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Este un concurs de arta, Copiii pot desena, face colaj, foto daca se descurca cu tehnica pot face o ani-

matie, sau un scurt video. Tema pe romaneste inseamna Instrainarea- o tema destul de grea pentru
elevi de 8-9 ani. Dar daca puteti introduce cumva aceast concept de Instrainare, iar copii
empatizeaza cu notiunea si o pot exprima in desen si in scris, sunteti beneveniti cu lucrarile. Lucrarile
se trimit prin posta. Alaturi de desen, elevul trimite si gandurile sale sau isi descrie desenul .

Buna ziua,
Va atasez afisul si regulamentul concursului.
Nu exista parteneriat, acesta il putem crea dupa ce trimiteti lucrarile pentru viitoare
Exista un acord parental pentru a putea afisa lucrarile copiilor si numele lor, al scolii
si al profesorilor care promoveaza concursul.

Cu drag,Anaida Paula
Your work can be on paper, canvas, can be a photo
,collageor any form you want.If your work is short film,
video, animation send it on mail
On theback side attach a paper with:
Name and surname artist:
Date of birth:
Address of the school

August Palms väg 6
72464 Västerås, Sweden

Together with your work send a short description of it (can be a poesy, story, some words, an
essay or how youfeel,in English or French),your name, address, school, teacher and the
parental consent for participation.Awards, diplomas and other surprisesare
waiting for you.The results will be announced in 15 June 2019.

Send your original work until the 15th of March2019by post

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