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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2012; 16: 1525-1529

Bladder function after spinal anesthesia for

cesarean section: an urodynamic evaluation

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care; 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

and 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Institute of Hygiene, School of Medicine,
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – BACKGROUND: This study eval- ing the last decade1,2. In current practice, CS is
uates the effects of spinal anesthesia with hyper- performed using regional anesthesia rather than
baric bupivacaine plus sufentanil on bladder func- general anesthesia because of reduced maternal
tion in women undergoing cesarean section.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty caucasian mortality3.
healthy pregnants scheduled for elective Cesarean In patients undergoing CS, regional anesthesia
section under spinal anesthesia performed with is often associated with the onset of postopera-
hyperbaric bupivacaine plus sufentanil were en- tive urinary retention (PUR), with an estimated
rolled. Filling cystometry, proprioceptive bladder prevalence ranging from 3.5% and 24.1%4-6. To
sensation during cystometry, rate of spontaneous prevent urinary retention and bladder overdisten-
voiding, post void residual volume, anocutaneous
and bulbocavernosus reflex were analyzed at 4, 6 tion, empirical urinary catheterization during CS
and 8 hours after spinal anesthesia. is commonly performed and recommended7. Un-
RESULTS: The proportion of women experienc- fortunately, bladder catetherization could result
ing first sensation, first desire and strong desire in urinary tract contamination8,9, which accounts
at 4 hours was significantly different from that for more than 80% of nosocomial urinary tract
reported at 6 and 8 hours (p < 0.05 for first sen-
sation and p < 0.01 for first and strong desire).
infection10 and results in postoperative pain11.
Significant differences were also observed be- The effect of spinal anesthesia on the lower
tween volumes at which first sensation arose at urinary tract has been already described in
first measurement (4 hours) and at second and healthy male volunteers12,13, in patients undergo-
third measurements (p < 0.01). There was a sig- ing general surgery14 and in male patients under-
nificant difference in rate of spontaneous mic- going elective lower limb orthopaedic surgery15.
turition, with 80% of patients at 8 hours able to
spontaneously void versus 40% at 6 hours, (p < However, evidence on the time to recovery and
0.01). Moreover, a lower percentage of women on the effects of intrathecal anesthesia on urinary
had absent and/or light reflexes at 4 hour than at function in obstetrical setting is still scant.
6 and 8 hours (p < 0.01). Therefore, this study was performed to evalu-
CONCLUSIONS: Spinal anesthesia with bupi- ate the effect of spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric
vacaine plus sufentanil causes a clinically signif- bupivacaine plus sufentanil on bladder function
icant disturbance on bladder function in women
undergoing cesarean section. Even thought re- in women undergoing cesarean section.
covery of proprioceptive bladder sensation is
fast, a full recovery of spontaneous voiding re-
quires a much longer time. A close monitoring of Subjects and Methods
urinary function and of bladder distension is,
therefore, advisable.
After obtaining approval from the Ethical
Key Words: Committee of Catholic University of the Sacred
Spinal anesthesia, Cesarean section, Bladder function. Heart, Rome, Italy, and a written informed con-
sent, 30 caucasian American Society of Anesthe-
siologists (ASA) Physical Status I patients with
singleton term pregnancy scheduled for elective
Introduction CS under spinal anesthesia were enrolled. Exclu-
sion criteria were emergency CS, history of re-
The rate of Cesarean Section (CS) has con- nal, lower urinary tract, spinal or neurological
stantly increased in all developed countries dur- disorders, coagulation disorders, autoimmune

