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Area to be studied

The Thesis “Evaluation of the tourism forms and resources in Transylvania (Romania): Case
Study of Sibiu” wants to contribute to the knowledge of the tourism potential in this region,
through the natural ant anthropologic resources available. The first focus of this research is
to present the situation of the tourism sector in the Transylvanian area, combining both the
physical geographic elements and the historical and economic elements that have favored the
emergence of the tourist sector over time. Moreover, the study aims to analyze in detail the
tourism sector in Sibiu, from a geographic perspective and at the end to be able to answer
some questions that are topical and in direct correlation with the development strategy of the
city for the tourism market.

Tourism resources represent the physical and human elements that generate the ‘foundation’
of a destination. These elements depend largely on one another, in order for it to facilitate
the creation of tourist activities (Nelson, 2017).

The tourist potential of a territory is a fundamental element in the creation of tourism

products, which is created by promoting and developing the existing tourism resources
available (Boniface et al, 2016). The natural and the anthropic framework are the elements
that define the tourist destination attractiveness and ability for evolution, and present a
number of possibilities for capitalizing on tourism or a certain functionality for tourism. A
region becomes important in tourism, when it offers natural or anthropic resources whose
exploitation can lead to its integration into the tourist circuit. (Bacal and Cocos, 2012).

In this context, Transylvania has a wide range of resources that are scattered across the
region, thus gaining popularity both nationally and internationally. Instead, Sibiu is a city that
has a variety of attractions, for all types of tourists (CJS, 2012). However, it does not have
the touristic potential at its peak and this is the reason why this work aims to propose a plan
to promote the city, with measures that will be based on the potential held by Sibiu.

At the same time, Sibiu is not only rich in natural resources that enables tourists to experience
various forms of tourism, such as such as adventure tourism (motocross or paragliding) or
medical tourism through spa resorts with curative elements (mineral waters and sedative
climate) . However, the main type of tourism in Sibiu is the cultural tourism, by visiting the
architectural objectives of the historical center, museums and monuments. Through cultural
tourism, organizations can situate destinations in an authentic and unique manner, therefore
obtaining advance and popularity (Du Cros and McKercher, 2015). This is the case also for
the Transylvanian city, because in addition to the cultural aspect of the city, it also coveres
are niches such as hunting, fishing or equestrian tourism products.

In addition to this, the city was once the European Capital of Culture in 2007, right after
Romania joined the European Union in the same year. The event marked Sibiu as an important
cultural hub in the country, therefore promoting its cultural resources for tourism. It was also
considered by many "first real image campaign" of Romania and "the largest cultural program"
organized in Romania (Richards and Rotariu, 2011).

KEY WORDS: tourism potential, Sibiu, cultural tourism, natural resources and anthropic

2. The research questions on which the Thesis will be structured on are as following

-How the tourism developed in Transylvania in the last decades?

-On what tourism resources is the tourism market based on?

-What are the different forms of tourism in the region and what is their potential for attracting

-How is the tourism infrastructure in the present and how can it be improved for the future?

-What is the tourism potential of Sibiu?

-What is the socio-economic impact of tourism in the region?

3. The interest in the subject

The motivation for choosing this topic was that the region of Transylvania through the variety
of elements of the natural framework, through multiple proofs of a millennial history and
culture, as well as a rich touristic potential. Furthermore, after analyzing the resources and
tourism structures, it can be said that the tourist patrimony of Sibiu County is a connection
between multiculturalism, picturesque and tradition. The county benefits from the high
attractiveness of some types of tourism in the European tendencies (rural - traditional,
cultural, spa), two UNESCO monuments (Biertan and Valea Viilor) and areas with good
national or even international fame, within which distinguishes the nucleus represented by
the city of Sibiu, but sadly are not fully revaluated or promoted internationally.
4. The intent of the research

The main objectives of this paper are the following: establishing the region’s attractiveness
potential by inventorying and evaluating the natural and anthropic patrimony, determining
the extent to which the infrastructure present here is valued and contributes to the
development of the tourism sector in Sibiu and how it can lead its development to the
economic growth of the city. In addition, the paper aims to determine how tourism has
evolved over time and how it has been affected by external factors. The final purpose is to
develop measures and proposals for planning, prospecting and tourism development. Each
milestone has been achieved by implementing appropriate research methods and tools.

