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Kai Smith

Dr. Pheonix-Neal

MUED 308

Due: January 23, 2017

Class Teaching #1 Lesson Plan


• Students will rehearse “Baa Baa Black Sheep”

• Students will learn to play their with a relaxed posture

• Students will learn to play with dynamics

• Students will learn to play with bow lifts


• To begin the class, the teacher will have everyone stand up to do some basic stretches.
• Once the class has finished stretching, the teacher will ask them to sit back down again bring their instruments
back up to playing position.

• The teacher will then teach the students how to play with a more relaxed posture by asking the students to
tense different muscle groupings (shoulder/arms/hands) then release the tension.

• After the students have felt what playing without tension feels like, the teacher will teach the class how to do
bow lifts. The teacher can take some time to ensure that the students are building good habits of bow lifting.

• The teacher would then run through the entire piece with the students. The teacher will also be helping the
students by showing the students when to bow lift by giving them an example in front of the class.

• After the first run through, the teacher would then ask the students to play measures 5-8 at mp to introduce
dynamic contrast. The teacher would explain the importance of full bow even at the softer dynamics.

• At the end of the class, the teacher will give a final run down of “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.

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