Corresponding Author: Bruno A. Zanfini, MD; e-mail:; 1525

B.A. Zanfini, G. Paradisi, R. Savone, S. Catarci, L. Quagliozzi, C. De Waure, A. Caruso, G. Draisci

diseases, diabetes mellitus, obstetric pathologies aware of bladder filling); “first desire to void”
and twin pregnancies. An ultrasound assessment (first time in which the patient desires to pass
of post-voiding residual volume was performed urine at the next convenient moment); “strong
in all women at thirty-four weeks during the visit desire to void” (persistent desire to void without
for the planning of the CS and repeated before the fear of leakage). The proportion of patient re-
the anesthetic procedure. Only those with a nega- ferring each event was calculated, as well as the
tive result were enrolled. The following clinical corresponding filling volume. We evaluated also
protocol was used: the maximum cystometric capacity (volume at
which the patient felt not able to delay micturi-
1. Evaluation of sensory segmental anesthesia tion anymore). If the maximum cystometric ca-
and lower extremity motor blockade every 30 pacity was reached, we interrupted the infusion,
minutes, following spinal injection; removed the catheters and asked the patient to
2. Assessment of filling cystometry and evoca- void. The Foley catheter was removed 8 hours af-
tion of perineal reflexes at 4, 6, and 8 hours af- ter surgery in women able to urinate, it has been
ter spinal anesthesia; left longer in women who had not yet regained
3. Evaluation of capability and efficiency of the ability to urinate.
spontaneous voiding of urine at the end of After voiding, residual volume (RV) was mea-
each cystometric measurement. After sponta- sured with ultrasound and RV > 50 mL13 was
neous voiding an ultrasound evaluation of RV considered clinically significant.
was performed.
Perineal Reflexes
Spinal Anesthesia To evaluate the effect of spinal anesthesia on
Before regional anesthesia, Ringer lactate so- sacral parasympathetic reflex arch, which con-
lution 15 ml/kg was administered. Spinal anes- trols the activity of the detrursor muscle, we per-
thesia was performed at L3-L4 interspace with a formed two neurophysiological tests after 4-6-8
Whitacre 25 gauge needle using hyperbaric bupi- h from spinal anesthesia: the anocutaneous re-
vacaine 0.5% (9 mg) plus sufentanil 5 mcg. The flex, in which we stimulated the contraction of
surgical intervention started when sensory block the anal sphincter by touching the perineal skin,
reached T4 level. Non-invasive blood pressure and the bulbocavernosus reflex, in which we
(NIBP), heart rate monitoring (ECG) and oxygen stimulated the contraction of bulbocavernosus
saturation (SpO2) were recorded every 3 minutes muscles and anal sphincter by squeezing the cli-
during the surgical procedure. Postoperative toris. All the evaluations were performed by the
analgesia was managed with intravenous parac- same operator, to eliminate the risk of inter-ob-
etamol 1 g (repeated up to 4 g at six-hourly inter- server variations.
vals), intravenous ketorolac 30 mg, morphine 0,1
mg·kg-1 at the end of surgery and i.v. morphine Statistical Analysis
(patient controlled analgesia (1 mg bolus on de- Results were analyzed by descriptive statis-
mand, 8-min lock-out, maximal dose 30 mg/4h). tics and are presented as median (minimum;
Intra and postoperative occurrence of maternal maximum). The analysis of differences between
side effects (nausea, vomiting and pruritus) were repeated measurements at 4, 6 and 8 hours was
also recorded. performed applying the General Linear Model
for Repeated Measures. The Cochran test (an
Filling Cystometry extension of McNemar test for repeated mea-
Cystometry measures the pressure-volume re- sures) was applied to evaluate the differences in
lationship of the bladder during filling and pro- dichotomous variables at different timepoints. A
vides information about detrursor activity, urge post-hoc analysis was carried out to evaluate
sensation, bladder capacity and compliance. Wa- pairwise differences with Bonferroni correction.
ter cystometry was performed using an open 10 Anocutaneous and bulbocavernosus reflexes
Ch double-lumen transurethral catheter inserted were redefined in order to compare absent or
in the bladder. The bladder was filled with saline light reflexes to middle and strong ones. The
solution at body temperature at a filling rate of statistical significance level was set at p = 0.05.
50 ml/min. We instructed the patient to report the The analysis was performed using SPSS soft-
following events: “first sensation of bladder fill- ware for Windows version 12.0 (SPSS Inc.,
ing” (first time in which the patient becomes Chicago, IL, USA).

