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1) Complete as frases abaixo com o futuro simples dos verbos principais entre

MODELO: a) We will meet you by the lake. (To meet)
b) He will move to the country in November. (To move)
c) Cars will be lighter in the future. (To be)
d) They will arrive tomorrow morning. (to arrive) - forma abreviada

2) Passe as frases para a forma negativa e interrogativa, conforme o modelo:

MODELO: a) They will see the movie next week.
neg.: They won’t see the movie next week.
Int: Will they see the movie next week?

b) He will play soccer tomorrow.

neg.: He won´t play soccer tomorrow.
int: Will he play soccer tomorrow?

c) I will study Spanish next year.

neg.: I won´t study Spanish next year.
int: Will I study Spanish Next year?

3) Verta para o inglês as frases a seguir: (Pesquise o vocabulário em um

a) Você viajará para Europa próxima semana?
res.: You will travel for Europe next week.

b) Escreveremos um livro sobre nós?

res.: Will we write a book about us?

c) Eu estudarei próximo fim de semana.

res.: I Will study next weekend.

d) As crianças irão ao parque amanhã.

res.: The kids will going to the park tomorrow.

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