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Shinjuku station, Tokyo, is the busiest in the world, about 4 million people travel
through its 200 lines every day, so be careful when traveling at peak times, you will
find them surrounded by people. Of course, it seems incredible but no one
stumbles upon you. We are in the most organized country in the world, including its
Curiosity strange japan by free rare
2. Although it is a country with a high standard of living and a purchasing power,
they can travel to Japan without being indebted for life. You can eat for less than
10 euros, sleep in hotels for 30 euros and move by the subway does not cost nor 2
3. In Japan you do not reach the time of day to want to see everything, so after a
hard day touring the city you have to know that there are more than 3,000 onsen
(or what is the same the public thermal baths as the Onsen Of Odaiba that we visit)
where we can relax for hours. Most of them also have their own restaurants to eat
or dine and buy shops to buy the leisure spots to spend a nice afternoon if you so
decide. There is a prohibition ..! He will not let you in if you have tattoos! (Although
no one checks them)
Curiosity strange japan by free rare
4. One of the curiosities of Japan that we have seen many times is that when the
Japanese are sick, not to get infected, they often wear a mask. In addition to this it
is forbidden to smoke in the streets, only some areas are allowed for smokers and
in few bars (unlike here)
5. If at any time you are thirsty or hungry during our trip around the country and
there is no supermarket nearby, Japan is packed with vending machines that also
offer beers and tobacco. Also the bottles with the different drinks are son of the
original super. If you like different collections, you can be one of them. So far has
also come the urban legend that used underwear was sold.
Curiosity strange japan by free rare
6. They are very respectful and polite, always bow to the greeting and give us
thanks repeatedly with a broad smile.
7. As in England or other countries, you also drive on the left. Usually the streets
are narrow, including the big avenues, and we could get used to driving by them.
However, the Japanese are very good drivers unlike in many European countries.
8. Doors open to the left (like the exits of the meter for example).
9. The Japanese are extremely quiet and it is in one of the countries where
relaxation is most practiced. In this they are worthy of admiration, since they
cultivate both body and mind giving it equal importance. This reaches a point that
even in the subway, the mobile put it in silence to take advantage of any moment
and give a nod. We give faith Almost all go to sleep. Of course, the most surprising
thing is that no one passes their stop.
10. Ironically, when eating is well seen to make noise, which means that enjoying a
good delicacy.
Curiosity strange japan by free rare
11. One of the curiosities of Japan that always draws attention to children, those
who are short of coming with the instruction manual. The most typical are the jets
of water to clean but in the more modern we can also listen to music and see
12. Their cities are among the safest in the world. If you are in a cafeteria, leave
the bag in the backpack open and you will not have any problem. Here, too, the
Japanese take the plunge.
13. If we are having dinner or having something in a cafeteria, or if we happened to
stop gratuitating and that for them is a sign of bad education.
14. Tokyo is a city in which the square meter is often fired and tend to take
advantage of all the space they can. Thus, many restaurants are located in large
buildings. It really is not an inconvenience and we can enjoy the best views while
we have dinner.
15. They have a deep attachment to their culture. We can not forget that it is a
millenary culture in which all temples, pagodas or castles will seem to be newly
built from the well preserved ones that have them [Ojo, Luisete (from Japonismo).
Keep in mind that many are reconstructions].
Curiosity strange japan by free rare
16. They are terribly superstitious. If you look carefully, we will not see any portal
with the number 4. Yes, in skyscrapers do not skip this number plant (curiosities of
Japan that you do not count the guides)
17. Another way to promote their culture is through the cosplay that takes a
disguise of their favorite characters from their anime series. It's quite a sight to see
18. Related to the above, besides Harajuku, the best neighborhood to enjoy this is
Akihabara where we will find gigantic recreation rooms, comics stores and
videogames and endless merchandising of all the animation series that exist and
with girls in the Looking for your claim
19. There are also "slots" but there are known as pachinko, a kind of pinball that
we would not be able to explain
20. Almost all young Japanese have adorned their mobiles with keyrings stickers
and covers of all colors. We will not see two of the same!
21. Another of the curiosities of Japan that caught our attention is that they love
animals. The Japanese who for some reason can not have pets at home, can
come whenever they want by a store to spend an afternoon with them and you can
even see them walking some little dogs in little chairs as if they were babies.
Hackiko's statue in the middle of Shibuya, a dog that waited in the station for years
to return its owner, died suddenly, until sadly died. From the history of this dog
several films have been made.
22. The population of Japan is one of the oldest in the world, thanks to its quality of
life and fundamentally to its healthy food. Women live an average of 86 years and
men of 79 years.

23. Contrary to the above, the country has a very low birth rate. The population
could in about 40 years be reduced by about 40 million.
24. Being in a volcanic zone, Japan suffers continuous earthquakes that, in most
cases, are not even noticeable. They can also boast of being the best prepared for
this danger and yet sometimes nature is impossible to slow down.
25. His obsession with resembling the West is such that many women seem to be
what they are not. They are able to carry all kinds of hairpieces and they are so
normal that in supermarkets you can find them in the hallway next to other
products that you can not even imagine how it is used
26. Most of the Japanese are Shintoists (83.9%) and Buddhists (71.4%) (the sum
is over 100% because many are both at the same time), so we will often see them
pray in the great Japanese temples, One of the main claims for your trip. [Fixed
thanks to Luisete (from Japanese) on twitter].

27. The national sport is the sumo, which has a tradition of almost two thousand
years and for tourists is very colorful and attractive. You fancy?
28. One of the most important celebrations is the cherry tree festival (hanami),
which happens in spring with numerous festivals and activities and where
everyone, from small to old, put on their best kimonos to enjoy it.
29. If we are in a temple and ask for "luck", if it turns out to be bad, we will hang it
in a tree so that it is the one that takes it and not us. It is common to see trees with
a pile of little pieces of paper hanging on the branches.
30. And if these curiosities of Japan were few, we are in the country where the
world is objectively best eaten. This figure is strengthened by the achievement of
no less than 191 Michelin star stars, achieving twice as much Paris, although 60%
is Japanese food and the remaining percentage of other food. We are staying with
the Japanese!

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