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NOMBRE: Huamani Arias Jose Armando

El texto que continúa de lo anterior

Radio receiver and a voice spoke over the air waves: "Radley reporting.
Investigation proceeding as planned. Latest episode is stolen float plane.
Owned by guest . . ." Suddenly the voice faded.
"The signal's being jammed!" Mr. Hardy exclaimed, grasping the tuning knob and
trying to clear the jumble of static. "Someone else must be using our wave
As suddenly as it had started, the crackling disappeared. Then a strange, deep
voice said:
"Stay away, Hardy!"
"That's not Sam!" Joe exclaimed, and the others stared in astonishment.
"S-s-sh!" Frank leaped up and bent over the set.
The new voice continued: "Hardy, stay away! You'll never get out of the
Northwest Territories alive!"
The intruder became silent. There was only shrill static.
"For Pete's sake! I wonder who that was?" muttered Chet.
Mr. Hardy again adjusted the controls. The static cleared, and the familiar
voice came on: "Radley signing off-"
"Wait!" Mr. Hardy commanded. "Couldn't catch the last part of your message.
"Can you hear me now?"
Radley went on, "Yesterday a float plane was stolen from in front of a lodge
near Yellowknife. Single engine, color brown. I will advise progress. Over and
"Another theft and a threat," Mr. Hardy said in a grim tone, as he leaned
forward and snapped off the powerful short-wave set.
"What will you do?" Frank asked his father.
As he waited for an answer, the group was startled by a sudden loud crash

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