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Recognition forum

Jhoan Steven Cabezas 1070600085

Norma Constanza Triana


Universidad Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

06 de septiembre de 2017
Bogotá D.C
Part 1: Send your profile’s screenshot; you need to upload your photo and send
the screenshot of the Preknowledge
Part 2 : Send the audio introducing yourself. You can use any tool or software to
record but it must be a MP3/4 file (SVRecorder is an option).

Part 3: Send the answers in the Recognition Forum (Collaborative Learning


1. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?

*There are two

Unit 1 - Expressing ideas and information effectively
Unit 2 - Using language creatively.

2. How can the “Course Presentation” help you?

*the presentation of the course helps us to have an idea of how the course
activities will be carried out
3. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and
mention them?
there are six:
Writing Assignment
Quiz 1 Unit 1
Speaking Assignment
Quiz 2 Unit 2
Task - General course review Quiz
Task - Oral and written production review Quiz
4. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students’
In this area you can find spaces of interaction with the university such as:
* academic news
* inscriptions
* programming of laboratories

5. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation.
*the main objective is to practice interactively our pronunciation and listening

Part 4: Make two (2) comments about your partners’ answers making
corrections if necessary.

Part 5. How can you improve your listening and speaking abilities using

My listening and speaking skills can be improved by using:

* Chat and social networks of English origin
* Interactive pages like

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