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( capitulo 7)

However = Sin embargo

Currently = Actualmente
Gelled oil = Aceite geleficado
Chemistry of commonly = conmumnete química
recent studies = Estudios recientes
Degree of pack = Grado de paquete
Cross link = Enlace cruzado
Acrylamide = Acrilaminada
Proppant-carrying = Portador que lleva
Carefull = cuidado
Foamed Espumado
Lower treating = tratamiento inferior
Crosslinked = Reticulado
Networks = Redes
Zirconium = Circonio
Thermally = térmicamente
Cooldonw = Enfriarse
Delayed = Retrasado
Slowly = Despacio
Screenout = Descarta
Breakers = Interruptores
Outstanding =Excepcional
Watershed = Cuenca
Pioneering = Pionero
Thoroughly = A fondo
Knowledge = Conocimientos
Phenomena = Fenómenos

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