Bladder function after spinal anesthesia for cesarean section: an urodynamic evaluation

Table I. Proportion of patients (n=30) who experienced first sensation, first desire or strong desire to void at different time-
points from the administration of spinal anesthesia.

Event 4 hours, number (%) 6 hours, number (%) 8 hours, number (%) p value*

First sensation 22 (73.3%) 30 (100%) 30 (100%) < 0.01

First desire 16 (53.3%) 30 (100%) 30 (100%) < 0.01
Strong desire 8 (26.7%) 26 (86.7%) 28 (93.3%) < 0.01

*Among all time points.

Results were reported in the maximum capacity between

the first and the second/third measurements (p <
The median age of patients enrolled was 32 0.01). At 8 hours, still 20% of patients were not
years (26; 45); their median weight at deliver was able to urinate; this value was even higher at the
74 kg (63; 105); the median gestational week previous timepoints (53.3% at 4 hours and 60%
was 39 (37; 42). Fetal size was not significantly at 6 hours, p < 0.01), with the difference between
different between patients. Evaluation of RV was timepoints being statistically significant (Table
negative in all subjects. Hemodynamic parame- III). Significant differences were observed also in
ters (ECG, NIBP, SpO2) were always within nor- the anocutaneous and bulbocavernosus reflexes,
mality range. Spinal anesthesia permitted a com- with a lower percentage of women with absent
fortable surgical procedure in all patients. No ad- and/or light reflexes at 4 hour in comparison to 6
verse effects were recorded. and 8 hours (p < 0.01) (Table III). After voiding,
Table I shows the proportions of patients who evaluation of RV was negative in all subjects.
experienced first sensation, first desire and strong
desire to void at 4, 6 and 8 hours after spinal
anesthesia, whereas the corresponding filling vol- Discussion
umes in women who experienced these events
are reported in Table II. Overall, significant dif- Our findings suggest that spinal anesthesia
ferences were observed in the proportion of with bupivacaine plus sufentanil causes a clini-
women experiencing first sensation, first desire cally significant disturbance of bladder function
and strong desire between at different timepoints; in women undergoing cesarean section. Even
in particular the proportion of women experienc- thought recovery of first sensation, first desire
ing first sensation, first desire and strong desire and strong desire to void are present yet at 4 at 6
at 4 hours was significantly different from that hours, respectively only 46.7% and 40% of pa-
observed at 6 and 8 hours (p < 0.05 for first sen- tients are able to void at this time. Conversely, re-
sation and p < 0.01 for first and strong desire). covery of sensations and ability to micturition are
Differences were also observed between volumes almost restored at 8 hours, when 80% of patients
at which first sensation arose at first measure- were able to void and the effects of spinal anes-
ment (4h) and that reported at second and third thesia on sacral reflexes are almost reverted, with
measurements (p < 0.05). Further differences the wide majority of patients showing a

Table II. Filling volumes in women who experienced first sensation, first desire or strong desire to void at different timepoints
from the administration of spinal anesthesia.

4 hours 6 hours 8 hours

Number Median filling Number Median filling Number Median filling

of volume, ml of volume, ml of volume, ml
Parameter patients (min; max) patients (min; max) patients (min; max) p value*

First sensation 22 311 (77; 500) 30 228 (60; 367) 30 207 (54; 328) 0.01
First desire 16 317 (141; 500) 30 299.5 (109; 485) 30 282(180; 361) 0.17
Strong desire 8 370.5 (342; 390) 26 386.5 (225; 488) 28 383 (363; 396) 0.12
Maximum capacity 30 500 (400; 500) 30 400 (225; 500) 30 400 (400; 400) < 0.01

*Among all time points.

B.A. Zanfini, G. Paradisi, R. Savone, S. Catarci, L. Quagliozzi, C. De Waure, A. Caruso, G. Draisci

Table III. Proportion of patients (n=30) who experienced first sensation, first desire or strong desire to void at different time-
points from the administration of spinal anesthesia.

