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Some tips about Qualifiers (JFr, Oct.

26, 2011)

Qualifiers can be used with Price Lists and Modifiers (at header and line level).

This document shows some useful tips about qualifiers.

1-Manage AND/OR conditions:

Tip1: except for -1, the grouping number hasn’t any meaning.
Tip2: two same grouping numbers mean a AND condition
Tip3: two different grouping numbers mean an OR condition.


In this case the qualifier is:
Customer = A.C.Network OR (Order Amount > 10000 AND Order Type = Web)

2-Grouping Number=-1:

Tip4: Grouping number=-1 means this condition is mandatory.


In this case the qualifier is:

(Customer = A.C.Network AND Order Amount > 10000 ) OR
(Customer = A.C.Network AND Order Type = Web)

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3- Retain Grouping Numbers:

If some conditions are recurrent, it is possible to store them in

Qualifier Groups and apply them on Price Lists or Modifiers.
If you want to apply several Qualifier Groups on a same Price List or Modifier
you will be faced with the Retain Grouping Numbers option.

Two Qualifier Groups were created with the same grouping number.


Tip5: If the option Retain Grouping Number is chosen, that means that when
the Qualifier Groups are applied, their grouping numbers don’t change.
That can lead to issue, because if there are same grouping numbers in several
Qualifier Groups, that will provoke a clause AND.

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This Qualifier will never work as
the condition is impossible.

Tip6: If the option Retain Grouping Number is not chosen, that means that if
there are same Grouping Numbers across the Qualifier Groups then the
Grouping Numbers will be changed to still unique.


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4- Modifier: Qualifier at the header and line level

If there are qualifiers at the header and at the line level. Both conditions at
the header and at the line level need to be verified.

Qualifier at the header level

Qualifier at the line level

Create a Sales Order

A discount is applied

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To verify do Action > View Adjustments

Our discount is applied

Comes from the header

Comes from the line

The two qualifiers at the header and the line level are merged.

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