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Q.1 When does Chinese New year start?

Ans: Chinese New year start between January 21st and February 20th.
Q.2 What do decoration on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans: Decoration on doors and windows symbolize luck and happiness.
Q.3 What do the little envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans: The little envelops filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity.
Q.4 What are some distinctions of the writer?
Ans: He is very wise, intelligent and hard working.
Q.5 How the writers spent his summer vacations?
Ans: He spent his summer vacations by doing several jobs.
Q.6 What he has gained from his summer jobs?
Ans: Independence, responsibility and maturity.
Q.7 Have you read any Novel by Charles Dickens?
Ans: No, I have not read.
Q.8 What kind of boy was Pip?
Ans: Pip was an Orphan.
Q.9 What Changed Pip’s life?
Ans: Good education and good habits changed Pip’s life.
Q.10 Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
Ans: His sister looked after Pip after the death of his parents.
Q.11 What are some famous careers for the young people in the past?
Ans: Some famous careers for the young people in the past are a Doctor, a Pilot , An Engineer.
Q.12 What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar (R.A)?
Ans: The case of their father murder.
Q.13 On what condition was criminal allowed to leave?
Ans: Criminal were allowed to leave on Hazrat Abu Zar Ghafari (R.A) surety.
Q.14 Why were Sahabas worried?
Ans: Sahabas were worried about the fate of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghafari(R.A).
Q.15 Why did accusers forgive the villagers?
Ans: They forgave him for his honesty and faith fullness.
Q.16 Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
Ans: Developing countries are most affected by incessant growth in population.
Q.17 What is the major cause of food shortage and malnutrition?
Ans: A Major cause of food shortage and malnutrition is over population.
Q.18 What was Hazrat Umar(R.A) doing sitting in the mosque of Holy Prophet PBUH?
Ans: Hazrat Umar (R.A) was busy in the affairs of the state.
Q.19 Who was nominated as surety?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Zar Ghafari (R.A) was nominated as surety.
Q.20 What do the poor and rich leaves stand for?
Ans: Rich leaves means rich people and poor leaves means poor people.
Q.21 What does the word “Proclaimed” means?
Ans: The word proclaimed means announced.
Q.22 What happened to the prisoners?
Ans: He was arrested by police.
Q.23 With what the wind is compared?
Ans: The wind is compared with monster.
Q.24 What does the sun symbolize for? [The Rain]
Ans: The sun symbolize for prosperity of country.
Q.25 Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?
Ans: Pip gives food and drink to the prisoner because he was hungry and thirsty.
Q.26 What does the poet hear in? [The Rain]
Ans: The poet hears the rain drops.
Q.27 Why is failure not a disgrace?
Ans: Because the failure brings in the future.
Q.28 What is wind doing to all man’s work?
Ans: It is raking the all man’s work.
Q.29 What does Islam teach us?
Ans: Islam teach us to lead a simple life.
Q.30 How did Pip become a successful businessman?
Ans: Pip becomes a successful businessman due to hard work.
Q.31 What did the Rasool SAW give to Hazrat Ali (R.A)?
Ans: The Rasool SAW advised Hazrat Ali (R.A) to hear both parties before making any decision.
Q.32 How did the Rasool SAW set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans: The Rasool SAW set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his practical example.
Q.33 What standard of justice did the Rasool SAW practice as head of state of madina?
Ans: The Rasool SAW decided all cases on merit with justice and equality.
Q.34 How does the Quran describe the personality of the Rasool SAW?
Ans: Indeed the messenger of Allah you have a good example for anyone who hopes in God and the final day.
Q.35 Why does Chinese dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
Ans: Word eight means prosperity and nine means long lasting.
Q.36 How does the scene look like when wind is still?
Ans: The scene look like peaceful and pleasant when wind is still.
Q.37 How many times should we try and why?
Ans: Try try again till we succeed.
Q.38 What should we do if we find our task hard?
Ans: We should not give up struggle.
Q.39 What kind of person is Auther?
Ans: He is hard working and intelligent.
Q.40 Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Ans: It is necessary to keep away soap from the wound because soap can irritate the wound.
Q.41 When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans: If the wound is not healing and increases pain, we need to see a doctor.
Q.42 What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans: The rain water trickling down drop by drop.
Q.43 What will happen after rain stops?
Ans: after the rain stops the sun will come out.
Q.44 What is one good thing about newspaper?
Ans: we can read newspaper anywhere and anytime.
Q.45 Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Ans: I prefer newspaper. Because I can read newspaper anywhere and anytime.
Q.46 What is the important of knowledge of first Aid?
Ans: It is timely help to save the people who get seriously injured.
Q.47 Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese new year?
Ans: Black colour is not allowed as associated with death and red colour is allowed because red is associated with
warding off bad spirits.
Q.48 Explain the phrase “Profitable livelihood”?
Ans: A profession that gives a lot of wealth.
Q.49 What is meant by “Right Profession”?
Ans: A profession that gives a money, respect and mental satisfaction.
Q.50 Which career do you want to opt for/ give reason?
Ans: I wish to be a doctor because a doctor is a very noble member of society.
Q.51 Which book has inspired you the most? Why?
Ans: Holy Quran. Because it is a complete code of life.
Q.52 Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?
Ans: Joe was the husband of Pip’s sister. He treated Pip very kindly.
Q.53 What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Ans: All his money belonged to the England Govt. after his death.
Q.54 What does the word “depleted” means?
Ans: To reduce in number.
Q.55 What other word you can use to replace, Optimum?
Ans: Best possible.
Q.56 why did the old man hurl a stone at the amcel?
Ans: Because it was eating the leaves of his tree.
Q.57 Why did the villager ask Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) to delay the execution?
Ans: He wanted to hand over the gold of his little brother to trustee.

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