Parameter 4 hours, number (%) 6 hours, number (%) 8 hours, number (%) p value*

Micturition 14 (46.7%) 12 (40%) 24 (80%) < 0.01

Anocutaneous reflex
Middle/Strong 16 (53.3%) 30 (100%) 30 (100%) < 0.01
Absent/Light 14 (46.7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Bulbocavernosus reflex
Middle/Strong 10 (30.3%) 25 (83.3%) 28 (93.3%) < 0.01

*Among all time points.

middle/strong bulbocavernosus reflex. On this ml) only at the same timepoint, with values that did
basis, urinary catheterization seems to be indicat- not exceed 400 ml. In contrast, at 4 hours the blad-
ed at least for 8 hours, when urinary function is der function was still impaired, as indicated by in-
almost restored. ability to spontaneously void, by the reduced pro-
Disturbances of bladder function in pregnants prioceptive sensation, by the supraphysiological
submitted to cesarean section can be associated maximum cystometric capacity and by the lack of
with obstetric, surgical and anesthesiological fac- strong response in the anocutaneous and bulbocav-
tors. Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal ernosus reflex reported in majority of patients. In-
changes that reduce the smooth muscle tone of terestingly, 6 hours after anesthesia the propriocep-
bladder that tends to be hypotonic after delivery, tive sensation of the bladder was almost restored,
with an increased risk of urinary retention14. Surgi- but only 40% of women were able to void, with the
cal section also can increase urinary retention caus- risk of acute postoperative distension, as previously
ing bruising and edema of the bladder at the reported by Axelsson26 and Kamphuis et al12.
uterovescical area15,16, postoperative immobility There are some limitations of the methodology
and wound pain17. Finally, the anesthesiological in this study. The woman’s previous bladder sen-
technique can affect lower urinary tract. Distur- sitivity and voiding function were not know, they
bances of micturition have a prevalence ranging could not be assessed because women were re-
between 3% and 42%, and are related to subarach- cruited in the third trimester. None of the women
noid injection of local anesthetics and/or opioids18- had history of lower urinary tract disorders and
. Intrathecal local anesthetics cause an interrup- we assumed that there were no underlying pre-
tion of the micturition reflex by blocking both af- existing factors that would have affected the
ferent nerves (producing bladder analgesia) and ef- bladder function after delivery. Additionally, we
ferent fibers (causing a detrusor blockade)12. In- couldn’t perform pressure-flow study. To perform
trathecal opioids may present an additive or syner- pressure-flow study is needed orthostatic position
gistic effect with local anesthetic. Binding of opi- but patients undergoing spinal anesthesia should
oids with m and d receptors in spinal cord causes keep the lithotomy position for 12 hours. Howev-
the inhibition of sacral parasympathetic outflow er, being RV negative both before and after the
decreasing detrusor tone, attenuating perception of anesthetic procedure, it could be excluded the
bladder sensation and permitting passive filling23,24. presence of obstructive problems.
Mechanism of action of opioids is mainly spinal- Even thought we evaluated a small group of
mediated: urinary retention is less common when pregnants, our urodynamic evaluations may have
an equivalent dose of opioid is administered intra- an immediate clinical implication. According to
ventricularly, intravenously or intramuscularly, Kamphuis et al10, after spinal anesthesia the blad-
with respect to spinal administration24,25. der contractility returns much later than the re-
In our study, the analysis of cystometric parame- covery of sensory function: patients may, there-
ters and neurophysiological tests indicated that fore, experience urge, but they may still not able
women were able to void spontaneously and to feel to void, with the risk of bladder distension. A
perineal reflexes with high intensity only after 8-h close monitoring of bladder filling in women
from spinal anesthesia when 80% of subjects had a who underwent to spinal anesthesia for cesarean
normal micturition. Equally, the maximum cysto- section seems required to reduce the risk of acute
metric capacities were within normal ranges (< 400 urinary retention.

Bladder function after spinal anesthesia for cesarean section: an urodynamic evaluation

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