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How often do you go to the movies? a Pronunciation: Word stress A ©7: Complete the movie purtle. What's the extra genre? Listen to part ofa survey to check B O72 Listen tothe complete survey. What ae the man's three favorit genres? C Quickly find three more genres in the third and fourth paragraphs in the ‘magazine, Then look at all the genres and underline the correct rule in the @ box D in your experience, which three movie genres are most popular with..? men women teenagers | think dé mest a4 men enjoy action moves a Vocabulary: Movies A ©75 Read and listen to the article on p. 72 and choose the best title. In pairs, share what you remember. Ci Three words that only bad movies have in theirtitles, [[} The best and worst movies I've ever seen, B Statements 1.5 are true. Re-read the blog and underline the evidence. The writer: 1 loves movies 4 thinks Planet fart: The Future @ good tite 2 admits bad movie can make a lot of money 5 likes Pixar's Monster, rc 4 mentions a movie where an actor payed a teacher. CC Match the bold items from the text on p. 72, ta phatas 1-6. In pairs, use the phatos to talk about the movies The never seen The Arist, bu ve heard Yup, he’s popular it's about silent movi actor and fis dog! _str with a funny dog. Cee eee) serait a rey coe) D O74 complete the article with the underlined words from the text on p. 72 (Ine Well, e's see. First ofall, the. If the story behind the movie isnot good enough, then nothing can make ithetter. Second, the ___ since he or she is the most important person inthe story. Third, the characters must be ___the right actors. For example, a comedy ‘Mery streep isa much beter idea than a ‘movi with Jennifer Aniston, {imean, whos afraid of Jenifer Aniston? Watching movies and TV with subtitles Isa great way to lear, ‘Tura on the Engish subtitles to help you make sound peling connections. Eg, you heer should,” you read “should have.” 2 Tur off the subtitles to improve you stening sk LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! ~ 0 a What? Obsessive? Me? Do you recognize the man in the photo? His name's Chris Crocker and, a few years ago, he recorded a short video of himself crying and asking the paparaza the media and the general public to stop attacking Briney Spears, Crocker's Leave Britney Alone” video became an instant YouTube hit, vith over two milion views in the first ovo hours Chris Crocker doesnt just like Britney Spears. He lies and breathes Gritney Spears. He's what we call an ‘obsessive fan. But are all fans the same? For example, I have all seven seasons of House on DVD, bur does that really mean Vin a fanatic? Well, | don’t eat on Dr. House plates or have Dr. House posters in my room. In fact, Trdor’t have thing apart from the DVDs so, no, | on’ think | qualify as an obsessive fan, We're all fans of thing or someone-my sister has 2 Rihanna-stye haircut ight now. Thats fine, realy. But some of us go a lie crazy with our devaion, like Chris Crocker, and that ‘ean bea problem. So, hee are five ypes of obsessive fans “Type A:Fans who want to use ther idl’ names, Wel, noe ony ue, but egal adopt them “Type B Fanaho want odes lke theridals Sometimes, veh right thing, makeup and accessors, you'd be amazed at there Type Ce Fans who spend los and fis oF money to wal round the lobe just 0 seth io “Type Ds Fans with huge collection of absolutely thing hchas a comecion wich iridol: movie posters, CDs, cancer ils, peranal objets ‘Type Es_—_thing can stop these people. Theyare amt Ir fact they ae 30 crazy that some of he ching hey do are legal ike ineading the ole’ hous or stealing

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