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Pauls ´dreams

Paul is in prison. Read about his life in prison, then complete the
sentences about his dreams.

Reality Dream

He is in prison. If he weren´t in prison…….

1. He gets up at 5.00 1. He would get up at
7:30 am

2. He works in a factory 2. He would work in an

3. He wears a prison uniform. 3. he would wear a suit
4. He has cold toast for breakfast 4. he would has bread, butter
and chocolate for breakfast

5. He exercises in a yard 5. he would play tennis

6. He watches T.V every evening. 6. he would dance in the
disco every evening
7. He goes to bed at 9 o´clock 7. he would go to bed at

Take it from
Headway pre- inter
Second Conditional

Take it from
Headway pre- inter

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