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OUT OF EDEN Adam and Eve and the Problem of Evil Paul W. Kahn Princeton and Oxford SAGUIG) FE Bd Mod KH 200 ony 2007 y Pint ns Pre "bled by Macon Umer Pet 41 Wi Sees con, Nowy ORD ‘ete in Kip Peston Urry Py, ‘Orr Ses Wodrach,Guoie 0320 FA "Aig Reared Second peng nd a pac ring 2010, Porc SN 9780 EO ‘The Lay of Gaga celal dh da of hi ok lon ‘a of en Ada an eae te ee Paul, Kaho, 313 978061997 aoe pape) Said doer ae Boke ae es ary Calin abn Dai rte "Tt compa ihn and oper day ime te ad Set of Ace CONTENTS Acknowledgments Introduction: ‘The Study of Ev 1 4. AProiminary Meditation on Oedipos and Adam 16 2. Bland the Image ofthe Sacred $3 3. Loveand Bil 106 4. Polical Evil: Slavery and the Shame of Nature 143 5. Political Pvile Killing, Sacrifice, andthe Image of God 174 Conclusion: “Tragedy, Comedy, and the Banaliy of Evil 211 Index 223 sree nen ACKNOWLEDGMENTS is dficulto thank people fo teaching me about evil In this book, however, argue that el and lave are hound to each other, and that we find evil where we find love. To lara about evil, have studied the pathology of love. I hope that cis has not made me bad company to family and friends. Iam foreunate in knowing that no amount of intet- ‘sin evil could threaten the love that sustains my woeld. For that, T am most graefl ‘Of couse, [have als had help with theory and text: My ist ideas about evil were formed ina seminar I taught a the Yale Law School in 2000, To the diverse group of students in that las, owe a special debe, Inthe summer of 2005, the enie manuscript was critiqued by 4 powerful group of young scholars in an iaterdisciplinary seminar ‘on la, politics, and theology sponsored by the National Humanities ‘Center and he Berlin Wissenschaiskolle, These wo seminars repee= sented the beginning and end of the process of writing this book, and Towe mich to all who were involved. Several finds and colleagues ‘reviewed che entre manuscript, providing many valuable suggestions {In pariculay I chank David Luban, Bruce Ackerman, Benjamin Berge, ‘Teo Taussig, Max Kobo, and Ulrich Halen, Adam Romero helped to get the manuscript in ial shape. As with each of my books, Bar- haca Mianzo kept the whole process moving smoothly. Finally, I ac- knowledge the institutional support of che Yale Law Sebool, which thas made it possible for me to pursue my ideas wherever they may lead me

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