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Exercises – Ferdinand

1. Write t (true) or f (false)

( ) Ferdinand liked to fight in an arena.

( ) Ferdinand’s father didn’t die in a bullfight.
( ) Ferdinand liked flowers.
( ) Ferdinand was a violent bull.

2. Put the sentences in order according to the film

( ) Ferdinand and his friends had a great adventure trying to scape of “La casa del Touro”.
( ) Ferdinand returned to “La casa del Touro”
( ) Ferdinand´s father dead happened when he was just a calf.
( ) Ferdinand returned to the farm where he grown up with his friends.
( ) Ferdinand was stung by a bee and the people got scared of him
( ) Ferdinand find a peaceful farm
3. Complete the sentences

Ferdinand is an ______________________ (animation/horror) movie, about how people deal

with ______________________(others appearance/others religion). In this movie, Ferdinand was
just a___________________(cow/calf), when his ______________ (mother/father) dead in a
______________ (farm/bullfight). Ferdinand never liked to fight and before his father’s dead he
asked if it was really necessary to a bull fight as every bull of that place.
4. Using the sentences of number 2 complete the blanks.
After his father’s dead Ferdinando was too scared and decided to scape from “la casa del touro”
and _______________________________. In this farm he was very happy and leaved with a girl
and her father. They were very_____________(kind/bad). Every year they used to go to the flower’s
festival, but when Ferdinando turned a big bull, they decided to not took he with them. But
Ferdinando disobey them and went. In this festival, Ferdinando was
__________________________________. Because of this, Ferdinando
________________________________ and was obligated to fight in a bullfight. But, something
unexpected happened and the people who were seeing this asked to the bullfighter keep Ferdinando
Ferdinando _____________________________________ and there, they didn’t have to fight
anymore. He contradicted the expectancy of people around him and taught how to be a peaceful
bull for his friends.

Bull – Touro
Bullfight – Tourada
Get scared – Ficar com medo
Dead – morte
Peaceful – Pacífico

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