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Dear Father

Today I woke up so tired, you know how many things I am doing, you know how sick I felt because of the
flu and the cold in the winter of La Paz. Yet I refused to rest in a proper way, I didn't spend enough time
with my family in the wedding of my brother or the pajama party of my nieces. All of these events were
signs of your love and care with me, even that lasagna my mother cooked for me which I didn't eat
because I arrived too late at home. I wonder how much this family and my father love me when he is able
to tell me: "it is a blessing that you are at home".

Because you take care of me, you let my laptop crash today. I don't blame you for this, I know I had to
take it for a check just as I need proper daily rest, this computer needs regular checks, but I kept using it
to the fullest of its capacity, running from one meeting to another, sleeping 5 hours or less.

But not this night, tonight I will sleep early, resting without worries because you saved all my files. You
are so funny Father and I am so childish sometimes, you really have patience with me.

I can only thank you for the care you have for me, even in little things like this. Thanks for being my
Father on heaven but also my Father, the one who listens to me when I explode in anger for a laptop

Teach me to focus on eternal treasures because eternity with you is my destiny.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

La Paz-Bolivia

July 22nd, 2010,

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