5. Methodology

The research for the paper was done through evaluation of secondary information sources,
collection and analysis of the information. Then, an identification of relevant studies, analyzes,
reports and presentation materials relevant to the subject, from various authors such as
“Cities and organization of geographic space. Study of economic geography on the territory
of Romania” (Ianos, 1987) from Ioan Ianos and organizations such as the National Center for
the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture. Furthermore, tourist information
portals were used (, tourism publications (ANAT Media, Tourist Media, Discover
Romania) as well as articles and journals like “Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The

European cultural capital and beyond” from Greg Richards and Ilie Rotariu (2011). The inventory of
tourism resources was based mainly on analyzes and validations of information from the following
sources: official lists with various categories of tourism resources (list of cultural heritage items), but also
from catalogs and portals with tourist information. Additionally, interviews with Travel Agencies, County
Councils or Tourism Promotion Associations in Sibiu will be made, as an approach to understand and
evaluate the potential of Transylvania, and implicitly of Sibiu.

6. Timetable









7. Introductory Structure



Chapter One: General Presentation

1.1 Transylvania tourism market

1.2 Sibiu

1.2.1 Historical Presentation

1.2.2 Geographic Presentation

Chapter Two: Identification and evaluation of the tourism resources

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Natural resources

2.2.1 Geology

2.2.2 Hydrography

2.3 Anthropogenic resources

2.3.1 Heritages with a touristic function

2.3.2 Tourist resources of ethnographic nature

2.3.3 Social activities with touristic resources

2.4 Tourism forms revaluation

2.4.1 Adventure tourism

2.4.2 Health and medical tourism

2.4.3 Cultural tourism

Chapter three: Sibiu tourism potential

3.1 Tourism infrastructure

3.2 Attractions and activities

3.3 The socio-economic impact

3.3.1 Sibiu as a former European Capital of Culture

3.3.2 Current status of the tourism market

Chapter four: Tourism sector development plan

4.1 Strategies for promoting the cultural tourism

4.2 Improving the infrastructure



8. Literature Review and References

Bacal, P. and Cocos, I. (2012) Geografie Turismului

Boniface, B., Cooper, R., Cooper, C. (2016) WORLDWIDE DESTINATIONS: The geography of
travel and tourism, Seventh Edition

Consiliul Judetean Sibiu (2012) Strategia de dezvoltare a judeţului Sibiu pentru perioada 2012
– 2020

Du Cros, H. and McKercher, B. (2015) Cultural Tourism

Ianos, I. (1987) Cities and organization of geographic space. Study of economic geography
on the territory of Romania

Nelson, V. (2017) An introduction to the Geography of Tourism. Second Edition

Richards, G. and Rotariu, I. (2011) Ten years of cultural development in Sibiu: The European
cultural capital and beyond

Aşadar, strategia calităţii este o garanţie sigură pentru asigurarea premizelor succesului. Îmbinarea fericită
a aşteptărilor cu realitatea, a promisiunilor cu serviciile efective, precum şi perpetuarea obiceiului de a
oferi turiştilor experienţe de vacanţă pozitive sunt elementele necesare, dacă nu cumva chiar obligatorii,
pentru supravieţuirea pe piaţa turistică.

Sporirea competitivităţii presupune şi luarea în considerare a ideeii de cooperare. Colaborarea şi

cooperarea îi pot determina pe cei implicaţi nu doar să se confrunte între ei, dar să conştientizeze, la un
moment dat, că o competiţie sănătoasă le este egal utilă, poate contribui la îmbunătăţirea calităţii
ofertelor şi este un element esenţial al procesului de inovare, cu atât mai mult atunci când prestatorii
turistici sunt numeroşi şi niciunul dintre ei nu are forţa şi dimensiunea necesară pentru a se impune în
faţa celorlalţi. În acest context leadershipul are un rol fundamental, respectiv un actor sau câţiva actori
care să garanteze şi să îşi asume buna funcţionare a “sistemului” fondat prin colaborarea voluntară a marii
majorităţi a actorilor prezenţi, condiţie apreciată tot mai mult ca fiind indispensabilă pentru o dezvoltare

Tipul de turism defineşte fenomenul şi apare ca o sumă de însuşiri fundamentale ce se intercondiţionează

pe un anumit spaţiu, într-o perioadă de timp determinată. Tipurile se stabilesc pe baza unor criterii
(motivaţia individului, scop, destinaţie etc.), au caracter istoric, nu dispar prin substituire cu altele decât
în cazuri de excepţie şi pentru o perioadă determinată (Susan, 1980). În literatura de specialitate există
numeroase încercări de a defini şi clasifica turismul şi activităţile turistice, dar se poate afirma că tipurile
de turism reprezintă conţinutul, în timp ce formele de turism reflectă caracteristicile desfăşurării
turismului, structura mediului care le-a generat, adică structura societăţii omeneşti, modalităţile de
acoperire a motivaţiilor şi posibilităţile tehnico – economice de procesare a fenomenului turistic.
(Hunziker şi Krapf, 1941; Swizewski şi Oancea, 1976; Boniface şi Cooper, 1994 etc.)

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