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Hannah Eudy

TL 333

Research on your school

a. The assessments required in my school district are the MSP/HSPE, EOC, Smarter Balanced, WAAS

b. About 80% of the kids in my district met the state standards for the MSP test. For the EOC, about 80%
met state standard for that except they did not do well in part of the math and the percentage went
down about 20%. For the EOC tests the kids in my district did not seem to do well. The results for the
WAAS PORT were quite high, around 87%. The WA-AIM is not as stunning results with about 50-60% of
kids meeting standards. While the WELPA has a wide variety of results.

c. The WELPA results specifically goes over the bilingual programs and how well the kids did. A lot of the
kids were not transitional while some were previously transitioned. They show results for the students
with advanced English proficiency, medium, and low proficiency. There is such a high amount of people
with limited or no English for these assessments and that is what should be improved upon, getting the
transitional bilinguals on the same page as the proficient English Language speakers.

d. The suggestions I would give the school administration would be to make the assessments in the ELLs
home language so they have the same opportunity to excel. Or work with the ELLs specifically improve
their scores.

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