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Installation instructions:

1. Run "setup.exe"
2. Select "Use a File Installation Key" and "Next"
3. Accept the terms
4. Select "I have the File Installation Key for my license:"
5. Use this File Installation Key:


6. Choose the installation folder and "Next"

7. Select the products you want to install
8. Click "Install"
9. After the installation finished, click "Next" and them "Finish"

After the installation:

10. Copy the dll file (-crack-\libmwlmgrimpl.dll) to

11. Copy the lic file (-crack-\license_R2017a.lic) to \MATLAB\R2017a\licenses\

Ps. 1: Overwrite the existing files in the steps 10 and 11

Ps. 2: Run the program from \MATLAB\R2017a\bin\matlab.exe

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