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Video games

A video game is a computer-controlled game in which a video display,

such as a monitor or television, is the primary feedback device. The
term "computer game" also includes games which display only text
(and which can, therefore, theoretically be played on a teletypewriter)
or which use other methods, such as sound or vibration, as their
primary feedback device, but there are very few new games in these
categories.[who?] There always must also be some sort of input device,
usually in the form of button/joystickcombinations (on arcade games),
a keyboard and mouse/trackball combination (computer games),
a controller (console games), or a combination of any of the above.
Also, more esoteric devices have been used for input, e.g., the
player's motion. Usually there are rules and goals, but in more open-
ended games the player may be free to do whatever they like within
the confines of the virtual universe.
In common usage, an "arcade game" refers to a game designed to be
played in an establishment in which patrons pay to play on a per-use
basis. A "computer game" or "PC game" refers to a game that is
played on a personal computer. A "Console game" refers to one that
is played on a device specifically designed for the use of such, while
interfacing with a standard television set. A "video game" (or
"videogame") has evolved into a catchall phrase that encompasses
the aforementioned along with any game made for any other device,
including, but not limited to, advanced calculators, mobile
phones, PDAs, etc.

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