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Compound Words : When two words are used together to yield a new meaning, a
compound is formed.
1. Open Compound
Have a space between the words but when they are read together a new
meaning is formed.
- Real estate
- Grand jury
- Post office
- Full moon
2. Close Compound
Formed when two unique words are joined together which they don’t have a
space between them
- Fireworks
- Basketball
- Sunflower
- Moonlight
- Earthquake
3. Hyphenated Compound
Words are connected by a hyphen.
- Well-known author
- Air-crew
- A one-way street
- Play-group
- Chat-room

Compound Verbs
- water-proof
- stir-fry
- baby-sit
Compound Ajective
- sugar-free
- custom-build
- good-looking
Compound Nouns
- swimmingpool
- hairstyle
- sunrise

B. Blends and acronyms

- cheeseburger = cheese + burger
- smog = smoke + fog
- motel = motor + hotel
- spork = spoon + fork

C. Phrasal Words
- deal with
- working out
- put off
- take off
- broke down

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