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A GUIDE TO OCCUPATIONAL a SAFETY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 109 10) SMI ea a aN REUBEN Foundation ren KS <=" Ww F a Ww a ou |FOREWORD Sefety and Heath a the worolace ae Inperiant stamens to enhance business Derornance 2s t recty mpacts tne bot Ine and the ovat weloeng of ‘employees. Late, the constucton incur Fas been nthe mete ora the ‘wong reasors To mary lesen ng-rotie constuction OS, esta tetaltes and losses. This has caused the Department of Occupational Safty and Heath (DOH) 10 conatet a stricter montorng podess on constuction Pets In any contueton roe a meciorestlety performance isnt ecceptble. = ‘condion at constuction ses may pose hazards andisks. A sight mistake may In ocheang to established stander, tho Construction Inousty Development Boars hs hoduod the Salety an Heath Aaseaenent System Constvcton (SHASSIG) to enabie an dependent aceosament and evckiton of efety and haath pevirmance at consieton sto. Tho assassment sysiom I6_dosgned to. improve OSH perormance and management on sie and fu legal compsiance to eevant lions and fepustos: sunt asthe Factores and Machinery ulling Operation ard Werks ‘of Enginoerng Consructer Safety Foguations £886 ard OSH Act 1984 The fant OSH management system, combined wth song conperaten DEMEEN femplojers and employees and a wal-laned OSH arangement. at the ‘Sonstn see, we merove safety and Resin contios athe worse An thus aod catasvoone MEF nopes tal this whte paper would save as @ meaningful aude for Ne ‘constuction pays and weud ultimately corrbutstowarcs a sal and healer Datuk Hj Shamsuddia bin Baran ExoautveDeacto nkeratind SOS Foundation |INTRODUCTION \Winte safety at work on constuction projects is never a debatable topo, ts inplerntation ni most ceva This ean afl even withthe estore ofthe Occupational Safety ae Heath Act 1984 (OSHA) the ml legslation in Malaysia that governs saety and heath nthe constuction nau. ‘The lool of awareness and compance fe generaty om, akrough Is a comprchenshe set of slandards. The responsbilios of employers ate ceatly Stpustodin tha Act, whereby thy are obligd to provdsiformation. neructons, traning and superson to ensure the sally a Healy of ar employees. Ts {eters tothe Duty of Care which inthis content inches both the moa ae legal ‘obigations ofan employer. Complementary to each ote, egal obligations refer to ‘acting prudently to avod the risks of exposures leadlng to Il heath and marl ‘bigatons refer tothe commiment to provide a safo werk enurcement and to ‘maintain the webeing of empoyees. development of an iernatonalInstument to across tho preventen and rmiigaton of tho sks as well as guidance on what shoud be dene when an ‘ecident, less oe secunly stuion occurs. Hees, the publesion ais st providing guidance to employes in the corstrucion sector In Malays, on \worplace salty and heath best practices ts tation isto help organisatins rplrment Duty of Gar in ation, asthe provention of accents andthe mbgation ‘ol har pact to the worker and possi the publ, rings tangible etn tothe ‘Wie are thankful the Malaysian Employer Federation and Shear Datos & Go tespacvely for thor insights onthe man leans, overdo ofthe constuction Trusty and elerence eases In Malaysia

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