind ensemble music)

Lack of recruiting/retention if the amount of practice equipment is less than other competing

I agree with all of these but particularly the "sharing" of a teaching and practicing instrument.
best of luck...hope you will consider the new Dynasty Bergerault 5 octave. I just received mine
and it is awesome...super sturdy frame and hardware

5.0 is today's standard-size instrument. The current repertoire demands this. Mozart's piano
was 5 octaves. Beethoven's last compositions required a 6 -octave instrument. Today's
literature requires a full-size instrument (piano: 7-1/3 octaves, marimba = 5 octaves)

Need: show the National Percussion Pedagogy Suggested Equipment chart and demonstrate
that you have # amount of students who need # of hours access to these instruments. Also,
cite NASM equipment standards and even National Accreditation.

Recruiting is impossible without a couple 5 octave marimbas - today's literature demands them
-and as your studio grows percussion ensemble calls for them

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