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oe 1 Grammar reference El present simple 1/You like He/She / It likes We / You / They like ‘+ usamos el present simple para hablar de habitos y rutinas Thave dinner ai 7pm every night. Yo ceno a las siete todas las noches, ere) nes 1/You do not watch don't watch | He/She/itdoes not watch | doesn’t watch We / You/ They do not watch | don’t watch + para formar la negativa usamos don’t o doesn’t delante del verbo T don't watch films No veo peliculas. He doesn't watch films. Etno ve peliculas. interrogativa y respuestas breves Do 1/ you go to the cinema? Yes, I/you do. No, 1/ you don't. Does he / she /it go to the cinema? Yes;he/she/itdoes. No, he/she / it doesn't. Do we / you / they go to the cinema? Yes, we/you/they do. No, we /you/ they don't. + en las preguntas ponemas do o does delante del sujeto + on las respuestas breves no repetimos el verbo Do they watek films? ;Nen peliculas? Yes, they do. | No, they don’t. Si./ No. there is | there are + usamos there is con nombres contables en singular y con nombres no contables There's a cinema near my house. ‘Hay un cine cerca de mi casa. There's food in the shop. Hay comida en la tienda. + usamos there are con nombres contables en plural There are three new films at the cinema. Hay tres peliculas nuevas en el cine. Las particulas interrogativas My name's Michael. rm from London, | esin May. Fine, thanks. Tnever buy them. She's my cousin. It’s my birthday. ‘What's your name? ‘Where are you from? ‘When's your birthday? How are you? How often do you buy DVDs? Who's Lucy? Why are you happy? ‘+ usamos what para preguntar por cosas y acciones, where por un lugar y when por un tier»po; how es para preguntar por el modo o manera y how often por la frecuencia de une accién; who se refiere a una persona y why, a la razén 0 el motivo de algo. Los adverbios de frecuen ee son palabras que indican la frecuencia con que hacemos algo They hardly ever go to the cinema. Ellos no van al cine casi nunca. + suelen ir delante de! verbo principal, tanto en oraciones afirmativas como negativas She always watches the news, but she doesn't usually watch soap operas. Ella siempre ve las noticias, pero generalmente no ve telenovelas. + siel verbo de la frase es to be, van detrés de él Tim never late Nunca lego tarde. + las expresiones de frecuencia se colocan al final de la oracion Iwatch TV every day Yeo la televisidn todos los dias. * para preguntar por la frecuencia de algo usamos How often ...2 How often does she watch TV? {Con qué frecuencia ve la televisién? Grammar exercises Present simple Question words 11 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verb in brackets. 1__eat___ popcorn at the cinema. (eat) 1 My dad a film every day. (watch) 2 1____ magazines about film stars. (not buy) 3 All my classmates ____ horror fils. (like) 4 He ‘to the cinema once a month. (not 90) 5 My brother university, (study) Write questions using the present simple. Then write short answers. you flike / war films 2.x Do you like war fulms? No, I dow't. 1 your sister / eat /ice cream 27 4 Complete the questions with the question words. — buys it every morning, does your dad buy a newspaper? He 2 _____ do you sit at the front of the classroom? Because | can't see at the back 3 ______do you do your homework? I do it ‘when I get home from school. 4 _____do you go to school with? | go with my best friend. Adverbs of frequency 5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. ‘We use a computer in class. (often) fe oftes computer in class, 1 They watch the news in the evening. (always) 2 your friends /like / comedies ? ¥ 3 your uncle / go/to school ? x 4 you/ buy / ever / DVDs 27 5 your classmates / watch / a lot of films 7x there is | there are 3 Circle the correct words. There are a film club at my school 1 There is /There are 10 boys and 10 girls in my class 2 There is / There are a great park near my house. 3 There is / There are water on the floor. Be carefull 4 There is / There are rats in my school. 5 There is /There are more milk on the table 2 My sports teacher is tired. (never) 3 They play football on Saturday. (usually) 4 Ido my hamework before dinner. (every night) 6 Order the words to make sentences. watch / documentaries / once a week /I Luwatch documentaries once a week, __ 1 plays /tennis f every day / My brother 2 pasta /1/twice a week / eat 3 once a month / to the cinema / My parents / go. 4 hardly ever / magazines / My teacher / reads be Grammar reference El present continuous uae igure Tam fing rm shing He/she its fing | 5 faking [We ou They re fing |e fhing | * usamos el present continuous para expresar lo que esté ocurriendo mientras hablamos He's chopping wood. Esta cortando leita * se forma asf: sujeto + el presente del verbo to be + tun verbo terminado en -ing I'm building a fire Estoy haciendo (un) fuego. negativa oieoniees Jam not cot You are not cookin He/She / Its not cooking ‘'mnot cooking aren't cooking isn’t cooking We / You / They are not cooking * para formar la negativa usamos not He isn't climbing trees. No se esti subiendo a los arboles. Yes, | am, No, I'm not, Are you building? Yes, you are, No, you're not. Is he /she fit building? Yes, he/she /it is. ‘Are we / you / they building? ‘Yes, we /you/they are No, we / you / they aren't. No, he /she /it isn’t * en las preguntas ponemos is o are delante del sujeto Ave you building a fire? {Estas haciendo fuego? * en las respuestas breves no repetimos el verbo terminado en -ing Are you fishing? Yes, Lam. {Estis pescando? Si, Festun fishing: X El present simple y el continuous *+ el present simple lo usamos para hablar de habitos, rutinas 0 situaciones permanentes * con él emplearnos normalmente adverbios de frecuencia y expresiones temporales tales como always, every day, once a week, ete We have lunch in the village café every Saturday. Todos los sébados comemos en el restaurante det pueblo, * el present continuous lo usamos para decir lo que est sucediendo en el momento de hablar o para expresar situaciones temporales *+ con él empleamos normalmente adverbios y ‘expresiones temporales como now, at the moment, etc, I'm hiking in the country at the momen. Ahora estoy haciendo una excursién por el eampo, El present continuous con valor de futuro + tambien utilizamos el present continuous para ‘expresar planes personales que hemos fijado de antemano (en castellano usamos el presente de indicativo) * en estos casos incluimos en la frase una expresién temporal de futuro, como at the weekend, on Saturday, tomorrow, etc. What are you doing at the weekend? {Qué haces el fin de semana? I'm camping in the forest on Saturday. El sabado me voy de acampada al bosque.

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